View Full Version : i need a new job

07-06-2015, 09:16 AM
Hey guys! I'm back! lol. I went camping Fri-Sunday and had no cell service, yesterday I was super pooped out.. and now I'm back at work.. with anxiety first thing in the morning!!

Soo.. I am an ophthalmic tech, basically a nurse for an ophthalmologist.. I supervise a small clinic we have, and I also take care of all the contact lenses.. This sounds like not much, but it can be a lot of work to do.

There is NO ONE that can back up my job. The other girls can do the nursing part- but the girls who do the contact lenses in other offices ONLY stay in those offices. I am also not aloud to train anyone to help me with my job.

Thus, leading to a big problem today. Last week as a few of you know, I went to the ER, and that lead to me taking Wednesday and Thursday off work, I was up on pain killers and it is illegal for me to help treat patients while on pain killers. I was also in so much pain I could no go off them....

We had Friday off for holiday...SO, I come back today..

MY DESK IS A F@%@#$@#% MESS!!!!!

UGGHH. There are papers stacked, contact lens orders stacked, sticky notes with messages all over my computer, GARABAGE, everything!!! The girls who came out to help while I was gone DID NOT EVEN ATTEMPT TO HELP ME WITH MY WORK.

Now, I am DROWNING in sh*t do to and I am stressed out of my mind about it.

My supervisors just say there is nothing they can do, HOW ABOUT LET ME TRAIN SOMEONE WHO CAN HELP WHEN I AM GONE??!!

This is the 2nd time this has happened to me.. the first time was when I went on a vacation.

I need a new job. This is sh*t.

Annnd the logical thing is, "Well why don't you get to work instead of complaining about it on AF?"

Because when I get anxiety, I want to stop doing everything that stresses me out. It is the stupidest response. I mean, I'll do my work today, but I gurantee you I'll find little things here and there to distract me throughout..

end rant..


07-06-2015, 10:46 AM
How was the camping trip?

It is natural to want to avoid a task when that task stresses you out. You are not alone there, for sure.

Then again, I suppose making progress with the accumulated work might reduce the anxiety. In other words, looking at a huge pile causes stress, but seeing that you have made your way through 75% of it and that it is now much more manageable might reduce the stress. So get to work, kid! :-)

It does seem reasonable to me, going forward, for you to have some help while you are out on vacation or sick days, so you don't always come back to a mountain of accumulated work.

07-06-2015, 10:52 AM
Yea, I know working through it would reduce my anxiety. I am slowly but surely making some progress on that. It just takes and extra kick in the butt mentally.. because what I want to do is go lay down in my bed, hide under the covers, and sleep. lol.

The camping trip was fun. It was at my grandpas house, he lives on a lake, so every 4th my whole family camps on his yard and we hang out, go swimming, light fireworks, etc. :)

I called my supervisor to discuss AT LEAST the work that was left here that the other girls are totally capable of doing(like really, at least finish that shit..), and she told me she would talk to them about it. But that's the most they are going to do. They still don't want me to train someone else to help with the things only I can do. Whatever.

07-07-2015, 09:43 AM
Yea, I know working through it would reduce my anxiety. I am slowly but surely making some progress on that. It just takes and extra kick in the butt mentally.. because what I want to do is go lay down in my bed, hide under the covers, and sleep. lol.

The camping trip was fun. It was at my grandpas house, he lives on a lake, so every 4th my whole family camps on his yard and we hang out, go swimming, light fireworks, etc. :)

I called my supervisor to discuss AT LEAST the work that was left here that the other girls are totally capable of doing(like really, at least finish that shit..), and she told me she would talk to them about it. But that's the most they are going to do. They still don't want me to train someone else to help with the things only I can do. Whatever.

So did you make your way through the accumulated pile of work that was there to welcome you back from the holiday weekend? Feeling better?

07-07-2015, 10:43 AM
Its hard, I know that feeling of having too much stuff to do. I recently planned a gathering of some sorts, and somehow I had 12 hours to cook 7 different dishes all by myself! You could imagine the feeling of being stressed. But in the end, seeing the output, makes you really happy. They enjoyed my cooking, and the gathering was a complete success!

Also, never be afraid to ask help and say NO.

07-07-2015, 01:42 PM
I've been applying for new jobs myself. Then, otnight whilst I was drawing on MS Paint I realized something stark, perhaps i've been applying for the wrong jobs? Clearly I should be applying for a position as North Korea's propaganda minister.

Behold! The raw power of Microsoft Paint!!!


And yes, i'm ashamed to admit I gave our great and glorious leader pink eye.


