View Full Version : Migraine auras?

06-24-2015, 04:11 AM
Hello, I am just wondering If anyone out there experiences migraine auras and what you do to get ride of them? I have been known to have one like once a year,and it's been approx. since last July since I had one. It freaks me out & in turn makes me panic! Any advice would be greatly appreciated right now! Seriously panicing :(

06-24-2015, 10:20 AM
I still do, In my thirties I had a real problem with migraine; auras, light sensitivity, noise, noxious,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you name it. Migraine is a serious thing and I would try to talk to doctor. Remember what can trigger migraine. :)
Computer heavy use, loud music, lights, alcohol, ciggies, chocolate, and stress, stress is causing it for me:

06-24-2015, 11:10 AM
Do you get the actual migraines? Or, do you just have the aura?

06-24-2015, 05:23 PM
I get them to
I get both,yes they can be scary but you will be fine

06-24-2015, 05:29 PM
I get them to
I get both,yes they can be scary but you will be fine

You can't just sneak in here, Em and think we won't notice your return

Glad to see you. Hope all is kickin ass good

06-24-2015, 05:59 PM
Do you get the actual migraines? Or, do you just have the aura?
Thank you for replying, it actually started a few years ago with just the aura's, but up until the last few of the auras I have gotten I did get a pounding headache :( today I little "aura" I guess kinda stayed in my vision for most of the day and a bit of a headache. I am allergic to ASA so I can only take Acetminophen, which helps a bit but doesn't take it away, I am thinking it is stress that is causing this one, I don't feel "stressed" per say, but I did just go to my very first ever therapist yesterday with mental health and I may have worried about that more then I should have :(
How often do you get them?

06-24-2015, 06:46 PM
I used to get horrific migraines, aura, pain, nausea the whole nine yards.

All I could do was find dark room and sleep it off. Tylenol wouldn't even touch the pain.

Recently I have been taking a magnesium supplement and haven't had a single migraine since. I think it has helped a great deal.

Look up magnesium and migraine, I believe you will find some information for relief.

Good luck

06-24-2015, 07:27 PM
I used to get horrific migraines, aura, pain, nausea the whole nine yards.

All I could do was find dark room and sleep it off. Tylenol wouldn't even touch the pain.

Recently I have been taking a magnesium supplement and haven't had a single migraine since. I think it has helped a great deal.

Look up magnesium and migraine, I believe you will find some information for relief.

Good luck

Thank you! I will defiantly look up magnesium and migraines :) you just don't "see the aura's" coming and then bam! You can't see right, the first time I thought I must have been having a stroke! Then I panic! :'(

06-24-2015, 07:36 PM
Hello, I am just wondering If anyone out there experiences migraine auras and what you do to get ride of them? I have been known to have one like once a year,and it's been approx. since last July since I had one. It freaks me out & in turn makes me panic! Any advice would be greatly appreciated right now! Seriously panicing :(

My fiancé suffers from really bad migraines and so does my mum. I personally had them as a kid, when I did not have anxiety so it is hard to relate for me in this case.
What I do suggest is having all your basics covered when it comes down to the intensity of your migraines. For example, I know that my mum had to lay off cheese and eggs when she was having migraines. Also sugar seemed to make it worse.
The best thing to do is lay down in a dark room unfortunately.

The only thing I could tell you to deal with your panicked state when you get migraine auras is rely on your intellect rather than your emotions. Research them and realise that these cannot harm you in any way. I know it sound a little emotionless on my end, but it often helps to bring me back from a right panic state.

06-25-2015, 03:34 AM
You can't just sneak in here, Em and think we won't notice your return Glad to see you. Hope all is kickin ass good
Lol oh dam I've been rumbled lol
Yes I'm doing good most days and off the meds
How's you?

06-29-2015, 03:33 PM
Hey! Just wanted to chime in here on the auras you are experiencing!

