View Full Version : Health Anxiety

07-02-2015, 07:36 AM

07-02-2015, 07:55 AM
Hi. Welcome to the forum. Health anxiety is really tough and having someone tell you "its all in your head" -- even if that is true -- usually does not make you feel any better.

The good news is that health anxiety can be overcome and MANY people have successfully done so.

I think the first step is to get a comprehensive physical examination from a doctor who you trust. Tell the doctor all your symptoms and have the doctor do all appropriate tests. If there is anything physically wrong with you, this should catch it and then you can follow up. This is not the same as running to the doctor every time you have a pain -- wasting a lot of time and money. Just one, single, comprehensive physical exam.

If nothing physical is revealed, then you will have to accept that it really is anxiety driven, and do something to treat the anxiety -- just as you would a physical illness. The first step is probably some psychotherapy -- perhaps cognitive behavioral therapy, which is well suited to this sort of anxiety (and is quite practical and relatively short term). You can get over the health anxiety, but you might need to some help to do so. It is worth the investment of time and money to get over it because you don't want this to hold you back...

07-02-2015, 08:10 AM
Thanks so much for your reply!

My main problem is the costs involved as I can't afford any sort of CBT myself and my parents would have to pay. They won't pay for it because they think all I need to do is relax... I have to find a way to convince them which is proving difficult!

07-02-2015, 10:08 AM
There are some free CBT resources or some books that are low cost and you could do on your own. But I think they are less helpful than having a therapist who is experienced with CBT. Maybe you could convince your parents to meet with a therapist, with you, to discuss whether CBT could help you? The therapist might be able to convince your parents that it is worthwhile. Perhaps you could tell your parents that you will reimburse them for the cost once you are able to do so. That would certainly show that you are committed to it and really think it is necessary.

Obviously if you could "just relax" you would do that. But, alas, it is not always that simple...