View Full Version : Anxiety Help

07-02-2015, 05:18 AM
Greetings everyone from the UK.

I've been suffering with Anxiety for over three weeks now being unable to eat things which I used to, having sore throats and feeling as if i'm going to die as well as cracked / dry lips. I wanted to know if there are any tips on overcoming anxiety and some 'relievers' to help get rid of my Anxiety. Having anxiety is making me feel so horrible.



07-02-2015, 09:25 AM
Just thought i'd give this thread a bumping.

07-02-2015, 11:46 AM
Just thought i'd give this thread a bumping.

The same is happening to me. My first panic attack was on Memorial day and I too thought I was having a heart attack or was dieing and went to the emergency room. After some tests they said I was having palpitations which can cause more Anxiety. After reading some of the other posts I found what has help me manage is making a mental note of the times of day I have attacks, mine are in the mornings. So had to quit all alcohol as it made mine worse and last longer even if I drank a few the nite before, and no caffine. I also started taking a multi vitamin/mineral supplement everyday. I've also noticed I can get anxious if I eat a big or heavy meal so I have to eat things that I can digest faster like fish and rice or salads and just eat less more often has helped. Hope some of these ideas help.