View Full Version : Wake up call

07-01-2015, 09:05 AM
went to the ER last night.. Didnt get home til about 3:30am..

My husband rushed me there around 9:30.. EXTREME pain in my chest, shortness of breath, fever, sweating, dizziness, tingling of the finger tips..

I literally was in so much pain, that I was barely aware of my surroundings. I was seeing red when I closed my eyes.

After a brutal long wait, the official diagnosis was acute pancreatitis. Caused by too much tequila. Basically my pancreas is inflammed and giving me a big "f*ck you". This could be serious, but the doctor said they caught it early. Clear liquid diet for a few days & some pain killers in case it flares up again like last night.

So, yea. Honestly I didn't think I was over doing my drinkinh but I guess I was wrong. I would so much rather be sober & healthy than put myself through any pain like that again.

Now Im left with all this stupid anxiety. Im mad at myself for this even happening. Im also stressed about the medical bills.

I could use some good thoughts, guys.

Thanks :)

07-01-2015, 09:16 AM
Screw the medical bills. You are ok now, you learned a lesson, tequila is not your friend, and you will be ok.

So what if it cost you a few bucks. You will pay it off and move on.

Feel better soon Linz, a couple of those pain pills will help!

07-01-2015, 11:44 AM
Ouch! Pancreatitis is really painful.

Pam is right -- don't sweat the medical bills. Money matters but health matters a lot more.

Sometimes the only thing that can get us to do what we know we should do -- like drinking less tequila -- is a painful incident. So I guess you can consider it a painful lesson learned. Be glad they caught it early....

07-01-2015, 01:59 PM
Wow... glad you caught it early. That sounds really nasty. Health is the greatest wealth, as Bob Marley said. So for now, focus on the healing and know you can chip away at the debt later. Easy for me to say, I know, but things could have been a lot worse!

Rest up, Liz!

07-01-2015, 02:30 PM
Thanks for the support everyone. :) just been sleeping most of today. I dont like how I feel on pain killers but Ill take this over that pain from last night any day.

I know my health is worth more than my money. I guess its just the fact thst I caused it and could have prevented in that makes it frustrating.

07-01-2015, 06:19 PM
Ugh. I had two bouts of acute Pancreatitis. The second one put me in intensive care for a week and left me diabetic. Yep, this was alcohol-induced. No more Tequila for you!

07-01-2015, 07:33 PM
Is the pancreas one of those organs that you can get rid of like a spleen?

I think I would go that route if possible

07-01-2015, 07:38 PM
Is the pancreas one of those organs that you can get rid of like a spleen?

I think I would go that route if possible

Yes you can do that. But you would die immediately. So it is not the optimal approach.

07-01-2015, 07:40 PM
Is the pancreas one of those organs that you can get rid of like a spleen?

I think I would go that route if possible

No, lol, the pancreas is not an organ you mess with..

Im pretty sure you were being sarcastic though :)

07-01-2015, 07:41 PM
I think I would roll the dice

07-01-2015, 07:44 PM
No, lol, the pancreas is not an organ you mess with..

Im pretty sure you were being sarcastic though :)

I was. Hate that you have to deal with that :(

Jill Rs
07-01-2015, 11:11 PM
OMG!! I can so relate. Three nights ago I decided it would be great to go out and drink wine, a lot of wine. Well, the next morning I wake-up and am naturally hungover but not too bad. I was thinking I got away with a night of drinking with no anxiety, I was sooooo wrong. I had the worst and freakiest panic attack ever, first one in 7 months, and ended up in the ER. So, i am also out a bunch of cash and am now just mad at myself for inducing this attack because I was an ass. Now I have tons of anxiety over the fear of fear cycle. Terrific!! I'm supposed to fly home to the USA for a holiday in 2 days and am scared I may have a crazy attack on the plane, which is a 14 hour flight, lovely. I am seriously finally accepting alcohol is just not for me.