View Full Version : Don't Stay in School!

07-05-2015, 03:20 PM

Facebook Page:

"I was NEVER taught what LAWS there are, I was NEVER taught what LAWS there are ... let me repeat -
I was NEVER taught what LAWS of the country I live in!"

I love it!

07-08-2015, 07:00 PM
...tick tick tick ... I'm not surprised at the lack of response. ... It is far easier to continue bantering over what meds to take and who did us wrong. Identifying the problem would rob us the the ecstasy, of denying ourselves.

Keep up the good work.

07-08-2015, 07:19 PM
I had to slow down and think about that one.
I have an example ( i Think ) I was talking to the vice president of a company about the math that they are teaching our kids these days and how i had no idea what they were doing to figure the answer but i could get the answer quicker and with less work. His daughter was also in my sons class. As we sat in this meeting he told the counselor at the school that his job at this company was to make sure that his employees worked productively and accurately and if he saw his employees using this method of math to get an answer he would have to fire them. Does that make sense?
I may not be explaining it right but what it boils down to is they are teaching our kids a form of math that is more confusing and takes longer to get the same answer that you and i can get in seconds or less. Maybe i am off base..... think i better just go to bed

07-09-2015, 04:28 PM
Interesting thoughts!

07-10-2015, 05:51 AM
Sounds just like the Child Protection Officer on the phone today that refereed to policy when she was unable to answer challenging questions. We are so set in our ways that there is no room for compassion and even less desire to empower those in great need of it. My biggest frustration with the educations system is although we have the power to change the world for the better, we still continue to destroy it. This system on not just imperfect - it is what our Society makes it. It's pretty much all in the song. I don't expect that it will change ... but it was nice to see this kid spelling it in a way that if he was a teacher ... he would no doubt be fired for it!

Thanks for your replies - John and Livewell3 ... every little bit counts.

Hope you slept well John. ;)

07-10-2015, 05:54 PM
School's for fools, bitches

07-10-2015, 08:14 PM
This was a great post. The guy in that video hits the nail on the head...

I remember when I was in 3rd grade my school district was the only one that introduced this new, radical math program. They pitched it after a couple of years, but it messed myself and others up for years to come. Zero foundation. Kind of what you were talking about John--I would use this thing called "lattice multiplication" where I was taught to draw all of these different lines and such to set up a simple problem like 234 x 56...I remember my dad watching me do my homework as a kid and telling my mom that my unnecessary steps are giving him a headache LOL...but now the entire education system in America is messed up and they are all learning this radical methods that will do them no good in the future.

I like in the video where the guy states that he "doesn't know squat about trading stocks" or money and asks where it comes from. This was EXACTLY how I felt after graduating college. Even back in high school when taking a math class and learning about the Pythagorean Theorem and all that stuff and a student asking the teacher, "when will I ever use this in my future?" And the teacher always giving some BS answer. I would love to sit in on a typical high school class nowadays and just laugh at how useless the teachings are for the students. Not blaming teachers, just the broken system.