View Full Version : Still pretty anxious... Cant tell if my meds are working

07-06-2015, 09:01 PM
After switching meds to try and find one that works, my doctor went on vacation and I was on nothing for two weeks. That was so hard for me. I'm now back on Effexor xr which I was on for two and half years but stopped because I wanted to see if something could do a bit better. That was a bad mistake. I'm back on it now at 112.5 mg and have been on Effexor now for about 3 weeks. I think it's helping with me wanting to go out and not just stay in all day being anxious but I'm still badly worrying. I wake up in the morning worrying a lot and my mind just starts running with these irrational fears. I seem to calm down mid day around 2pm or so but at night start worrying again.

I know I'm still going up on these meds but it's just uncomfortable going through this. Any thoughts on this? Has anyone else experienced a lot of odd worries that you know most likely aren't real but worry a lot anyway?

Thanks for your input,


07-06-2015, 10:23 PM
It usually takes about 4-6 weeks for the full effects of the medication to kick in. I've previously been on Effexor, Paxil and Lexapro. I've been on Cymbalta twice, currently using it. Its possible that what you are experiencing is because of the Effexor or it could just be anxiety. Some ad's do cause an increase in anxiety when you first start taking them.

I'm on two other medications in addition to the Cymbalta and I still have irrational thoughts and worries every once in awhile. One of the exercises that one of my previous therapists gave me is when you have irrational thoughts to ask yourself three questions: Is my thinking based in fact? Does my thinking help me achieve my goals and Does my thinking help me feel the way I want to feel?

If you get three yes answers that means that your thought is rational and its in your best interest to keep it. If one or more of your answers is no that means your thought is irrational and you should replace it with a rational thought. Sometimes it can help to sort out your thoughts and "throw away" thoughts that you know aren't based in fact.

Are you seeing a therapist at all? Hope this helped.

07-06-2015, 10:45 PM
That's a good and interesting exercise, thanks for sharing. I'm not seeing a therapist now. I have in the past but from doing research I think I need to see someone that specializes in CBT.

07-07-2015, 07:32 AM
Effexor worked well for me and allowed me to calm down enough where I was able to start to treat my mind's relation to my anxiety

Odd and irrational thoughts are so common and it is one of the most concerning things of people with anxiety. People feel they are crazy or schizophrenic but that is never the case

Anxiety is really good at convincing you that you are losing your mind

07-07-2015, 09:12 PM
After switching meds to try and find one that works, my doctor went on vacation and I was on nothing for two weeks. That was so hard for me. I'm now back on Effexor xr which I was on for two and half years but stopped because I wanted to see if something could do a bit better. That was a bad mistake. I'm back on it now at 112.5 mg and have been on Effexor now for about 3 weeks. I think it's helping with me wanting to go out and not just stay in all day being anxious but I'm still badly worrying. I wake up in the morning worrying a lot and my mind just starts running with these irrational fears. I seem to calm down mid day around 2pm or so but at night start worrying again.

I know I'm still going up on these meds but it's just uncomfortable going through this. Any thoughts on this? Has anyone else experienced a lot of odd worries that you know most likely aren't real but worry a lot anyway?

Thanks for your input,


Anxious minds will do that.. They are out of control and you have to put them in their place. A key thing to realise is your mind and your worries are not actually YOU when you have anxiety. Your brain is functioning in a way that's not quite right. That doesn't mean you're crazy, it just means your flight or fight mechanism has gone a bit haywire. You're only meant to be in that state long enough to fight a predator or run away from it, but a lot of people get stuck like that. So you have to consciously try to turn that hyper-aroused state off - things like deep breathing and exercise will help. If I'm lying in bed and catch myself worrying about stuff I try to focus on my breathing instead. It's tricky at first but you do get better at stopping that anxiety spiral if you practice.

Gypsy x

07-09-2015, 04:26 PM
Great discussion thanks!