View Full Version : New and a hot mess

06-28-2015, 05:50 PM
Ok- I am new and haven't been able to think straight. Need to type it out. I have gotten so sick of feeling anxious most of the time and creating scenarios in my head that last days and make me sick. I have gastrointestinal issues and seem to have diarrhea and vomiting more than not. Almost every morning I puke bile out from just feeling overwhelm. I was then too anxious to see a doctor..but finally scheduled an appointment next Monday for blood work and to discuss my symptoms. I'm crying as I type this because I just don't know where to turn and talking to my boyfriend and family only helps temporarily.

Anywho- I'm a case manager and deal with crisis and stress daily. The thing that is eating me up is so so silly! I work with a 17 year old that wants to advocate for herself so I wrote her a letter staying she was in my program and her current living address in a housing program. Well, I knew that she would most likely give it to her dad that doesn't have custody to fight for child support to go towards her. While I felt that I have the right to give her a letter as she has access to her documents and I was going to use the same letter for referrals anyway- I panicked that I knew she would give it to her dad that doesn't have custody and felt that was not good wth her being a minor(although she is allowed to work wth me and I don't think personally giving her a letter is a big deal). So I told her to throw it away and a few weeks later I asked if she did and she said yes. For whatever reason, I can't get these scenarios out of my head of the mess this may cause and her saying "yes" to throwing it away isn't convincing to me. And now I can't stop thinking about her dad using my letter and her mom finding out and being upset with me.

How can something like this become such a huge issue and make me feel this way? I feel like i could lose my job and have vomited, cried, and panicked over this. I know it's so silly but my body won't let me forget about it. I feel like I've hit my breaking point and need to consider medication.

I just needed to type that out- I understand that is a horrible story..😁...but my whole weekend has been surrounded by awful thoughts and what ifs and playing out in my head each possible scenario. I've had minor anxiety for years but this is just out of control...I need a pill.

Can someone please tell me that what I'm FREAKING out over is not a big deal and I will be ok? Lol- I am out of ways!

Also- is the vomiting and diarrhea a common symptom of anxiety? Not to be tmi- but I was concerned it was something more serious. This is a horrible feeling.

06-29-2015, 10:22 AM
Hey there!!

It pretty much just sounds like you have been struck with a bad case of anxiety- I'm sure you already knew that!
My anxiety works a lot like yours as far as the thoughts go. I get stuck in a never ending cycle of these bad thoughts that are pretty irrational. You have to learn over time, or with the help of CBT, to try to explain to yourself that these thoughts are not reality. Also.. I think a big anxiety thing, is being in control of all the situations around us. We can't control all the situations.. we never will be able to.. stressing over the outcome of things doesn't really do any good.. I'm by no means perfect at it, of course lol.

As far as your stomach issues go- yes, it CAN be a symptom of anxiety.. but I would get it checked out, and I see you said you made a doctors apt so that's really good. I had stomach issues for a long time and doctors thoughts I was crazy but I ended up needing my gallbladder taken out.

Good luck!

06-29-2015, 11:10 AM
Hi cwyss

Here is what I would do as it is causing you so much distress over your job.

Have a discussion with your boss and explain the situation and your concerns. He/she will probably tell you it's not a big deal. Good thing about doing it this way is if it ever comes back as an issue you were upfront with your employer. It is less likely to come back to bite you.

Also, you were likely acting in the best interest of a minor.

Hang in there you can get through this.