View Full Version : Did i have some form of panic attack?

06-21-2015, 02:53 PM
Yesterday, I felt at times anxious for know reason. Later on in the day, I just had this sort of worry about my heartbeat because it was going a little faster. Then moments later, I felt overwhelming anxiety and my chest fluttering, the latter symptom making me even more anxious. I had a very dry mouth, my stomach felt a little funny and was trembling a little bit, but the anxiety was the worst. The whole experience lasted about 2 minutes, but it took awhile to calm myself before I went to sleep. I was very fearful, and now I'm really fearful its going to happen again. It was just awful I didn't know how to calm myself because I didn't really know why I felt such overwhelming anxiety. I don't know how long they last however, and don't know if this was too short. This has never happened to me before, never been officially diagnosed with anxiety, but have always really displayed the symptoms.

Thanks for any answers :)

06-21-2015, 07:25 PM
Hi Kio,

It does sound a lot like anxiety/panic to me, yes. There's no real time frame for these things.

Gypsy x