View Full Version : Need more copeing skills for body anxiety symptoms.

06-28-2015, 07:18 PM
Hi, I've been going off my 40mg/daily of Lexapro and I'm down to a fourth of my dose, 10mg. I feel pretty good mentally and my sex drive has returned to some extent, but I've been having trouble with a lot of physical anxiety symptoms. My whole body has been shaking for the past week almost all day, sometimes it didn't for some reason. I finally took a Klonopin after a week and was able to stop for the day. I take suntheanine and passion flower extract pills that help calm me maybe 30%-50%, but it only does so much. My shaking is just relentless and now that the Klonopin is leaving my body it's returned. On the outside I don't appear to be shaking at all but I can feel it all throughout me. I can talk myself down from full-blown panic attacks just by using my mind and deep breathing, but this is completely different, I don't know how to stop it, I'm hoping that eventually my brain normalizes on this dose and it stops. I've stopped caffeine completely, and I've been a long time marijuana user (at least once a day for the past 5 years) but the marijuana has been making it worse, so I've had to stop that too. Any ideas on how I can cope with this? I never exercise and I feel like that would greatly help me keep my adrenaline in check, but other than that I'm clueless.

06-28-2015, 07:30 PM
Have you tried a magnesium supplement? It works well to calm yourself. Also with coming off the lexapro, you might want to add some Omega3's. This helped me a huge amount to get my brain to readjust when I came off Effexor.

I wish you continued good days. And believer there will be many!