View Full Version : GAME ALERT - Finally a Game with Meaningful Purpose!

06-27-2015, 06:03 PM
I wanted to share something that many of you may find hopeful, despite it still being on the drawing board. For me it is a long awaited concept in gaming that's only just coming to light now. Attitudes are fast changing with the current ways in which we think and live. This game will ensure trolls do not survive. Only by working together can people define the new concept that does away with the old term - Win.


To find out more - please visit:

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I have no affiliation with the makers "Strange Loop Games". I only came across it through my involvement with the Zeitgeist Global Facebook Page, as well as other Eco, Eviro Sustainability movements and so on. From what I have gathered thus far - this new genera (first of its kind - termed "Global Survival Game") it's emphasis is not going to be on graphics, but more on intelligence! This way more computers will be able to play it, as to providing for a more technical and thought provoking game. Seems to have a mine craft feel to it from what I have seen. I actually do not mind the art currently used:

Concept art thus far:


I used to think the graphics of Sims 2 was fantastic and still do. Once game developers got lost in graphic design, that game mechanics on average (imho) went to shit. Then of course over time, my own attitudes towards consumerism started to get bored with the focus primarily on sensory pleasuring. It did not take long for my kids to actually get bored with going through the same actions of taking a crap, showering, eating and going woohoo to then only die having lived a wasted life.

It's been a long time since the first pixels an green screen ... I have been reverting back to pixelated games completely desensitized to most of the BS graphical games. Each to their own. In fact, most hackers and slashers - will detest this game. It is designed to make such players die rather quick. Basically if your sick of this world as it is ... and like the idea of living in a world devoid of plastic and coin - devoid of ambition that seeks to inflate a useless economy → Then this game is for you!

The crux of the Resource Based Economy and the way it's played can be found here:
More so termed "Player-Created Laws"

Discussions can be found here at the steam community:

Also here is the FACE BOOK PAGE:

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That's about it. Thought some of you might be up for the new concept. I can hardly wait. - Hope it does not turn out to be a dispoitment of those others that you know - "New it was too good to be true" Lets hope this one makes it past the trailer and onto some kind of download icon embed in Steam!


It's not going to be for everyone ... but I know many are going to LOVE it!

Would be interested to know what the like minded fold think?

06-27-2015, 08:01 PM
Absolutely fascinating concept. And why not. I traveled to Israel recently, and noticed there's been an explosion of sustainable one-floor houses being built there. Times are changing. Population levels, global warming and sustainability are all huge issues we can no longer ignore. Wonderful to see a video game touching on this. Makes a change from the usual bang, bang, bang games many like my son seem to love.

Is there any release date on this yet?

06-27-2015, 08:59 PM
Hi Frederick - The best I can come up with is:


I made a post on their FB page - actually question a project of theirs from 2013 called SIM CELL. I am having trouble finding a download link to that. Best I can do is update the response when it comes in:

Unfortunately I am too used to these kind of projects rarely getting off the ground ... but one can only hope. Will look into how one can go about getting on board with the beta testing or trial runs.

06-27-2015, 09:14 PM

I think it looks really cool, but if I had a dollar for every sandbox game that looked cool and then got abandoned, had exhaustingly slow updates, or was made to look like something's it's not via trailers...

I could buy a pretty nice dinner.

The concept is awesome though. Thanks for sharing, I'll be following it.

06-27-2015, 11:35 PM
I Totally understand what you mean Goomba.

I found another Youtube presentation that has the game creator presenting more of a detailed outline of the game mechanics. I know it would be nice just to know where the download link is, however this concept appears to still be still early in development.

Eco - Collaborative Environmental Science Game - YouTube


I'm not that great communicating outside my bubble, but I did send John an email asking about how to get involved in the Kick Starter Program as well as requesting information on when that might commence.
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Additionally I source out some more interesting information - I will share a couple of paragraphs on that and link the source/webpage below that:

The government has already run a pilot program testing the effects of Eco on 60 students across five classrooms. "The prototype functioned as intended," the government stated. "Students found the game to be engaging, and that students were able to collaborate with classmates during gameplay."
Upon completion, researchers will test the final product across 150 students in 10 classrooms. "Half of the classrooms will be randomly assigned to use Eco to supplement standard classroom instruction while the other half will continue with normal practice. Analyses will compare pre-and-post scores of student's ecology knowledge and environmental literacy."

