View Full Version : I need help I feel like I'm losing control

06-28-2015, 07:30 PM
So I've been suffering from anxiety but I refuse to believe it because my symptoms can be so crazy I think there's something wrong with my health. I was supposed to go to New York last week with my boyfriend but I bailed at the last minute because I'm scared to go far easy and now he's up there without me. This is controlling my life and seems to be becoming more debilitating by the day. I can't tolerate heat at all I can't go without eating I get headaches my eye sight gets blurry I get weak feeling shaky and all day today I've been so dizzy I get scared I'm going to pass out or something terrible will happen to me. I just don't know what to do anymore I'm driving my boyfriend and everyone around me crazy. The worst part is I don't even know what causes all this it's not like I have terrible thoughts all the time. My boyfriend keeps telling me to just accept that it's anxiety and start taking medication to get it under control but I keep digging to find out if there's something more going on with me. The other day I was in the house and I know it was fairly cool in the house and I was hot and dripping in sweat. I get sick if I don't eat something every two hours I've been tested I'm not diabetic or hypoglycemic my boyfriend keels telling me it's anxiety I'm putting in my head that I can't go with out eating and having OCD about it so I'm giving myself anxiety attacks . I don't know what to do anymore. I had heart surgery back in February and there was something wrong with my heart I have now had a MRI and ultrasound of my heart since my surgery and my heart is perfect and I've had other tests but now I feel worse than ever. Everyone keeps telling me to admit its anxiety but since I had the heart problem I convince myself it's something more because by chance it was something more before but it's not now.

06-28-2015, 07:55 PM
Your boyfriend is right about this one.

Go to your doctor, tell him/her what's going on. Meds for a short time could help you get your life back in control. Therapy is also helpful.

Meds are nothing to fear, they are really helpful. You can stumble along as you are or you can go get help. The choice is yours.

What you are going through is common for anxiety sufferers, we have been or are where you are. We really do understand.

06-28-2015, 08:05 PM
I changed my diet numerous times- blamed my anxiety on gluten, thyroid, food allergies, vitamin deficiencies, etc. I'm personally done doing this because I still feel horrible. I've been making excuses for years and just want to accept that I have anxiety to address and may need medication. I have a lot of physical symptoms from the anxiety and I know that if I keep lettin. It go I'll have more problems later on. It's scary. I broke down and cried to my family and friends about having anxiety and i feel free. I feel like I can be open and people understand that I need support right now. By waiting around we are taking precious days from us. That's how I feel currently but I can say a few days ago I was not ready to confront it. You are courageous to open up with your thoughts and from here on you have every right to consider other causes of anxiety. I think there are tons of causes but sometimes anxiety IS anxiety, you know? Idk. Just my thoughts at the moment.

06-28-2015, 09:34 PM
I changed my diet numerous times- blamed my anxiety on gluten, thyroid, food allergies, vitamin deficiencies, etc. I'm personally done doing this because I still feel horrible. I've been making excuses for years and just want to accept that I have anxiety to address and may need medication. I have a lot of physical symptoms from the anxiety and I know that if I keep lettin. It go I'll have more problems later on. It's scary. I broke down and cried to my family and friends about having anxiety and i feel free. I feel like I can be open and people understand that I need support right now. By waiting around we are taking precious days from us. That's how I feel currently but I can say a few days ago I was not ready to confront it. You are courageous to open up with your thoughts and from here on you have every right to consider other causes of anxiety. I think there are tons of causes but sometimes anxiety IS anxiety, you know? Idk. Just my thoughts at the moment.
That is true I think about it all the time how my life is passing me by because I can't get over this it's controlling me. That's my biggest problem every two two and a half hours I get sick and I eat something and I feel better if I go without eating I get shaky weak dizzy sweat my heart pounds I've been tested for everything there's nothing wrong with me my boyfriend and family tell me I'm putting it in my head and obsessing about it so I'm making myself sick and having anxiety over not eating but I keep going on and on about how I have to be diabetic and they just haven't tested me right for it yet

06-28-2015, 10:15 PM
That is true I think about it all the time how my life is passing me by because I can't get over this it's controlling me. That's my biggest problem every two two and a half hours I get sick and I eat something and I feel better if I go without eating I get shaky weak dizzy sweat my heart pounds I've been tested for everything there's nothing wrong with me my boyfriend and family tell me I'm putting it in my head and obsessing about it so I'm making myself sick and having anxiety over not eating but I keep going on and on about how I have to be diabetic and they just haven't tested me right for it yet

That's understandable. Reassurance is hard to accept when we(or at least I) am anxious and having an episode. You can tell me something and I may feel better for a minute, but then doubt it and not believe it and allow my anxiety to remain. It's so annoying and sounds similar to what you're dealing with. If it helps ease your mind- get tested at another doctors office as a second opinion maybe?

06-28-2015, 10:49 PM
Hello! I am new on here. Tonight is my fist night but I plan on coming back as I have found reading other posts is reassuring to me to a point. My honest opinion is that maybe you should be checked for thyroid problems. That sounds exactly what I went through for a while. And I would definitely get that checked before you start any medication. If you look up thyroid problems, you will be amazed at what exactly your thyroids influence in your body! Medication for anxiety might only give you temporary relief if there is a bigger underlining problem. I hope everything gets better for you and you find answers soon. Living life everyday feeling like you're going crazy is a terrible feeling.

07-13-2015, 07:46 PM
I was diagnosed with thyroid disease 5 years ago I've been struggling with it and that's when all my anxiety issues started I've gained a lot of weight and I have terrible anxiety I just recently went to my thyroid doctor for a check up my thyroid levels have been all over the place since I got diagnosed and she said my levels are great and she wouldn't change anything but I'm doing terrible and I don't know what to do

Samantha Strizich
07-13-2015, 08:28 PM
I know exactly how you are feeling with your physical symptoms unfortunately :-( I do not suffer from thyroid issues and have been given a clean bill of health yet I am always feeling dizzy or anxious that I will pass out. I have come to terms that most of these sensations are brought on by the anxiety and I like to imagine it's because my brain is so overloaded with panic and stress that it causes all of these strange side effects. I seriously feeling like I am going crazy all of the time and like I can't get a grip on myself or feel like I can get out of this weird fog. Just know you aren't alone in the way you feel. I am so sorry that you're going through this also :-( <3 <3