View Full Version : Traveling

Jill Rs
07-02-2015, 09:45 AM
Hello to everyone. I am due to travel from Bangkok to Tokyo for 2 days then to Los Angeles. Normally, I would be ecstatic but, I had an evil PA on Tuesday and am now fearing the fear of having a freak out whilst in the air or in my hotel room alone. I have emergency Xanax and that's fine if I decide to take it. I am looking for any others that travel very long distances alone that suffer PAs and their tips for survival without xanax. Got the diaphragmatic breathing and meditation apps going and I'm good there. I am sure this has all stemmed from my recent appendectomy. Funny thing is, I didn't even have anxiety whilst getting diagnosed for appendicitis or before or after surgery, then BAM it just all came down on me. I thought I felt great, staying home, watching movies, pampering myself, going on holiday soon, sounds like all great things, to me anyway. I guess it is what it is.

07-02-2015, 10:04 AM
Hello to everyone. I am due to travel from Bangkok to Tokyo for 2 days then to Los Angeles. Normally, I would be ecstatic but, I had an evil PA on Tuesday and am now fearing the fear of having a freak out whilst in the air or in my hotel room alone. I have emergency Xanax and that's fine if I decide to take it. I am looking for any others that travel very long distances alone that suffer PAs and their tips for survival without xanax. Got the diaphragmatic breathing and meditation apps going and I'm good there. I am sure this has all stemmed from my recent appendectomy. Funny thing is, I didn't even have anxiety whilst getting diagnosed for appendicitis or before or after surgery, then BAM it just all came down on me. I thought I felt great, staying home, watching movies, pampering myself, going on holiday soon, sounds like all great things, to me anyway. I guess it is what it is.

You might find that just having the Xanax with you helps. Even if you don't take it, knowing that it is there if you were to need it may reduce your anxiety level.

Are you good at sleeping on planes? Some sleep during the flight might help too. You could possibly take something to help you sleep, if necessary (though of course you would want to be very careful about mixing any sort of sleeping aid with Xanax).

Finally, distractions are good. Do you have a long book you are interested in reading? Or a book on tape? Or at least some good music? Finally, although this is not related in any direct way to anxiety, I hope you can get an upgrade -- that is a really long flight in coach!

Jill Rs
07-02-2015, 10:41 AM
HAHAHA, yes, coach is not easy at that distance, hence why i decided a two-day layover in Tokyo would be awesome. An upgrade would be such a dream come true, it's happened before on the same flight back home so you never know. Fingers crossed.

I used to carry a xanax with me in my purse just to know it's there, I will definitely have it with me at all times during the journey. Have tons of movies to watch and numerous books. Reading does help when I'm only mildly anxious otherwise forget it. It's the being alone and possibly having an episode that really scares me. I usually maintain very well in public because I have to big of an ego to go nuts in public, lol. If this damn appendectomy drama would end, I am positive the anxiety would diminish quickly.

07-02-2015, 12:10 PM
Surgery is traumatic, for anyone -- so some anxiety surrounding that does not sound unusual to me. (And you had it in Thailand?? Do you speak Thai? Or went to a "foreigners hospital"?) Must be interesting to live in Thailand. I spent a couple of months there once, but it was a long time ago.

You may find the travel actually helps you with the anxiety. Change of scenery can be really good. I recall having really bad anxiety once and then flying down to Central America. The distraction and change of scenery helped a lot. I hope you find the same thing (and good luck with that upgrade!)