View Full Version : Broken hearted again

06-24-2015, 11:48 PM
My bf of 8 months broke up with me. I'm a mess. I'm so sad. I feel like I'll never enjoy anything again and that's terrifying. Idk what to do. I don't want to feel this way.

06-25-2015, 12:00 AM
Hi Jessicaleanne,

You will enjoy stuff again and you will feel like this again unfortunately. Do you have some girlfriends you can hang out with?

Gypsy x

06-25-2015, 12:23 AM
My bf of 8 months broke up with me. I'm a mess. I'm so sad. I feel like I'll never enjoy anything again and that's terrifying. Idk what to do. I don't want to feel this way.

Breaking up sucks. You know what is awesome though? You are. Each day that passes you are going to feel a little better. Spend some time with you, go window shopping, go see a movie, read a cool book, treat yourself to a nice dinner, or just take a long walk/drive somewhere new. You have just now gained some amazing you time. You might not truly enjoy it yet, but give it time. Besides, you now have the perfect opportunity to experience one of my favorite things: blanket burrito. Take that blanket, hold it up, twirl around until you are wrapped up and flop into bed. That's right, you are now a blanket burrito.

06-25-2015, 12:40 PM
Breaking up sucks. You know what is awesome though? You are. Each day that passes you are going to feel a little better. Spend some time with you, go window shopping, go see a movie, read a cool book, treat yourself to a nice dinner, or just take a long walk/drive somewhere new. You have just now gained some amazing you time. You might not truly enjoy it yet, but give it time. Besides, you now have the perfect opportunity to experience one of my favorite things: blanket burrito. Take that blanket, hold it up, twirl around until you are wrapped up and flop into bed. That's right, you are now a blanket burrito.

Thanks for the reply. You're sweet. It's tough. I've been in bed crying all day. I called in sick to work. I'm so sad.

06-25-2015, 12:42 PM
Hi Jessicaleanne,

You will enjoy stuff again and you will feel like this again unfortunately. Do you have some girlfriends you can hang out with?

Gypsy x

Thank you for the reply. And actually I don't have many friends anymore. Social anxiety makes that tough. The few I do have I don't feel close enough to to open up about this. And they're really busy anyways so I don't really have anyone to hangout with or talk to.

06-25-2015, 10:26 PM
Aww. Hang in there. Everyone goes through this at some stage (unless they live under a rock). Time heals all wounds :)

06-26-2015, 12:28 PM
You deserve better. And you will find better. Plain and simple.

as gypsy said, time heals all wounds. I know that SUCKS to hear when you are hurting but it is really the truth.

Once you have had some time to heal, a new man will walk into your life and make you wonder why you even wasted the time crying over this one. :)

06-26-2015, 12:57 PM
You deserve better. And you will find better. Plain and simple.

as gypsy said, time heals all wounds. I know that SUCKS to hear when you are hurting but it is really the truth.

Once you have had some time to heal, a new man will walk into your life and make you wonder why you even wasted the time crying over this one. :)

Thank you so much! I hope you're right. I'm still so sad. Now I'm getting angry. I feel like he fooled me. I trusted him. And he lied. And I'm so mad.

06-26-2015, 01:02 PM
The angry stage is a good stage! That's when you will start to realize it wasn't worth it. :)