View Full Version : My Anxiety Story

06-29-2015, 03:05 PM
Greetings everyone.

My name is Dan, I live in the United Kingdom and I am eleven years old. I discovered this website after googling 1000 times about my anxiety and stress. I am creating a game with my friend on a game development platform and we're going to have it featured on a live-stream broadcasted across the world to over three thousand people. In two weeks when my friend goes over to visit the guys who own the broadcast in America, as it's going to be showcased I am running out of time to get the game fixed. We've got it fixed to the best we can get it but still fails on some issues - and can randomly just fail.

This is 100% likely to happen on this live-stream broadcast. It's all been planned and can't now be put off. We're going to look like arses if it goes wrong, and this is where I believe my anxiety is coming from.

Day in, day out I am tirelessly working on it and talking to my friend. I just keep getting a dry mouth, I feel as if there is something stuck down my throat and I just can't eat. The thought of eating something just makes me feel sick. My Mum tries to make me eat things and I just can't, ending up in me spitting it out in to a tissue, sometimes if it's even just spit.

Take this for example: A few weeks back I loved a sausage pasty with cheese and beans on it. I would scoff it down in a flash and want to eat another. Now I just can't even eat a tiny bite, I will just relate back to my anxiety problem and feel sick as well as feeling that it's going to get stuck down my throat. I really wish this would go away. Another example is that if I eat pizza i'd have to pick off all of the cheese and eat it very very slowly. I'd still have to spit some of that out, too.

Here's a full list of what I feel like:
- I'm going to choke if I eat this and die :(
- I feel sick
- I'll never be able to eat again
- Headaches
- Keep needing reassurance from others
- Crying / Getting out of control
- Dry mouth
- Cracked lips
- Sore throat / Pharyngitis

It helps to know that other people have got the same symptoms as me. Please could anyone suggest any ways to relieve the problem as I have taken time off from my game work.

Thanks for reading everyone


06-29-2015, 03:18 PM
Hi Dan,

You are an enterprising young man.

You got it right, everything you are feeling is anxiety and likely brought on by the deadline of your game.

Here is a thought. I understand that there is something which is failing in the game which is causing you the distress. Is there any reason why you can not bring someone else in on it to look at the problem with fresh eyes? Right now you may be too close to the situation and can not see what the error is because of the anxiety.

You could always make sure your rights as creators are protected by asking someone to come in as a consultant.

It is just a thought.

I wish you the best of luck with your game.

Btw- mum is right, you need to try to eat anything even if it is a bite here or there.

06-29-2015, 03:40 PM
Hi Dan,

You are an enterprising young man.

You got it right, everything you are feeling is anxiety and likely brought on by the deadline of your game.

Here is a thought. I understand that there is something which is failing in the game which is causing you the distress. Is there any reason why you can not bring someone else in on it to look at the problem with fresh eyes? Right now you may be too close to the situation and can not see what the error is because of the anxiety.

You could always make sure your rights as creators are protected by asking someone to come in as a consultant.

It is just a thought.

I wish you the best of luck with your game.

Btw- mum is right, you need to try to eat anything even if it is a bite here or there.

Hi needtogetwell,

Thank you so much for your help. You have really made me feel comforted that it actually is an anxiety problem. I will investigate the consultancy idea.

Many thanks,


06-29-2015, 03:42 PM
Any other anxiety relievers are welcome. ;)

06-29-2015, 03:48 PM
Greetings everyone.

My name is Dan, I live in the United Kingdom and I am eleven years old. I discovered this website after googling 1000 times about my anxiety and stress. I am creating a game with my friend on a game development platform and we're going to have it featured on a live-stream broadcasted across the world to over three thousand people. In two weeks when my friend goes over to visit the guys who own the broadcast in America, as it's going to be showcased I am running out of time to get the game fixed. We've got it fixed to the best we can get it but still fails on some issues - and can randomly just fail.

This is 100% likely to happen on this live-stream broadcast. It's all been planned and can't now be put off. We're going to look like arses if it goes wrong, and this is where I believe my anxiety is coming from.

Day in, day out I am tirelessly working on it and talking to my friend. I just keep getting a dry mouth, I feel as if there is something stuck down my throat and I just can't eat. The thought of eating something just makes me feel sick. My Mum tries to make me eat things and I just can't, ending up in me spitting it out in to a tissue, sometimes if it's even just spit.

Take this for example: A few weeks back I loved a sausage pasty with cheese and beans on it. I would scoff it down in a flash and want to eat another. Now I just can't even eat a tiny bite, I will just relate back to my anxiety problem and feel sick as well as feeling that it's going to get stuck down my throat. I really wish this would go away. Another example is that if I eat pizza i'd have to pick off all of the cheese and eat it very very slowly. I'd still have to spit some of that out, too.

Here's a full list of what I feel like:
- I'm going to choke if I eat this and die :(
- I feel sick
- I'll never be able to eat again
- Headaches
- Keep needing reassurance from others
- Crying / Getting out of control
- Dry mouth
- Cracked lips
- Sore throat / Pharyngitis

It helps to know that other people have got the same symptoms as me. Please could anyone suggest any ways to relieve the problem as I have taken time off from my game work.

Thanks for reading everyone


First and foremost, let me just say you have already accomplished more than me in life and I'm 23! Haha. Creating a video game? That's really amazing!

I agree with Pam (needtogetwell), maybe a set of fresh eyes would be good for ya.

I bet you will kick butt with your game anyways, though. :)

Anxiety is really good at making us believe things that are not real. Like the "I'll never be able to eat again" thing for example. You will be able to, the anxiety just had to pass.

When my anxiety hits a peak time, I can't eat for days usually, because it makes my stomach so sick.

All of your symptoms should get better after your presentation. If they don't- you should really consider talking to your parents about how you are feeling, to maybe consider help from a therapist or someone more experienced. We here are always more than happy to talk and try to help out but are not doctors by any means! :)

Good luck!!

06-29-2015, 04:42 PM
Hi needtogetwell, Thank you so much for your help. You have really made me feel comforted that it actually is an anxiety problem. I will investigate the consultancy idea. Many thanks, Dan.

Hi Dan,
I am willing to bet your anxiety pretty much disappears as soon as this deadline is past and your big is fixed.


06-29-2015, 05:20 PM
Any other anxiety relievers are welcome. ;)

There's a section here called stickies, take a look at the anxiety symptoms list. That always helps me with my anxiety. Best of luck Dan.