View Full Version : "Anxiety Episode" - Please Read

06-28-2015, 03:36 AM
Hey guys, so I have been in this "episode" for about two weeks, at first it was awful, I am seeing SOME signs of improvement. Eating a little bit, talking a little bit, but it really does go back and forth. While it improvement is there, it's slow, very slow. Basically I am having this feeling of dread, constant fear,some helplessness, intrusive thoughts that sometimes spike my anxiety up real high then die down, but linger. I know this IS NOT the "normal anxious me" because if it was, I wouldn't be worried about it. Since this "episode" began, I see some days, maybe even just minutes/hours where I feel better, but it keeps striking again and again. It's constantly with me, but now some times are just worse than others. It's like I can't help it. Does anyone else have "episodes" of anxiety. Do they go away? Any tips or suggestions? On a side note, I was called in for a job interview for a job that is close to home, should I do this? Would it help break this cycle? Please guys, I am looking for insight. Thanks.

06-28-2015, 03:50 AM
If the job is something you are interested in then definitely go for it.

Chris, this "episode" will end. Work on focusing on anything other than the anxious feelings. You are feeding this monster every time you dwell on it, and that one hungry greedy beast.

Diaphragmatic breathing is your friend, if you don't know how to do it, google it and learn. If you know how to do it, then use it every time the anxiety monster rears its ugly head.

I'm not telling you anything new here.

If the situation doesn't start to let up then a trip to your doctor is in order. Mess may be helpful.

Hang in there.

06-28-2015, 03:58 AM
Can you relate when I say that in these episodes, I am a different person. Like I have become anxiety and my whole life revolves around it? Like I went from normal anxious me who coped and had attacks and bad days, but didn't dwell on it to a new person that revolves everything around it? Also seems like my triggers get worse during episodes.

06-28-2015, 03:59 AM
Also seems like this "episode" came on for no reason. Needtogetwell, do you have a FB account? I really just need contact with one person who understands me. I would love to chat with you on a quick term.

06-28-2015, 04:09 AM
Also seems like this "episode" came on for no reason. Needtogetwell, do you have a FB account? I really just need contact with one person who understands me. I would love to chat with you on a quick term.

Chris, yes I completely understand how these episodes make you feel like a different person. They used to do it to me.

I wish I had time to chat with you about this but I am getting ready to go to work in a few minutes. Yes, I have to work on a Sunday.

Have you thought at all about the medication route? No one wants to be on meds, but the benefits can definitely outweigh the negatives. I was on meds for 20 or so years. Helped me get my life back. Now 3 or so years med free and I'm doing great with a blip here and there.

I understand your need for support and not many people understand living with this constant anxiety.

Something else you can do is look at what your stressors are and eliminate what you can. If a situation is causing you stress then deal with it, or make a step by step plan how to deal with it. I

I have to head out for work, try to find something great to do with this Sunday.

06-29-2015, 10:50 AM
Something that's worth remembering is you can snap out of a funk almost instantly. Sure, it's not something you can will yourself to do, but often one experience, one piece of knowledge can spark a chain reaction that sees you move beyond a particular episode really quickly.

Your job interview may be something that breaks the cycle, especially if it goes well. Some feel-good vibes could really shift your physiology.

Get your head in a CBT book and really start to get excited about all of the possibilities that await when you figure this thing out. The recommendations you received on your other thread looked really good.

06-29-2015, 08:18 PM
They do go away! I lived this for twenty odd years.

06-29-2015, 11:24 PM
Hey guys, so I have been in this "episode" for about two weeks, at first it was awful, I am seeing SOME signs of improvement. Eating a little bit, talking a little bit, but it really does go back and forth. While it improvement is there, it's slow, very slow. Basically I am having this feeling of dread, constant fear,some helplessness, intrusive thoughts that sometimes spike my anxiety up real high then die down, but linger. I know this IS NOT the "normal anxious me" because if it was, I wouldn't be worried about it. Since this "episode" began, I see some days, maybe even just minutes/hours where I feel better, but it keeps striking again and again. It's constantly with me, but now some times are just worse than others. It's like I can't help it. Does anyone else have "episodes" of anxiety. Do they go away? Any tips or suggestions? On a side note, I was called in for a job interview for a job that is close to home, should I do this? Would it help break this cycle? Please guys, I am looking for insight. Thanks.

I go through the exact thing you are through right now, I'm on FB if you want to chat. I think we could really help each other through this anxiety rollercoaster. I know how overwhelming it could be and how it lingers. Feel free to friend me on FB. My name is Salvador Davalos jr. Hope to hear from you.

06-30-2015, 06:03 AM
I go through the exact thing you are through right now, I'm on FB if you want to chat.

I think we could really help each other...

...through this anxiety rollercoaster. I know how overwhelming it could be and how it lingers.

Feel free to friend me on FB.

My name is Salvador Davalos jr. Hope to hear from you.

"When two or more are joined in my name, blessed be the union, there is nothing out of reach, every miracle possible".

Excellent. This is what its all about.

And love.

That lead to :


New beginnings
peace and comfort


Magic !

These miracle attributes formed in love (kinship) can beat any human condition.