That's right, the government is testing video games on our children. No wonder the Polybius legend (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-05-22-polybius-the-story-behind-the-worlds-most-mysterious-arcade-cabinet) is so rampant.
While government funding will help, it won't entirely finance Strange Loop. Creative director and executive producer John Krajewski told Eurogamer that a Kickstarter is planned to launch near the end of this month. In the meantime, Eco is already on Steam Greenlight (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=455323554).

The article was published → Published 09/06/2015

Link to article Below:
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I'll let you know if I get a reply to my email. ;)

08-07-2015, 06:10 PM


Goomba → This game is more than just a concept. I bring you good news. My wife and I are now part of the Alpha project ... The Kick Starter Pack. Yes there is $$$$ required to get on board. This is not your average Pay Pall iTunes Guru or Get Rich Quick Skype Session flingamagig. This Game is very much under production with more gaming content that's being programmed as we speak.

Before I ramble some more - Here it the link to get on board:

I would not pay for an Alpha subscription if I did not think this was real. If you want to make is happen, then jump on board. It's the only way. I have been real busy of late doing a lot of things. I wish I had more time to put in with this ... and now that I have become a backer ... I think I will. Both my wife and I paid the $30.00 to become part of this. I know it's not that graphical ... but many of us have been waiting for a PC game like this for ever!!!

There is even a good feel on the steam community for this game:

Everyday is finding more art hitting the screen with animations under way. Apparently The Art Director lives here in Australia - Not far from me ... Brisbane.

Speaking of Art ... I have my own to do.

I was going to rave on about the game some more ... but its all in the Link. I am remaining positive with regards to the outcome of this game. If they do not reach the total they need to get off the ground, they will not take the pledge.

There is in opportunity to get this thing going ... no sense complaining if we do not give them a pledge.

October is when they hope to have the Alpha version Running. My wife and I both pledged $30.00 each to be part of that. If I had more, I would go down and give ideas to the Art director myself. The world needs games like these.

A game where I can become with the land, instead of having to hack and slash to get ahead. No more snow balling across the land and having to fight my way back home. In this game, it's more about the fishing, the sharing; its all about living!

Hope this finds you well Goomba.

I will update as promised.

Forget about the lunch money - lets pledge instead. :)

08-07-2015, 06:16 PM
"Our UAV is online" :D

08-07-2015, 06:39 PM
____________________ ____ _ Goomba → This game is more than just a concept. I bring you good news. My wife and I are now part of the Alpha project ... The Kick Starter Pack. Yes there is $$$$ required to get on board. This is not your average Pay Pall iTunes Guru or Get Rich Quick Skype Session flingamagig. This Game is very much under production with more gaming content that's being programmed as we speak. Before I ramble some more - Here it the link to get on board: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037798999/eco-global-survival-game I would not pay for an Alpha subscription if I did not think this was real. If you want to make is happen, then jump on board. It's the only way. I have been real busy of late doing a lot of things. I wish I had more time to put in with this ... and now that I have become a backer ... I think I will. Both my wife and I paid the $30.00 to become part of this. I know it's not that graphical ... but many of us have been waiting for a PC game like this for ever!!! There is even a good feel on the steam community for this game: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=455323554 Everyday is finding more art hitting the screen with animations under way. Apparently The Art Director lives here in Australia - Not far from me ... Brisbane. Speaking of Art ... I have my own to do. I was going to rave on about the game some more ... but its all in the Link. I am remaining positive with regards to the outcome of this game. If they do not reach the total they need to get off the ground, they will not take the pledge. There is in opportunity to get this thing going ... no sense complaining if we do not give them a pledge. October is when they hope to have the Alpha version Running. My wife and I both pledged $30.00 each to be part of that. If I had more, I would go down and give ideas to the Art director myself. The world needs games like these. A game where I can become with the land, instead of having to hack and slash to get ahead. No more snow balling across the land and having to fight my way back home. In this game, it's more about the fishing, the sharing; its all about living! Hope this finds you well Goomba. I will update as promised. Forget about the lunch money - lets pledge instead. :)


I liked their Facebook page after you initially showed it to us. I was reading through their kick starter earlier today. I think it's commendable that a few of the the big investment rewards are catered towards school environments. Not only is that an awesome way to learn, but it makes me happy as a gamer to play something that has educational/personal growth implications.

