View Full Version : Effexor

06-28-2015, 10:41 PM
So I was on Effexor a while ago and was on it for two and a half years for my GAD. I'm back on it after stopping and trying to find something else that could do better but long story short I shouldn't have stopped because I was doing ok on the Effexor and kind of just screwed things up. I've been on it again for 6 or 7 days now, and now at 75mg. I don't remember having many side effects starting it before, but I'm back on it now and I think it's helping my anxiety but I'm anxious in a way where I can't sit still. I love being with friends when I can and when I come home after being out or just doing something, I'm very restless and my mind and body can't sit still. A nervous energy type feeling. Am I still adjusting to the Effexor and will it go away? How long does it usually take? Anyone with Effexor had this before?

06-29-2015, 09:52 AM
Hey there!

So your body can take up to 4-6 weeks to adjust to these type of medications. Give it some time :)

Sometimes you can ask your doctor for some benzo's to help ease the anxiety while you adjust to this medication..

It's hard to say for sure if the side effects with go away or not. Everyone is different. I'd say if you have been on it in the past with success that the chances are high you will be OK.

06-29-2015, 12:35 PM
I was on Effexor (extended release) several years ago, the only reason I didn't stay on it is my insurance stopped paying for it. You are still adjusting to being back on the Effexor it usually takes 4-6 weeks to get the full effects of the medication. Since it has worked for you in the past there's a good chance that it will be helpful for you this time around.

As for the restless feeling, I've experienced that on several antidepressants but from my experience it has never stayed around long term. People are different though so the side effects could go away or not. If you are still experiencing them after 6-8 weeks I would consult your doctor.

06-29-2015, 01:44 PM
I think you just need to endure through it until you're accustomed to it. I had some physical side effects and a reduced sex drive when I began taking Effexor. It doesn't happen any more, though. Just keep on truckin'. :cool: