View Full Version : Having a hard time right now

06-22-2015, 05:16 PM
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum and just joined last night. I switched from Effexor 225mg which I was on for over 2 years to try and see if something could do better for my Generalized Anxiety (GAD). BAD MISTAKE. I came off that and switched to Zoloft for a few months and that didn't work and then came off that and my doctor went on vacation and I was on nothing for over 2 weeks and I was having the worst anxiety/worrying of my life. I tried Cymbalta just a few days ago and I got worse anxiety so I have started back on back on Effexor. I hope this works soon because I've never felt like this before. Feeling very detached from everything, odd fears and dreams, lonely at times going through this. Certain dreams and fears make me feel like i'm going crazy. Has anyone dealt with this or worse? I hope it goes away soon!



06-22-2015, 06:24 PM

That was the one that worked for me

It kicks in faster than most other. I believe 4 weeks

06-22-2015, 07:16 PM
I've never tried Zoloft but I've previously used Effexor and I'm currently taking Cymbalta. Different antidepressants affect people differently and one of the side effects of starting an antidepressant can be increased anxiety. I've felt detached and had odd dream before (strangely mainly when I've started an antidepressant). I also have experienced that "feel like I'm going crazy" feeling as well. I blame it on my anxiety. Hope that you start feeling better soon.

06-22-2015, 07:59 PM
Hey Jonah
Accoridng what I know the Sertaline (Zoloft) is intended for treatment of OCD
but it seems probably the Zoloft wasn't correspond to your probalm (GAD)
and even after that's you had tried take the Duloxetine(Cymbalta) with a same aim to treat in GAD again probably that it seems the Cymbalta wasn't correspond you despite they have a same aim .
according that's I beleive that the Venlafaxine (Effexor) was and stay the best medication who correspond for you .
you can be calm :)

06-22-2015, 09:19 PM
These meds are all a lot more similar than people realise. Effexor is a bit different though, being an SNRI. I've heard it's better for guys because it doesn't cause problems with sex drive like the SSRIs do. It's harder to come off though. They all knock you around a lot initially.

Anyway welcome to the forum Jonah. I hope you find some support here :)

Gypsy x