View Full Version : Deciding on diagnosis and medication

06-25-2015, 12:44 AM
Starting 7 months ago I started getting heart palpitations along with leg numbness. All heart tests turned out fine (holter monitors did show I was having palpitations, just not enough to be considered a concern) After MRIs and appointments, I have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I am definitely upset about it, but coping ok. However I still have the heart palpitations, dizziness/ light headedness that comes and goes at completely random times. The neurologist said it is in no way connected to MS. I am sitting on my couch right now because I woke up with this dizzy feeling and couldn't sleep. Before the diagnosis, my family doctor wanted me to take medication - citalopram - because he thought everything was due to anxiety. I didn't take it because I didn't think I needed it. I am a very calm person, I deal with stress easily, and there is no reason that I can think of that I would all of a sudden develop an anxiety disorder out of the blue. However, I am getting desperate to get rid of these lightheaded feelings. I guess I am willing to give citalopram a shot, but what happens if you take these medications and you don't really need them? And how long will I have to wait to see if there is any positive effect at all?