View Full Version : Feeling Very Anxious Today :(

06-30-2015, 09:45 AM
Woke up feeling very anxious today!! Not sure where it came from! I had been having a great couple days without any anxiety at all...then bam! I think I thought too much about how good I have been feeling and it is making me have anxiou feelings! I have been suffering with a mild cold, but this morning my head has been aching a little, I took some tylonal, but i find my eye sight not the best today, could this be after symptom of anxiety?? Man this stuff is terrible if it is yet another symptom! It's my sons last day of school and he just got home and I want it to be special, but I can't seem to shake this feeling! Please help :(

06-30-2015, 10:44 AM
A few days anxiety free is nice but it doesn't mean you'll always not feel anxious or some stress. If you think your focusing on being happy was making you anxious then you are probably looking for things that'll cause upset. Convincing yourself that being happy is temporary and that something will come along and ruin it. From that fear of something coming; some impending doom - you started up your body's fight or flight response. So you entered the vicious circle once again of fear/worry -> anxiety -> more fear and worry.

Tell me, what did you do the past few days? Were you pre-occupied? Feeling happy? Not constantly worrying and fretting? Headaches and eyesight issues are very common with anxiety, heck any sxymptom can occur. From the renowned chest aches, palps, to limb aches, foot pain, stomach aches. There's a list of symptoms stickied to the top of this forum section, but even then anything is possible with anxiety.

The more you focus or freak out about a symptom the more you'll aggrovate it. Remember, your body is simply reacting to being overburderned with stress. If you fixate on negativity you stress your mind out more, which in turn makes your body more stressed.

Believe me, I used to do the same thing. Day in day out. Googling symptoms, fearing for my life. Every day i'd have near enough 24/7 symptoms, for years. But you can overcome it. You need to understand anxiety, how it works and why it can cause all manner of symptoms. Most importantly you need to realize that you're not in any danger. Anxiety isn't in control of you, you're in control of it. Anxiety is a symptom of change. It's helping you change and become a better person. But most people fear it and convince themselves their life will never be the same. In a way that's true, because you'll actually come out of it a better, stronger person than when you went in.

As challenging as the past few years were, I wouldn't change them if I could, because I learned so much. I went from 24/7 panic, fear and symptoms to barely getting 2 or 3 short (few mins or less) symptoms a day.

I hope this gives you some encouragement and helps put things into perspective for you.


06-30-2015, 12:04 PM
A few days anxiety free is nice but it doesn't mean you'll always not feel anxious or some stress. If you think your focusing on being happy was making you anxious then you are probably looking for things that'll cause upset. Convincing yourself that being happy is temporary and that something will come along and ruin it. From that fear of something coming; some impending doom - you started up your body's fight or flight response. So you entered the vicious circle once again of fear/worry -> anxiety -> more fear and worry.

Tell me, what did you do the past few days? Were you pre-occupied? Feeling happy? Not constantly worrying and fretting? Headaches and eyesight issues are very common with anxiety, heck any sxymptom can occur. From the renowned chest aches, palps, to limb aches, foot pain, stomach aches. There's a list of symptoms stickied to the top of this forum section, but even then anything is possible with anxiety.

The more you focus or freak out about a symptom the more you'll aggrovate it. Remember, your body is simply reacting to being overburderned with stress. If you fixate on negativity you stress your mind out more, which in turn makes your body more stressed.

Believe me, I used to do the same thing. Day in day out. Googling symptoms, fearing for my life. Every day i'd have near enough 24/7 symptoms, for years. But you can overcome it. You need to understand anxiety, how it works and why it can cause all manner of symptoms. Most importantly you need to realize that you're not in any danger. Anxiety isn't in control of you, you're in control of it. Anxiety is a symptom of change. It's helping you change and become a better person. But most people fear it and convince themselves their life will never be the same. In a way that's true, because you'll actually come out of it a better, stronger person than when you went in.

As challenging as the past few years were, I wouldn't change them if I could, because I learned so much. I went from 24/7 panic, fear and symptoms to barely getting 2 or 3 short (few mins or less) symptoms a day.

I hope this gives you some encouragement and helps put things into perspective for you.


Thank you for replying...the passed few days I have been busy doing everyday things, but so unbelievably happy that I wasn't anxious :) but in the back of my mind I couldn't help but think...the next one is going to be a doozy since I have been feeling soo good. I started taking Jamison's "Stress Ease" I was hoping it was helping me :(
I usually wear glasses for reading, driving and tv, but since I had been feeling more dizzy with them on I have stopped wearing them until I can get in to have my eyes tested again :(
This fight or flight response you talk about...is there somethig I can read on that?
Thank you :)

07-01-2015, 01:18 AM
There's plenty to read up about it:



Hope that helps.

As for dizziness that's another very common anxiety symptom. The more you stress out the worse it gets. it's probably not your eyes to blame, just the stress and anxiety in your mind. I'll agree it's one of the most unpleasant symptoms and i've been no stranger to it.


07-01-2015, 04:07 AM
There's plenty to read up about it:



Hope that helps.

As for dizziness that's another very common anxiety symptom. The more you stress out the worse it gets. it's probably not your eyes to blame, just the stress and anxiety in your mind. I'll agree it's one of the most unpleasant symptoms and i've been no stranger to it.


Thank you soo much, I am going to read up on it now! I have spent hours reading posts on here and I have read dizziness is a symptom...I have done the breathing exercises, which I must say work, but sometimes I find myself "too far gone" and breathing just isn't working at that time :(
Thank you again for the info I am defiantly going to check it out :)