07-07-2015, 06:02 PM
Yeah- QUIT.

What's stopping you?

If it's fear... there are unemployment benefits until you get yourself back into another job.

How long are you willing live with this anxiety? Commit to quitting and let that be the last time you say it to yourself or others.

I'll tell you a story to help drive this home real quick.

I quit my job as a music teacher because the conditions sucked. I was scared, but I realized the worse case scenario is THAT BAD. So I quit and received some small benefits for being unemployed. It took me 3 months to find work but I found work that I love.

I'm talking from experience here. Quit.

07-07-2015, 07:13 PM
Yeah- QUIT.

What's stopping you?

If it's fear... there are unemployment benefits until you get yourself back into another job.

How long are you willing live with this anxiety? Commit to quitting and let that be the last time you say it to yourself or others.

I'll tell you a story to help drive this home real quick.

I quit my job as a music teacher because the conditions sucked. I was scared, but I realized the worse case scenario is THAT BAD. So I quit and received some small benefits for being unemployed. It took me 3 months to find work but I found work that I love.

I'm talking from experience here. Quit.

Personally, I would not tell anyone to quit or not to quit their job without knowing a lot about the situation; it is just such an individual decision. But just as a contrast to dwizzite's positive story about quitting, I will tell you that I know a couple of people over the years who got fed up and quit their jobs and then really regretted the decision afterward, and had much longer period of unemployment than they thought they would, and eventually had to take significantly worse jobs just to support themselves -- and the whole process caused an increase in their anxiety level and also a diminution in their standard of living. So it might be a good idea to quit, but it might be a good idea not to quit. In any event, it is an important decision that should not be made rashly.

07-07-2015, 07:21 PM
I gotta agree with Kuma on this one. At the very least line up a new job first before quitting. What would happen if you were denied benefits for quitting without good cause. I think major anxiety would ensue.

07-07-2015, 07:43 PM
Yeah- QUIT.

What's stopping you?

If it's fear... there are unemployment benefits until you get yourself back into another job.

How long are you willing live with this anxiety? Commit to quitting and let that be the last time you say it to yourself or others.

I'll tell you a story to help drive this home real quick.

I quit my job as a music teacher because the conditions sucked. I was scared, but I realized the worse case scenario is THAT BAD. So I quit and received some small benefits for being unemployed. It took me 3 months to find work but I found work that I love.

I'm talking from experience here. Quit.

Although I do agree with you that if you are not happy in a job, you should leave

But you should also act like an adult and find a new job before you quit unless it is intolerable

And needing some help from others when you are on vacation doesn't qualify as intolerable

07-08-2015, 11:59 AM
Although I do agree with you that if you are not happy in a job, you should leave

But you should also act like an adult and find a new job before you quit unless it is intolerable

And needing some help from others when you are on vacation doesn't qualify as intolerable

No, it's def not "intolerable", but there are other issues with this place that I am sick of as well.

that being said, I am not the type of person to quit unless I have another job ready to go to. I wouldn't risk unemployment unless I was so miserable I was depressed or something. Which I am not.

That being said, I have been putting my resume out there to try to find something that might make me happier. I hope to find it... I will stay with this job until I do. It has a steady pay check that I need.

Anyways.. Thanks for all the advice guys. I was just having some extra anxiety that day and needed to rant. :)

On the bright side, my pancreas has healed! I had my blood drawn at my doctors Monday and they told me all my counts are back to normal. No alcohol for about a month and on a low fat diet as well. I'm very lucky for that!

07-08-2015, 08:00 PM
That's great; you mustn't have had it as bad as me. I was in hospital for a week the first time and three weeks the second (including ICU for a week). Did the doc say to stop drinking or cut down though? It comes back worse than before if you keep drinking. The second bout killed my insulin producing cells :(

07-09-2015, 11:52 AM
That's great; you mustn't have had it as bad as me. I was in hospital for a week the first time and three weeks the second (including ICU for a week). Did the doc say to stop drinking or cut down though? It comes back worse than before if you keep drinking. The second bout killed my insulin producing cells :(

Jeez, that sounds miserable. I was in SO MUCH f*cking pain too, so I can't imagine how bad yours must have been!

They did not hospitalize me.. They said my lipase counts were up but that I had caught it early. I was on a clear liquid diet for a few days and pain killers... They said to watch fat/sugar intake for a couple months and no alcohol for about a month.. and that when I do drink again to take it easy, said to stick to maybe one glass of wine a week or so... to be honest I don't even really like wine I am a tequila person so I might just not drink much.

