View Full Version : Potential causes for sleep issues??

06-25-2015, 01:02 PM
I'll try to keep it short and sweet. I've been really lucky in my anxiety and depression not to have a lot of sleep issues which I know is pretty common for many people struggling with these issues. However in the last few months I believe my body has decided to turn on me.

It started simple I would wake up once about 2 or 3 am get a drink of water or whatever and end up being able to fall right back asleep. Now its gotten to the point where I'm waking up multiple times during the night and on top of that my body isn't letting me get more than about 5-6 hours of sleep. I know that 5-6 hours isn't that bad but considering before this I was able to sleep for 8-10 hours and on the weekends manage to take a few naps in addition to that I'm a bit concerned.

I'm mainly concerned because I wake up and feel like I could go back to sleep even though I think my body would object to that. I spend most of my days feeling tired and unmotivated. For example its almost 2:00 pm my time and I'm still trying to wake up, I technically "woke up" about 6:30 this morning. I've also started having panic attacks again, I had my first one in a few months about 3 days ago and almost had one earlier today. I'm still fighting off the "I feel sick" feeling.

I'm taking Cymbalta and Buspar and have been at the same dosages for awhile. I'm in the process of making arrangements to see a psych (for meds management purposes) but didn't know if you guys had any thoughts??

06-25-2015, 01:38 PM
Have you done a sleep study? Sometimes people that wake up many times in the night do so because of sleep apnea.
I have been feeling pretty draggy and gross this week too, but I blame my uterus for that.

06-26-2015, 10:15 AM
Never done a sleep study, however I do know that I'm grinding my teeth when I sleep because I wake up with my jaw and face hurting. I was diagnosed with TMJ when I was younger so I figure that a combination of stress and anxiety is making that worse which could be affecting my sleep. I actually ended up sleeping about 8 hours last night for the first time in a few weeks which felt amazing. My therapist thinks that the reason I'm waking up is because anxiety which is a possibility.

Part of me wants to blame it on my meds too. They usually knock me out but at this point my body is probably getting used to them. Hoping I can get in to see a psych soon to see if its something with my meds. Sometime they keep me awake instead of helping my sleep usually around "that time of the month."