I am an ophthalmic technician, and we get a lot of patients in here that have migraines with aura's. The one thing I can tell you is- there is NOTHING to worry about. These are not going to do any permanent damage to your vision and are actually very common. It's called and ocular migraine when this happens.

Other symptoms of the migraine of course are something you should get treated by a doctor. :)

06-30-2015, 12:45 PM
Hey! Just wanted to chime in here on the auras you are experiencing!

I am an ophthalmic technician, and we get a lot of patients in here that have migraines with aura's. The one thing I can tell you is- there is NOTHING to worry about. These are not going to do any permanent damage to your vision and are actually very common. It's called and ocular migraine when this happens.

Other symptoms of the migraine of course are something you should get treated by a doctor. :)

Thank you & sorry it took me so long to reply, I have seen my doctor about my migraines, and he gave me some med a while back, but I took it once and it knocked me completely out and I can't do that with 2 children so I gave them back to him.
I don't get them often, like a once a year sort of thing, I did have my eyes tested and they said thy didn't see any permanent damage, which was relieving, but that was 2 years ago approx. now, I am due to go back in August where I will tell them again about these damn things :(
It just sends me into panic when it happens because I can't see right :(
Thank you for replying :)

07-03-2015, 11:31 PM
Hello, I am just wondering If anyone out there experiences migraine auras and what you do to get ride of them? I have been known to have one like once a year,and it's been approx. since last July since I had one. It freaks me out & in turn makes me panic! Any advice would be greatly appreciated right now! Seriously panicing :(

Hi I have been having migraine aura it's very scary at the beginning, you think your having a stroke start
s with vision going blind and then numb in face or hands but no head ache the pain will come on one side of the head mine is usually in my eye, if you ever watched Alice Wonderland the writer who wrote about the story suffers from migraine Aura thats the reason why the characters have those shapes cause of his vision.My neurologist gave me vitamin B1 and it help me cut down to 50% less migraines.

07-04-2015, 08:09 AM
I just had my first migraine aura experience yesterday, and I actually ended up going to urgent care because it scared me so much! I'll describe what it was like for me, maybe it will be similar to your experiences.
I noticed it beginning to happen when I was on my lunch break at work- I was walking past a dog and was looking at it to see what kind it was, but when I looked at its face I couldn't discern it- it all kind of blended together in one weird blob of color. As I was walking back to work I noticed that it was difficult for me to make out several other things as well, again all kind of "blended" together. One of the kids I was working with came up to me and was talking to me, and when I looked at his face it looked all disjointed. It was like the middle part of it was in a spot of my vision that I couldn't see, and my brain kind of combined his face back together without the middle part. Very hard to explain but yeah, it was scary! So I went to lay down in the dark. It got worse- now I started to see a kind of "curtain" being pulled across my left eye from the corner. It was just a strange mass of changing color in the corner of my vision, I could see movement as well. I can only describe this movement as being like seeing a ceiling fan moving from the corner of my eye? I also began seeing a rainbow halo around everything, especially around lights (when I looked at my phone screen in the dark, for example), and it was hard for me to read because I couldn't see from certain areas of my vision. I didn't have a headache at this point and had never experienced anything like it.

I went to urgent care and it started to die down after I'd been there for a bit (the aura lasted about 30 minutes in total), and as soon as the aura went away my headache began. They told me it was probably just a migraine and gave me an eye test and some physical neurological tests and I was fine. They gave me 500 mg of tylenol and sent me on my way, advising me to lay down in a dark room for a bit and avoid reading or using the computer until it was gone. It was scary but went away completely after a few hours.

Two One
07-04-2015, 03:50 PM
If the aura precedes the headache the best thing you can do is go to the doctor and get a prescription for a triptan. Sumatriptan is the most common, triptans are the most effective medication at relieving migraines. Antiemetics can also be used if nausea is present. The only issue is you can't take triptans if you are on antidepressants such as SSRIs.