I haven't contributed yet, but I'm strongly considering it. My only reserve is still that I have seen many kick starter games get funded, and then abandoned by developers after a basic release.

I'll have to think it over some more.

08-07-2015, 08:08 PM
They are backed by the US Government so my wife tells me. Yea there is risk involved. They have a number of Facebook Games published and also others in schools. What's the worse that can happen - loose a bit of lunch money?

Your probably right - I think the world is too negative for projects like this. Fuck it. Let's give up.

LOL - just kidding! Where's the "Got to be in it to win it", when the world needs it? Not enough Sex, Violence and Masturbation. People are quick to waste the money on shit when out and about, but when it comes to something with meaning ... Sigh ...

Pissing in the wind no doubt.

I'd be happy to lose money to this.

If not ... Then I can't fucking wait to let you know when we are playing Alpha ... then maybe Beta ... and even then if it hits the ground ... Just goes to show, whats more important with those who banter over the change in their pockets.


YES - UAV will keep scanning the skies and reads what it see.

A good day to you Mist ... bit of rain would be nice. ;)

08-07-2015, 09:28 PM
I wasn't trying to suggest that I don't see the importance in investing in something like this, in fact, it's just the opposite.

Just experiences, man. I have lost more than Id like to admit in backing some projects I was passionate about, just to have them thrown to the wayside. I have a skepticism as a sort of defense at this point.

Hey, that how a lot of anxiety starts!

08-08-2015, 12:09 AM
That's why we need games like this - they shatter the concept of defense point blank. Once you understand that, there is no risk.

08-08-2015, 03:35 AM
Is there quickscoping? LOL

08-08-2015, 05:05 AM
Nope - No Team Killing either. ;)

08-08-2015, 05:51 PM
Assuming it's genuine

08-14-2015, 03:09 PM
Great News!

My Wife & I remain POSITIVE about this Game:

50K reached and only a week into the pledging!!!

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5813/20390655299_7d45d60913_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/x4Rrqp)

08-17-2015, 04:40 PM

Another Update - Thing are looking good!!! - Check out the link below for more interesting information about this game. (Minecraft Comparison) Click on the picture to find out more as well.
This game is going to happen! - Jump on board today ;)

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5793/20657498002_5e53b8c164_c.jpg (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037798999/eco-global-survival-game)


https://farm1.staticflickr.com/704/20478945338_3e59d4ab7e_z.jpg (http://www.forbes.com/sites/jordanshapiro/2015/08/16/something-is-wrong-with-minecraft-this-game-has-a-solution/)

08-17-2015, 05:07 PM
AWESOME!!!! We got another backer. :)

08-17-2015, 07:31 PM

You pledged Your Money - (Lisa and I chose the $30 package which is now sold out - but there is the $35 package still left)

The pledged money does not get taken unless they reach their target of $100 000.00 (is going to happen)

When they reach the Target, Your Money is taken and goes towards taking the Game off the drawing board and onto our computers.

Essentially you are helping to fund the alpha testing - without the money there is no game.

There is NO getting money back if the game for whatever reason goes down hill.

Consider it as a donation towards a very good cause. It's pretty much the way any like wise venture goes. My wife and I spent more on crap food to to comfort ourselves. I don't believe we are alone in that. My confidence in the outcome of this game will mean little to those who can't justify the spending of whatever on this game. All I can say, is that I can think of way worse to waste my money on.

I read the article at the Forbes sight. There are already trolls that love nothing better than to hate gathering on the side lines with their negative comments. I put my money in with no expectations other than "what an awesome game this can be!" Pfttt ... a MacDonald's lunch for two Vs these Trolls who thrive to see games like these fail. Tick Tick Tick ... fuck it ... I'll hand my money over if even only a slight chance to prove idiots wrong.

