View Full Version : Trouble swallowing

07-05-2015, 01:25 PM
Hey guys! I haven't posted here in a while as my anxiety has been doing quite fine and I have been getting back into the normal swing of life. However, the other day I was eating with some family friends and slightly choked up on some food (nbd just took a little coughing to get it loose). However, for the rest of the meal I was extremely aware of the process of chewing and swallowing the food. Ever since then it's been so hard to swallow naturally and automatically and instead every swallow has to be conscious and deliberate and everytime the food doesn't go down smoothly my body starts to panic. I really wish I could just focus on something else and let the swallowing come naturally and automatically, but my brain doesn't seem to want to let me do that.

Anybody dealt with something like this? I feel like as long as I keep my bites small, chew my food well, and don't talk or laugh when I'm eating, there is almost no way I could start choking. But my brain can't stop overthinking and overfocusing on this process, which makes eating far less enjoyable and more uncomfortable than need be.

07-05-2015, 02:04 PM
Hey guys! I haven't posted here in a while as my anxiety has been doing quite fine and I have been getting back into the normal swing of life. However, the other day I was eating with some family friends and slightly choked up on some food (nbd just took a little coughing to get it loose). However, for the rest of the meal I was extremely aware of the process of chewing and swallowing the food. Ever since then it's been so hard to swallow naturally and automatically and instead every swallow has to be conscious and deliberate and everytime the food doesn't go down smoothly my body starts to panic. I really wish I could just focus on something else and let the swallowing come naturally and automatically, but my brain doesn't seem to want to let me do that.

Anybody dealt with something like this? I feel like as long as I keep my bites small, chew my food well, and don't talk or laugh when I'm eating, there is almost no way I could start choking. But my brain can't stop overthinking and overfocusing on this process, which makes eating far less enjoyable and more uncomfortable than need be.

It deff sounds like anxiety.I too have the same problem except it's just swallowing in general, not
When I eat. When were more focused on it I feel it just makes it worse.... it's hard not to over think though :(

07-05-2015, 02:07 PM
Hey guys! I haven't posted here in a while as my anxiety has been doing quite fine and I have been getting back into the normal swing of life

Good for you ! This minimal setback won't last long. You'll catch yourself eating normally soon without thought and have a chuckle about it.

Just another opportunity to be proud of yourself.

07-08-2015, 05:18 PM
Thanks for the support! It's been getting better

silver lining
11-27-2016, 07:59 AM
I am suffering the exact same problem. I went through all kinds of tests, thought I had a brain tumor or coming down with MS or something. It turns out it's just pure anxiety, which is new to me. I didn't know you can develop anxiety at 35 when before that, I was fine.. nothing wrong. Your symptoms sounds exactly like mine, it could be me talking.. For me, its slowly fading away but stress makes it come right back. Learn how to meditate is my advice. Meditate when the house is nice and peaceful. Remind yourself that your swallowing thing is purely a FEAR that is in your mind. Overcome the fear by practicing with nice soft foods. NO RED MEAT. eat slowly and always have something like water to wash it down. Once you start to swallow something, it's virtually impossible to choke on it even though it feels that way. A doctor also told me, even though food will make you gag, you're not going to choke and die. Your gag reflex won't allow that to happen. Good luck my friend, hope you and I feel better.