View Full Version : Terrified about being bipolar

06-30-2015, 07:13 PM
Hello !

I am new to this forum, even tho I am reading different forums about anxiety for a few weeks. At the moment I am feeling very anxious and I need to talk to someone... It is 3 am at home, I am tired but I don't want to sleep... I apologize in advance for the mistakes I might have made, I am not a native english speaker.

I am 22, and about a month ago I had a very difficult anxiety time. I think the problem really started in September 2014, after I went back from my summer's travel at my parent's house, feeling not in MY home and overwhelmed by the simple though of dealing with my life... When I traveled in summer 2014, I was really happy, I met a lot of people, I was on my own, feeling free as if I could do whatever I wanted. I had worked a lot to gain money to travel and I was proud of myself. It wasn't perfect of course, and I remeber talking to friends before leaving, telling them how scared I was to jump into the unknown, and I remember thinking ''what if I don't leave and I stay at home whitout bothering me?''. Every one was telling me I was a bit crazy to travel alone like that, but I was confident and I knew that it was what I really wanted to do.

But in September 2014, things slowly changed. I was working to do a personnal project for an application for an Art scool, and this was very hard, because even if I have a lot of ideas, it is very difficult for me to express them, as I have spent all my life to repress my emotions. So I was a bit depressed, I had negative thoughts, but it was mild so I didn't really realised what was happening, I was just feeling things were going slower, my sleeping was ok (but sometimes I was waking up at night with my heart going very fast, which was scaring me a lot) till I made my first panic attack, the following day of New Years's Eve. Anxiet became slowly worst, and I ended up doing some acupuncture to help me (in March), which was very usefull for a time.

But at that time I didn't really tried to understand why I was having this anxiety. I was thinking that I wasn't happy with my life and that I wasn't enough self confident (mostly beacause of my creativity difficulties and negative thoughts about my body), of course, but I wasn't really digging into it, I just wanted to errase the symptoms.

I finished my project for the application of the Art School, it was still hard but a lot easier, and I did that way till the end of April. I was so scared for the apointment at the Scool, it was ridiculous, the big fail... When I left I knew they wouldn't take me (and they didn't) and I cried all the way home. The following day I woke up with a clearer mind, knowing that as it was the dream of my life, I would just take another year, get better prepare, and try more application.

But in May, anxiety came back again, being stronger. I was scared of going out, I had irrational fears, it was very hard for me to organise myself, I forgot things, I was feeling so weak and thinking about doing another similar year, in my parents house, alone and sad, was unbearable. I had always be very empathic, but it was also getting out of hands, it was very hard for me to concentrate when I was going with friends in bars or other crowded places.
I decided I really wanted to deal with my anxiety and to find its roots. I started reading lots of stuff on the internet (which was often triggering my anxiety when it was about mental illness), books, ... A friend of mine doing energetic healing worked with me (4 times), telling me that this would bring a lot of stuff on the surface.

But I wasn't expecting this x) D+1 I was totally exhausted, I just stayed at home. D+2 I had the worst panic attack of my life ! I thought I was going mad, absolutely sure it was the end, that my life was ruined. I just wanted to run away, but where ? I was totally conscious I couldn't run away from myself... I was alone at home, and hopefully my father came, I spoke to him, telling him how I was feeling (which I never do), I cried a lot and it was feeling like a relief !
Then it lasted like 10 days, every day was a little bit less anxious. I realized a lot of things about the causes of my anxiety, about the relation with my parents and myself. The worst anxiety symptoms were really the mental one, because for days I was convinced I was somwhat schyzophrenic (or bipolar), and other irrationnal thoughts. Sometimes I was even scared of people, of loud noise, of sad news on the TV about the world...
I started a diary to help me focus and understand what was happening.

Then I met another perso who really helped me to understand my problem about my creativity, that my anxiety was due to anger and frustration I was feeling about myself.
So I worked on that... trying to create, listening to myself, building my self esteem again. It helped me released the blocked energy, the feelings and the thoughts, and thus I was feeling like I had a lot more energy and was feeling more happy than before, every day a little bit better. I decided to take an apointment with a psychologist to do some HiQ tests, because I was feeling from a long time that it might be a part of the problem (I 100% recognise myself into the ''gifted'' people but my parent never heard about it and I was never diagnosed).

But like 4 days ago, I waked up feeling a lot of energy, but like, too much. I was tensious, I wanted to relax to make it stop. I draw without trying to do anything specific, it helped me realising tension. I went to see some friends in the afternoon, and all of a sudden I was feeling very down and exhausted. I was worried and I asked them if it was normal, they told me it was fine so I was ok.

Today and the day before were also good days (even if yesterday was my birthday, I was irritable - I don't really like my brithday...), not really anxiety, but I was sometime thinking ''what if it doesn't last..?''. My mind was filled with new ideas, I just wrote them down because doing one thing at a time is also a part of the plan made with the woman I was speaking about earlier. I feel like I am always shifting from poor self image to confidence (but when I think stuff like ''I can do great things if I want to, that's possible'', I tend to ''cut'' the though, fearing that I might be over-confident).

And tonight, as very often, I am awaked in front of my computer, not because I am not tired, but because I am somehow scared of ending the day, of going to bed while there are so much things I want to do !

I have just read stuff about bipolar disorder, which makes me completely freaking out (no panic attack, but lots of anxiety) ! What if my travelling experiences were only due to a manic episod ? And maybe that the joy I feel these days is also due to that ! Thus I came here to talk... I am writing this message for a long time now, so I feel a little bit more relax. But I am still worried...

I just did a blood exam last week and my thyroid is fine.

Thank you for reading that :)

06-30-2015, 07:41 PM
I am in this situation thinking that I might be depressed. Again, it is anxiety lying to you. It will make u believe what it wants. From what I believe, manic episodes are much more extreme and are full of risk taking and impulsive behaviour and unnatural self confidence.

06-30-2015, 07:51 PM
You're asking yourself a lot of nonsensical what if questions, which makes me believe anxiety is your biggest issue right now.

While you're suffering from anxiety, it's best to avoid what if questions. They won't serve you; they'll only give your condition the fuel it needs to remain alive.

When anxious, the mind just needs a break really. Chemically and hormonally you need to settle. Staying away from stimulating things such as triggers and these what if questions will allow you to get some respite. You can pick up these particular what if questions at a later stage if need be, when dealing with life in a more rational frame of mind.

Anxiety's a heck of a condition, but you learn to spot patterns - from then on it, it becomes like winning a poker game. Sure your anxiety plays a good hand, but you always have the antidote. You're always a step ahead.

06-30-2015, 11:58 PM
Thank you for reading me.

This morning I am still very worried, feeling like on adrenaline rush. I am a bit depressed, I don't want it start again...
Yeah I know it can tricks my mind, it has done so many times !

I am going to try to relax, and really avoiding searching stuff on the internet ^.^'