View Full Version : Could do with some advise

07-02-2015, 03:49 PM
I'm sorry if I've posted this in the wrong section, I couldn't manage to get myself on the anxiety discussion page :(
I was just wondering if anyone could help or give me some advise on my anxiety.
To cut a long story short I was a very confident person and always happy, until 3 years ago I was in a car accident which involved a death (me driving, not my fault).
After this happened I was massively depressed and the best way to describe it was my life felt like a dream, I managed to stay strong and get over it, but out of no where a few months later I got this feeling again like I was in a dream constantly, my eyes would be fuzzy sometimes and I felt like I was going to faint. I convinced myself there was something up with me and it just ate away at me and I didn't know what it was.
I've been constantly up and down all the time, not so much depression but just feeling that I'm not really there, when people speak to me I can be just half asleep and just see a mouth moving.
I've litrelly tried everything, acupuncture, ignore it, fight it, try accept it. It is usually really bad when I don't get much sleep but I get it sometimes when I'm not tired.
I've been to a few doctors now and they are saying like go take a dog for a walk and stuff, I am not depressed I just feel like I'm not here and spaced out, like when I go somewhere new I'm not fimiliar with I feel weird to.

Sorry again if this is in the wrong place but I hope someone can help me, it's been terrible the last few weeks and it's really starting to get the better of me :(

07-02-2015, 07:27 PM
Hey and welcome :)

Have you had any therapy or been on meds at all? That kind of thing can cause PTSD, which is pretty intense.

Gypsy x

07-03-2015, 04:19 AM
Hey and welcome :)

Have you had any therapy or been on meds at all? That kind of thing can cause PTSD, which is pretty intense.

Gypsy x

Thanks :)

Nope no medications, I asked to go on medications and he said give it some time.
I've had acupuncture which helps slightly, I had counsiliing after the incident which helped, but it seems that because my anxiety was that bad when that happened that I've sort of just got it now in general. No depression or sadness.

07-03-2015, 04:37 AM
Well three years seems like "some time" :) maybe you should go talk to someone about meds/therapy?

07-03-2015, 04:44 AM
Well three years seems like "some time" :) maybe you should go talk to someone about meds/therapy?

Good point, I will try therapy first. How do I go about that? Doctors ?
And thanks for replying :)

07-03-2015, 05:03 AM
You're welcome.. Yeah doctor would be a good place to start.

07-03-2015, 12:18 PM
I would suggest if you cant learn to move on from that event maybe a psychologist would be helpful.

07-03-2015, 03:04 PM
I would suggest if you cant learn to move on from that event maybe a psychologist would be helpful.

I have moved on from that event, I never experienced anxiety until then and it came back months later. It's nothing major like depression it's just I don't feel like I'm here for no reason at all, like in flight mode and I don't know why. Mainly when I'm tired but it varys

07-03-2015, 07:32 PM
The thing is though, you can be suffering from depression or anxiety but not realise it. Depression doesn't necessarily mean you feel sad or suicidal. In a way it's a misleading term. It relates to the nervous system and how we deal with stress, and sometimes it manifests in weird ways.

07-03-2015, 08:22 PM
Yeah, I do not think you are depressed. I've suffered some of the worst anxiety, OCD, panic attacks, you name it...but all I can say is that it has made me sad at those times, but not depressed. It seems like you have some pretty bad derealization/depersonlization going on. It's a symptom of anxiety, I used to get it all the time. The reason why you probably werent put on medication is that you dont feel depressed. I was put on meds when my OCD got so strong that I eventually broke and started losing hope.

Though generally most of the time I am still full of hope that I will get better, and I have before in the past (for months at a time). I still get enjoyment out of activities, which is suppressed when the anxiety hits extreme levels though (which would be totally normal in the circumstances). Consider yourself lucky, in these circumstances it would be so easy to give in and lose hope. If your anxiety has been extremely bad for weeks and youre still going then you should congratulate yourself, believe me.