View Full Version : Please Can Someone Explain This

06-26-2015, 03:13 AM
Okay, so I have been in a rut for a week or so now, yesterday morning, I felt better, strong!!! I felt pretty good. My fears were going away. My mom even left for work and I didn't get all worried about it, there was no car here, I was stuck here, but I faced all my million fears and felt fine. Almost as if it wasn't by my choosing, I just did. But today, they're back. Was that just a taste to let me know that this rut is ending?

06-26-2015, 03:15 AM
Typical anxiety cycle. Just try to focus on how great yesterday was and how yes! You can do it.

06-26-2015, 10:35 AM
Like needtogetwell said sounds like a typical anxiety cycle. For example earlier this week my anxiety was pretty low but the last two days things have been really stressful at work causing me to worry and have a lot of physical symptoms. You can ride this out, it won't last forever.