Each to their own man. I'm not so much here to impress or as to sell ... This is just the forum I happen to hang is all. This game could be a good thing where my wife and I interact once more. Remember my wife does not get out of her chair much at all. We have never played a game together since Age of Empires first came out back in 97. Perhaps a few board games before that and one or two afterwards.

As for the trolls and negative people that somehow get off on games failing - Generally they don't like games with NO GOD MODE - It's actually quite an irony that I am heading into such a game given that I struggle very much with LAW/ RULES as it stands. But it does present one hell of a game it the creators can stick to their original theme.

My gaming story - on the fly here before I get the fuck of this thing and do some art and or go for a walk.

FOR ME - and by the way ... I have a lot more reading to do on this game. In all the Games that I have played ... many - Virtual World Games ... World Environments - The hacking and slashing has become so ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I used to be like Pro (in my own mind) first person shooter.

I started with the arcade machines - Atari Consoles and green screens. Mostly Space Invaders and PONG. I was like aprox 11 and my Bro 9. Danny had another mate more my age but more street wise. He taught Danny how to break into cars and thieve wallets at the swimming pool. Long story short we used to cash in $10 & $20 notes for 20 cent coins. This is when my addiction to gaming started.

I naturally gravitated from the arcades machines to apples green screens: - Later I got into the commodore and Vic Cartridges ... then onto an Atari PC ...

Hey Dahila:

Here is an Arcade Machine I built: ... I thought of you because I took this photo in my then shop "Everyday Electronics" :) It was the shop I sent people too when I was selling at the markets.


where was I ... I hit enter and think about it. BRB

08-17-2015, 07:55 PM
yea srry about that ... UM ... During all that tech evolving ... between the consoles of NES and SEGA ... bang smash slam kill kill kill ... ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz The one thing that we did miss one the PC actually become a PC (From $5000.00 - to near affordable) was the game leveling that all but disappeared. "They don't make em like they used to!" ... but no matter ... eventually DUKE NUKEM had me back to killing killing and more killing. Red Alert put my in another realm all together.

As time went on, I found myself going back and forth ... between Unreal tournament (which I thought was the fucking best thing ever! HEAD SHOT - MONSTER KILL!!!!) I think I raised my son at from Age Two on like wise games. .... and Command and Conquer. The graphic slowly got better and better. I was into all the gloss. I built all my own PCs and made such a big deal about having to have the best graphics. No I am the opposite -

I am so over the Games of Today. BORING ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz It's like my recent bitch over movies and TV programs all being the same old things. Identical in every way. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I made the switch from first person to in game worlds because I felt like I was going to have a seizure for sure. At first is felt good ... but soon or later there I was going clickity click ... click click click click .... just as fast and just as ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Hack and Slash ... Hack and Slash ... Shoot from distance and play spells click click click KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I loved farming in AOE ... (age of empires) I thought that was frigging awesome. I also thought the graphics were insane! LOL - I still love that game. The fighting was annoying ... but the fishing, farming and resource collecting ... that was fun stuff. I had always been on the look out for any game like it after that.

CIVS I thought might of been one ... but still about FIGHTING, Armies - invading - Killing. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I gave up for a few years recently and then decided fuck it - lets try this mine craft and see what I can build. I had previously thought "What shit graphics!!! - But man I was in for a surprise. I had played other in world games such as guild wars, Oblivion, Myst, WOW, EOS, and others ... but this immediately felt more immersive to me. Now You can scroll in on some of these others for a first person perspective, but not to have a fucking weapon in my hand, but an axe instead - Fuck Yea!!!! Now we are talking. lol I think how others might still think to cave in anothers head ... but the feeling of taking to a tree and build myself a house. That really was awesome in like so many ways I had not done in game before.

Getting a hold of the shoveling was even better ...........

I talk more when I have time. Gotorun

To be continued .....

