View Full Version : Is it anxiety or something else?

06-24-2015, 10:30 PM
I've been feeling a whole bunch of symptoms and i don't know if im imagining them or if they're actually there and I'm making a bigger deal out of them than I should. Has anyone else felt this before?

06-25-2015, 08:53 AM
I feel like this everyday. I suffer very physical symptoms and at one point overcame them, acknowledging them as triggers and thus avoiding panic attacks. Unfortunately the mind is so powerful and it seems since I have overcome my chest and breathing triggers my mind has chosen to send new symptoms that set me off multiple time per day.

Now, I get light headedness, nausea (sometimes debilitating), and trouble swallowing. I do understand that my mind is doing this to me and know that I have a lot of external and internal stress in my life right now, but the anxiety just takes over sometimes.

When I start to really get away from being centered I look up my symptoms here at the anxiety centre .com

It helps me to read about how and why my body is feeling the things it is. I also definitely recommend simple meditation; long slow inhale, focused exhale, and a few select words that will help you center yourself. Meditation makes a huge difference just clear your mind to the best of your ability and focus on your breathing and you choice words.

Hope this all helps.

06-25-2015, 09:24 AM
I've been trying some light yoga and there are times when it helps but for the most part, I'm at a complete lost because I'm so scared that something is wrong with me , like sometimes I think i may be having a heart attack, and other times it's stroke .
Its nice to hear that I'm not the only out there who feels this way, so thank you for sharing!

06-25-2015, 09:35 AM
Just keep at positive activities, like the yoga.

I went to the hospital once thinking I was having a heart attack because of how real everything felt. Try to recognize the triggers no matter how ridiculous they might seem to you. Once you can recognize them it will be easier to address them and avoid the panic.