View Full Version : Something good happened and I was stupid also.

07-02-2015, 06:36 AM
OK first let me state I am religious, so this will help explain my actions.

Yesterday afternoon I was approached by a man who needed $20 for a fan belt for his car, I gave it to him out of my belief that God sometimes test us by sending Angles or Christ himself to see how we treat those in need. ( yes I have probably been taken before, but I choose to error on on the side of right)

Any after dark I was closing up this same guy shows up, needs another part for fan on his car and a ride to auto parts store, this kinda freaked me out a little. I just knew I was about to be robbed. He waits while I close up comments on how nice my car is, offers to help me and fishing rods in return for the cash( I've been broke before so I can kinda sympathize with him).

So I go against everything I have ever been taught and give him the ride, but not before I made him lift his shirt to make sure he had no weapon, I also told him if he tried anything I had no problem wrapping the car around a light pole. It all went well, I'm out some $$ but I think I did a good thing.

The best part is other than being a bit nervous my anxiety was of course up but just at a normal level..no melt down and no completed drained feeling afterward.