08-17-2015, 08:14 PM
Thought I would let you know that I am a backer. :)

08-17-2015, 11:38 PM
Thanks for passing that on Goomba. :) A friend of mine joined earlier today and also got a PM from another friend. (fingers crossed) I look forward to reading some more and joining the forum later today.

I just grab my cuppa before I pick back up where I left off. Please do excuse me while I ramble off the rest of my story. Much needed distraction for me at this current time.
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Continuing the ramble ---

I virtually watched my son evolve on that game thorough his high school years. After he left school, I'm like "Jess!!!! You got to check this out and help me build, I had no Idea this game was so good!" he is like "Yea yea Dad ... I'm all played out ... I'll give you some hints and tips when I've got time" Man ... I missed out big time there ... all because I thought the graphics was shit.

So anyways, I'm now standing in this 3D world with flash backs of Age of Empires coming to mind - but then the light was staring to fade and I'm like fuck - I can't see. I'm thinking how awesome it is to actually be chopping the wood compared to watching the screen like when playing AOE. Next thing I know, the screens starts going red and I'm getting knocked about ... 1 - 2 - 3 ... I am dead. WTF?

OHHHHH Now I see ... Bunker in before night fall or your dead. I have no idea about this game, do pull up Youtube and find what's called '"Getting through your first night" SIGH - So I need to collect this much wood, make a crafting table, then make an axe which will be quicker than hand. Then after dinging a hole, putting in a door making sure not to cut too much wood (lest I wast time and night fall) I than pick out some stone to make a furnace which I can then make charcoal to put with sticks and finally then I can survive the night. Just going by memory now ... it was something like that. Of course finding sheep to craft some wool to make a bed meant that you did not have to wait out the entire night.

But Guess What!!! - I love the fucking nights! Not so much the monsters that come to kill you though. With the monsters it's called Survival Mode. So stop bitching and change modes.

hmmmmm - was not ready for that. I actually found the challenge of having to survive an interesting aspect in itself. That was until I had that part down pat. Then the monsters made the game feel no more than kill kill kill ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ It got annoying as I was now only interested in building things.

My hiking buddy that plays with me - is more into the mining. More More More More More and just a little bit more ... but OH FUCK ... he then falls into a pit of Lava. LOL hahahaha. We both got good in the end with click at just the right times in the right places ... I have no doubt that my mate Ben is as compulsive as I. 20 thousands clicks later - Ben sings out "Almost there man, I cart that iron over as soon as I can, how's the palace coming? along" A project that has seen us at our computers for the last 24/7 with both wifes crying out "Get the fuck off that game or I will fucking ...... bla bla bla....." I have since deleted that world and mine craft account. Not because of my wife ... although she had a good point. But I was starting to feel like a resource hog. I did not even need creative mode on. Creative Mode is like God Mode - you just use whatever the fuck you want when you want.

Spasmodic now as I come to conclude whatever it is that I am trying to conclude:

Now here's the things ... the comparisons between the games (eco Vs Minecraft style) and the trolls hitting out on this eco game saying people will not waste their spare time going to play in a world with laws and rules. For one - its not just kids playing these game. For another, I see myself as a creative guy yet sick of having a free reign of materials. The kill kill kill aspect although can be turned off, is good simply not to be present in the game. Minecraft has been twisted into so many things. lol - It was only a matter of time before someone came up with a much brighter idea of how to turn minecraft into a more efficient educational game and lock it down as such.

Each to their own ... now this is what I am hoping for. A small community. Like how Linux started out - Ubuntu - more user friendly. I'm done with the killing. I'm not even turned on with the hunting - but glad that's about the only kind of killing that goes on in this game. The resource based economy is an attractive idea. I have yet to read up on all aspect of the economy. I am yet to learn all about it myself yet. If $$$ creep into the game and it turns more into hording than it is about living, then I will get ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz just like every other game. But from the bits I have read thus far ... it's looking good.

There is a single player version ... so no need to get anxious over having to deal with others I may not want to interact with. I have had friends in the past who have serious issues with playing online games simply because they fear interaction with people whatsoever. I totally get that. So many trolls out there that would love to make this game sink as any rate.

Is no doubt going to be a risky game. I don't do well with groups that want to control. POWER mongers. I wonder how this game will be different???