They told me it SHOULDNT happen again but uhh yea having that much pain scared me into wanting to me cautious anyways.. I never want to go through that again.

07-09-2015, 07:16 PM
Yeah I was knocked out for a week on morphine the second time. It's agony. One glass of wine a week sounds fine but I was never able to have just one a night, let alone a week. Anyway sorry for derailing your job thread :)

07-10-2015, 09:33 AM
Yeah I was knocked out for a week on morphine the second time. It's agony. One glass of wine a week sounds fine but I was never able to have just one a night, let alone a week. Anyway sorry for derailing your job thread :)

That is brutal. My cousin had it a few years ago and also was on morphine, ended up addicted to drugs after that. It was really sad.

I hear ya, I'm not really a "one glass of wine" girl either.

You didn't derail the thread :) I like getting into discussions.

Also, I decided to do some research last night. I had started Zoloft a few days prior to my pancreatitis attack, I told the doctors that I had started it but they didn't even blink about it. Upon my research, pancreatitis is listed as SIDE EFFECT of Zoloft. WHO WOULD HAVE EVER KNOWN? And actually, antidepressants are a known cause of pancreatitis is some cases.

and here my doctors are calling me an alcoholic, not even thinking about the Zoloft. I mean obviously alcohol is bad for your liver and pancreas regardless- but don't you think doctors would actually recognize something like this? Oh who I am kidding.. they are "practicing." *rolls eyes*

07-10-2015, 09:39 AM
.... who I am kidding.. they are "practicing."

Good one ! *smiles*

Glad your ok

07-10-2015, 10:47 AM
I try :) lol

Thanks! me too!

07-10-2015, 10:59 AM
I try :) lol

Thanks! me too!

Strive (every moment) for much..less...drama. And that's what you will have, peace. Catch yourself become conscious of how and what you react to. It may surprise you why you do what you do (and think). Any moment you can change your life. Begin to act the opposite and that's what you will experience. 'Act as if' and give it some time to show up in your life.

Acting and thinking the opposite of what you don't want will always give you what you do want.

07-10-2015, 11:01 AM
It's interesting you say that actually, because I have been watching my responses and the way I automatically want to react to things lately..I stop myself and try to respond/react better instead.. and since I have been doing that I have noticed a lot less issues and a lot more happiness.

Thanks IS :)

07-10-2015, 11:06 AM
It's interesting you say that actually, because I have been watching my responses and the way I automatically want to react to things lately..I stop myself and try to respond/react better instead.. and since I have been doing that I have noticed a lot less issues and a lot more happiness.

Thanks IS :)

Yes ! have a good, peaceful, afternoon. Talk soon.

07-10-2015, 05:54 PM
Linz - based on our chats, I never believed you drank anywhere near enough to have pancreatitis

That is for hardcore drinkers. A few shots every couple of days only has benefits and exactly zero negatives. Nobody dispute this because you are wrong if you do :o

Oh, and while I was in the liquor store today, I saw a bottle of 1800. Thought about you for a moment

07-10-2015, 09:28 PM
That is brutal. My cousin had it a few years ago and also was on morphine, ended up addicted to drugs after that. It was really sad.

I hear ya, I'm not really a "one glass of wine" girl either.

You didn't derail the thread :) I like getting into discussions.

Also, I decided to do some research last night. I had started Zoloft a few days prior to my pancreatitis attack, I told the doctors that I had started it but they didn't even blink about it. Upon my research, pancreatitis is listed as SIDE EFFECT of Zoloft. WHO WOULD HAVE EVER KNOWN? And actually, antidepressants are a known cause of pancreatitis is some cases.

and here my doctors are calling me an alcoholic, not even thinking about the Zoloft. I mean obviously alcohol is bad for your liver and pancreas regardless- but don't you think doctors would actually recognize something like this? Oh who I am kidding.. they are "practicing." *rolls eyes*

Yeah I have read something about that. I was on Zoloft for a while too. But with the amount I drank I could hardly blame the Zoloft.

Americans are pretty lightweight when it comes to alcohol compared to the Aussies and Poms I think.


07-13-2015, 10:12 AM
Linz - based on our chats, I never believed you drank anywhere near enough to have pancreatitis

That is for hardcore drinkers. A few shots every couple of days only has benefits and exactly zero negatives. Nobody dispute this because you are wrong if you do :o

Oh, and while I was in the liquor store today, I saw a bottle of 1800. Thought about you for a moment

LOL- no dispute here! I think its awesome that I come to mind with a bottle of 1800 :)