View Full Version : My Lump, My Lump, My Lovely Lady Lump

07-07-2015, 03:41 AM
Logic says "hey, doc poked your shoulder, said it was either bursitis or a small rotator cuff injury. No big." But the odd egg sized lump just above my collarbone is creeping me out. Went back, voiced my concern to then doctor. More poking on the shoulder, lump was ignored, a bit of twisting around. Still bursitis. The lump has grown from marble to egg, arm hurts like hell.
Anxiety says "it's something worse." I have been battling a stupid amount of fatigue lately. I have gone from my normal 3-hours of sleep a night to over 12 hours on the days I don't wake to my alarm. Sure, every now and then, but I can't remember the last time I slept so long consecutively. I wake. Everything hurts. My arms feel like lead, I trip over everything.
It was easily chalked up to the mysterious injury until I noticed the same swelling on the other side of my collar bone. I look like I am smuggling small eggs in my collarbone.
Any positive thoughts are greatly appreciated. I am pretty damned certain it is nothing, but this what I said about my "constant heartburn" once upon a time too.

07-07-2015, 10:46 PM
Sending positive thoughts your way. I've struggled myself with lots of fatigue and muscle aches/pains lately but I'm writing it off to anxiety and depression because they are both kicking my butt lately. The temptation to consult Dr. Google is overwhelming but I'm resisting the urge. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

07-08-2015, 04:48 AM
I am sending positive thoughts as well. HA has been kicking my butt as of late

07-08-2015, 07:46 AM
Do the guided meditation I posted. It could help with your lumps ;)

07-09-2015, 04:26 PM
Enjoying the title of this thread :)

07-09-2015, 11:36 PM
Follow up today. Same clinic, different doctor. The beauty of these clinics is that you seldom see the same doctor twice. The swelling had gone down some but this doctor insisted on doing an xray anyway. Turns out I have a tiny hairline fracture on my collarbone. The stress around the little break caused some swelling in my shoulder.
I can move my arm just fine, it is just crunchy and painful. I still have to wear this stupid sling now though. Ugh, I hate this thing. It was funny listening to this doctor all but trash the last one that poked me and said it was a rotator cuff injury. I giggled and it made me feel better about being there. I still can't begin to imagine how I managed to do it cleaning house though.
So, I'm not dying some weird, nasty death, I am just clumsy. The end :)

07-10-2015, 10:40 AM
Good to know that its just clumsiness. :) Also good to know they finally diagnosed you correctly. Hope you heal up soon.

07-13-2015, 11:13 PM
Good to hear it's nothing bad! Should always speak up at the docs office though!