View Full Version : please help, fear of brain tumor

06-23-2015, 09:20 AM
2 weeks now on and off, vision in left eye feels off. I can see everything, but its like the feeling of your glasses being pushed too close to your face on one side (but my glasses are fine and I have the feeling even when theyre off).

went to opthamologist and he said everything looks fine. havent been to neurologist because both my parents (who are doctors) say this is just pyschosomatic. I have a long history of pyschosomatic symptoms, but this one is new and I'm so scared. I'm feeling like im going crazy and this is never going to go away.

do i have brain tumor?

06-23-2015, 10:34 AM
2 weeks now on and off, vision in left eye feels off. I can see everything, but its like the feeling of your glasses being pushed too close to your face on one side (but my glasses are fine and I have the feeling even when theyre off).

went to opthamologist and he said everything looks fine. havent been to neurologist because both my parents (who are doctors) say this is just pyschosomatic. I have a long history of pyschosomatic symptoms, but this one is new and I'm so scared. I'm feeling like im going crazy and this is never going to go away.

do i have brain tumor?

Hello KarMar. It is probably obvious to you that no one on this forum can tell you whether you do, or do not, have a brain tumor (or any other illness). It would be totally irresponsible for any of us here, without knowing you or seeing you, and without medical training, to try to make a diagnosis. Fortunately for you, you have parents who are doctors and who do know you. So you might take some comfort from their conclusions. Having said that, if it would make you feel better to consult with a neurologist, and if you can afford to do so or have insurance that will pay for it, then I suppose not much harm in doing that. I guess it will make you feel better to be told by a neurologist the same thing that your parents and your ophthalmologist told you. But then -- assuming you get a clean bill of health -- you should probably work on the health anxiety (or whatever you want to call it) -- because otherwise this situation will repeat itself, and you don't want to spend the rest of your life running around to various specialist doctors because you think you might have some or another rare disease. At a certain point that could cost you a lot of money and more importantly interfere with your quality of life. And once you get in a habit of such "checking behaviors," it can be a bit hard to break that habit. Best regards, Kuma