The aim being more to make your world survive - not about overthrowing someone else s. I guess that's what the natural disasters is about. Keep players on their toes and always helping out. Sounds fair enough to me. I am just happy to go fishing and build rad looking structures.

Whilst I question my own ability to interact as a group ... My wife is joining with me, I have another friend listed and I would be happy to have anyone else in here who would like to group up as well. I think creating a group with peers you can trust, or at least be with a few players connected through some kind of similarity can help bridge the gap of online social phobia. (something like that) - You can be sure there will be many groups that start out like this.

The Eco forum can be used as a place to feed back - no doubt as the game evolves there will be a facilitation for group chat. I really must go read in depth on this game as someone down to play the alpha and also feed back. In fact - the more players that do feed back, the more this game will better evolve.

Anyways ----- that's all my cards on the table re this game.

I actually found out about it being a member of the Zeitgeist Movement - A group moving with a cause to see a Resource Base Economy in the real world - a strategy very similarly to this game. There will always be conflict with the governing ... but is has to start somewhere. If we can't even come to grips in a web simulated game, then there is no fucking hope of unchaining ourselves from our current value system. You can bet, there are many who do not want to see this game do well.

Time to go read - Looks as if we have to learn to become corporate powers ourselves. You know the saying - Be The Change.
Oh but how power and greed corrupts ... just a few more trees please. ;)

08-18-2015, 12:14 AM
Man this game sound good!

To my good friend in PM - I just want to assure you ... I am pretty good with screen shots and writing up a tutorial on how to access and operate your tool bar and to navigate your world. Windows 10 has now graced me with my own free video screen capture tool that I can upload to youtube if need be.

I'll help you with any questions - just as I am sure would be the case with any of the other players in such groups. I think you will find such communities a very welcoming bunch. At any rate ... just wanted to let you know, I would always be at your disposal.

08-25-2015, 01:24 AM
Funding Reached:



Funding is reached, but after joining the forum I am less impressed. NO matter ... I do tend to take a dive after surfacing for more than a week. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/red-neck-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif I got an email that morning updating the pledging numbers. It also contained more info on the game. Talk about having GOLD as CURRENCY. It was a reality check for me. I later joined the forum and became bitterly disappointed as I discovered the high level of focus, would be players, were giving to politics.

Player created laws is one thing, but this talk of GOLD for currency and then proposing J-O-Bs for policing, armies, large corporations and the same old things. Man - I thinks to myself ... "This is just another fucking Civ Game like the rest ... Grrrrrrrrrrrrr" I started to see red! Here we fracken go - this talk of a gold currency and all these would be players striving for greed; how the frack do they expect to separate the ECO from NOMY? The don't. It's all about the economy. Sound familiar.

I get that the ecosystem failing is the main point to failure, but the object of the game is what seems more disappointing to me. Bias aside ... I had other dreams. Obviously I was blinded. I do not believe this will be my "build to a certain point then sit back and marvel at my creation kind of game." From what I can gather ... its all about non-stop gathering that encourages continual advancement over those who are content to cap at any given level. There seems to be a large reliance factor that not only restricts those groups who choose not to employ various skills sets, but discourages people from not wanting to advance to some atypical definition of Civilization. It looks as if there is not much thought given to expanding skill sets on the lower levels. That would of at least kept me happy styling my world with enough interest to keep my focused without the feeling of some kind of need, to up to the next level. The more levels you go up, the more you consume. Somewhat contradictory to what I led myself to believe. Like I said ... I was dreaming.

I will stick it out and see what happens.

Maybe they will have enough variety of skills sets on the lower levels than I think.
Perhaps I can advance to a start Trek level without the need for all the deception off politics and their proposed BS economy.

08-25-2015, 01:32 PM
Looks like we will just have to create server without those players then : ).

Also, I meant to type before, your minecraft description in your last post made me truly lol. Spot on.

