View Full Version : Internalized Shame and Anxiety

06-30-2015, 11:18 PM
I am new to this forum, but I wanted to start a conversation about shame and anxiety. Do you think that internalized shame (the inner voice that tells you that you are to the core flawed) and anxiety are connected?

I have been working on an article on shame and I can't help but feel that a lot of the anxiety I suffered with was a result of shame. Do you think there is a connect?

07-01-2015, 05:07 AM
No human is innately shameful, or that the core of who you are is somehow innately flawed. This is childhood conditioning. You, or anyone else that hangs their head low were taught to feel bad about themselves. A child is not willing or able to blame a parent nor is the nervous system sufficiently developed to reason out the early home environment. It would be worse for the child to hate its environment and its caregiver than to turn upon himself and hate self, so that is what he does.

What is inherent of the human is to think very highly of self. Because he is apecial and unique. Each one gifted in some way to contribute and change the world for the better. Only when he feels the pangs of childhood abuse does he shut off from that special place, as you would say, developing disorders of the mind and body.

This does not imply all of you should blame someone, for blame and shame are usually bedfellows. But through enlightenment can you be set free.

And when we say 'abuse' it can be obvious or subtle, either emotional, sexual, or physical. If subtle, one would not even make the connection. And so we say he can be set free through 'enlightening' or edification.

Some of you will shout 'nonsense', i am ashamed of things i have done or who i am, and my parents had nothing to do with it, they were wonderful ! And so at that slightest notion, guilt is thrown into the mix. If shame is the poison, guilt is one of its toxic ingredients. The child must feel guilty if it blames its parent. That does not mean the parent is innocent, you see. Rather that you cannot bare the implications, psychologically, so you block the memory (s).

Just one statement issued by a parent, in one monent, on one day, can destroy a childs worth, for life. Or like the firing of a bullet, it can change or determine the trajectory of that childs emotional state until one day when he is mature enough to reflect and learn, or perhaps when he has suffered enough and is sick of his life.

Now to the OP, i have given you plenty here for your 'article'.