View Full Version : Odd worries

06-24-2015, 07:45 PM
Hey guys, this is my second post. Can heavy anxiety make you have worries that are very odd? I had a bad dream and I spent the whole day thinking, omg what if that actually happens, all these scary what ifs that are so out of this world you know it will never happen but it worries you anyway? Has anyone been through this? ugh its exhausting. I'm still trying to find a medicine that works for me and my GAD.

Thanks for listening.

06-24-2015, 07:59 PM
Hey guys, this is my second post. Can heavy anxiety make you have worries that are very odd? I had a bad dream and I spent the whole day thinking, omg what if that actually happens, all these scary what ifs that are so out of this world you know it will never happen but it worries you anyway? Has anyone been through this? ugh its exhausting. I'm still trying to find a medicine that works for me and my GAD.

Thanks for listening.

Worrying about stuff that's not very likely to occur -- in other words, overestimating risk -- is a classic symptom of anxiety. So, unfortunately, what you are experiencing is not unusual. And I agree, it is exhausting. Have you tried CBT? It does not work for everyone, but it has a pretty good track record.

06-24-2015, 09:33 PM
I deal with this as well. I worry about the smallest things but in my brain they are the biggest problems I could be facing at that moment. I am constantly searching the internet for whatever could be wrong. Symptoms, etc...its exhausting!!!!

06-24-2015, 10:17 PM
Yes because, very basically, when the brain is tired it doesn't work properly.

06-24-2015, 10:31 PM
Yep, worrying about compltely random and unlikely things can absolutely be a result of anxiety. Great that your trying meds, I hope you have beeter luck with them soon, but have you tried psychological options? CBT could be really good for understanding your thoughts/worries and not letting them affect you so much.

06-28-2015, 07:52 PM
It is exhausting but I have also done the same. If anyone I know but haven't seen in a long time is in my dream- it's always creepy and or with a baby. I wake up automatically thinking I need to let them know they are at risk of death. I obviously don't do this, but they are on my mind until my next odd dream. Could you imagine?- "hey long time no chat, how've you been? Just a heads up you were in my dream and I think it's a sign you are dying." Lol.