08-25-2015, 02:05 PM
Player created laws is one thing, but this talk of GOLD for currency and then proposing J-O-Bs for policing, armies, large corporations and the same old things. Man - I thinks to myself ... "This is just another fucking Civ Game like the rest ... Grrrrrrrrrrrrr" I started to see red! Here we fracken go - this talk of a gold currency and all these would be players striving for greed; how the frack do they expect to separate the ECO from NOMY? The don't. It's all about the economy. Sound familiar.

Isn't that just the same as real life? At least with real life you don't have to pay $30 to play... you only have to sell your soul. Mwaha.

Ok I'm joking, but your above post does sound a little different to how I imagined the game would be. Still, like you say, early days, and plenty left to change/develop.

Keep updating the thread! I'm not really posting here, I'm a total gaming noob actually, but I am reading and am very interested. Will try to hop on board at some point.

08-26-2015, 03:09 PM
I think your dead on the mark there Goomba ... Glad you enjoyed my post. :)

LOL Jesse ... I will try and find time later to update or just share my musings. I was out walking yesterday talking with my hiking buddy and we come up with a few good points that would be rewarding to type in here.

Time for me to move on for now ... just making a note I intend to return is all.

If this game goes ahead Goomba and you don't mind it so much, would you be open to being SKYPE friends. I only use the text feature for chatting with gaming friends. Understand if you do not have Skype. The Skyping is for outside of gaming, but just a good way of talking game stuff when casually not on the forum. Nothing Intense ... just more gaming related stuff is all. ECO and other games like it ... will have their own chat boxes and afford a gaming style that makes in game chatting reasonable easy.

I throw that one out there for anyone interested in the ECO game if they would like a skype buddy. Once I make friends that are not post related ... you will find me very easy to get along. Text chatting only for me though guys. I do mic in game, but only after established relationships and when the other party is comfortable with doing so. Perhaps a little forward, even offering up text chat ... but for most gamer I do not think so. Offer is there. Let me know if you have Skype and I will PM my details.

Again - this invitation is open to anyone ... looking to play ECO. Skype is easy to install and you can use it the same a FB messenger. Just type in the box and hit enter. Can share links, and help each other with the game. Be part of the same team for sure and play with like minds - of course respecting each others space.
I had some really fun experiences playing with a friend or two on mind craft when it came to just laying out living areas and so on. I would not mind making like wise friends for this ECO game. No pressure ... just PM if interested.

Take care ... and have FUN. ;)

PS - I appreciate time zones ... another thing gaming friends seem to be able to skirt around. Late nights on one end may see morning people like me playing on this end. With gaming ... there always seems to be a few hours either end. Especially the fun games. ;)

08-26-2015, 03:54 PM
My skype is Goomba_14.

Am at work, but will check it tonight when I get home.

08-26-2015, 08:31 PM
Roger that, request sent.

I am on Brisbane Australia time.

Will sync up when I know yours. ;)

08-27-2015, 03:30 PM
Mission Accomplished - Thanks Goomba.

I will update ... just not enough time.

I can see I will have to sneak to this thread a bit later. The old cut and paste trick.

Hmmmm ... Elder scrolls did not cut it for me. Too much focus on micromanagement based on making users spend real money. This has made the process in their game quite slow and unrewarding. Not Fun. I don't have that much time anymore. I will toss that game in the bin. Glad it was not full price. Thankfully eco is a game that will have no extra $$$ required ... touch wood!

I think the mobile games are even worse with regards to that? Those game are all like spam now. Full on spam in a can.

Thought anyone?
Click here → for more → manna, power and or gold. = Paypal Sign In. Pffft

Actually I recently said to my mate, those with the money are now inadvertently turning the game industry into more of a status thing, than anything else. When it comes to accomplishments in game ... it's more about the money. If if I have the money to spare ... I think I am just supporting a system that's quite negative. As far as accomplishments go ... it actually feels less knowing that we have to spent $$$ to acquire certain levels or ti simply get ahead. Its sad really. I wish I could nail it better. The widening gap so to speak. Games used to be of benefit to some poorer kids (minus the influencing/brainwashing and genres) ... but now I can see all that is changed as well. Add to the $$$ all that spamming of adds as well.

NOT TO WORRY ... I will seek out new games and add them in another thread. ;)