View Full Version : Weird anxiety habits

jon mike
06-21-2015, 03:30 AM
Im just wondering if im not the only person with weird habits when my anxiety is high, for example when i feel like i arent getting ''enough air anxiety'' i roll pieces of toilet paper and stick it up my nostrils to try and make myself sneeze, it sounds bizarre writing this down but its one of many things i do to try and give myself a bit of relief haha

06-21-2015, 03:50 AM
This made me LOL. I will try and think of weird anxiety habits I have...

jon mike
06-21-2015, 04:00 AM
i went out drinking last night, from about 3pm to 12ish, i feel like im about to enter hell haha, my friends will ask me on monday did i feel rough? theyll tell me that they had a bad stomach and a banging headache, ill just say, ye me too it was awful i felt rotten, if they only knew i would be lying in a pool of sweat on my back arched up most of the day struggling to breathe with half a fucking andrex hanging out of my nostrils

06-21-2015, 04:19 AM
How's that working out for you? Sneezing much?

jon mike
06-21-2015, 04:32 AM
all sneezed out already im afraid, its only 11am, i forgot to say that sneezing is in limited supply, but it would be wouldnt it?

06-21-2015, 06:21 AM
Oh the weird nervous habits I possess that make me appear mentally unstable many. In crowded places I do one of two things depending on time of day and how high the ceiling is. I either look up if the ceiling 8s high and count ceiling tiles, crossbeams or lights, mutiply them by however big I think the room is ie if I suspect there are 34 can lights visible and the room is 5 times bigger than what I see I assume there are 170 can lights, then rearrange them in my head in ways that I think would improve lighting. If the ceiling is low, or very crowded I look down and count my fingertips, thumb to each tip of my fingers to every one of my footsteps, developed a speed of my current path and determine how much time it will take me to get to any of the available exits if need be.
I touch milk coolers doorhandles at the grocery store three times if I am anxious.

I have out loud mumbling conversations with myself to make it "just as loud inside as outside".

If it is raining I take one of the throw pillows off of my couch and put it on top of my fridge. If the sun comes out I put it back. It doesn't help I rearrange them constantly.

If I am sitting still like in a waiting room or in a line I claw at my scalp and pick at my hair.

If I cook on the stove, in the oven, or with the fryer I have to turn them on and off 3 times before using and once I am done.

I have a daily chores list I must complete before I do anything in my day, this also includes during emergencies. For example, one day I woke up with chest pain. I still mopped my floors and emptied my dishwasher before going to the hospital.

Almost all of these, with exception of the counting thing, occur only when I am feeling especially spazzy.

jon mike
06-21-2015, 06:47 AM
Haha I'm howling at the lighting thing, to see if you can improve the lighting hahaha brilliant, a really helpful ocd :)
Made me laugh that has

Oh the weird nervous habits I possess that make me appear mentally unstable many. In crowded places I do one of two things depending on time of day and how high the ceiling is. I either look up if the ceiling 8s high and count ceiling tiles, crossbeams or lights, mutiply them by however big I think the room is ie if I suspect there are 34 can lights visible and the room is 5 times bigger than what I see I assume there are 170 can lights, then rearrange them in my head in ways that I think would improve lighting. If the ceiling is low, or very crowded I look down and count my fingertips, thumb to each tip of my fingers to every one of my footsteps, developed a speed of my current path and determine how much time it will take me to get to any of the available exits if need be.
I touch milk coolers doorhandles at the grocery store three times if I am anxious.

I have out loud mumbling conversations with myself to make it "just as loud inside as outside".

If it is raining I take one of the throw pillows off of my couch and put it on top of my fridge. If the sun comes out I put it back. It doesn't help I rearrange them constantly.

If I am sitting still like in a waiting room or in a line I claw at my scalp and pick at my hair.

If I cook on the stove, in the oven, or with the fryer I have to turn them on and off 3 times before using and once I am done.

I have a daily chores list I must complete before I do anything in my day, this also includes during emergencies. For example, one day I woke up with chest pain. I still mopped my floors and emptied my dishwasher before going to the hospital.

Almost all of these, with exception of the counting thing, occur only when I am feeling especially spazzy.

jon mike
06-21-2015, 07:02 AM
Haha I'm howling at the lighting thing, to see if you can improve the lighting hahaha brilliant, a really helpful ocd :)
Made me laugh that has

Oh the weird nervous habits I possess that make me appear mentally unstable many. In crowded places I do one of two things depending on time of day and how high the ceiling is. I either look up if the ceiling 8s high and count ceiling tiles, crossbeams or lights, mutiply them by however big I think the room is ie if I suspect there are 34 can lights visible and the room is 5 times bigger than what I see I assume there are 170 can lights, then rearrange them in my head in ways that I think would improve lighting. If the ceiling is low, or very crowded I look down and count my fingertips, thumb to each tip of my fingers to every one of my footsteps, developed a speed of my current path and determine how much time it will take me to get to any of the available exits if need be.
I touch milk coolers doorhandles at the grocery store three times if I am anxious.

I have out loud mumbling conversations with myself to make it "just as loud inside as outside".

If it is raining I take one of the throw pillows off of my couch and put it on top of my fridge. If the sun comes out I put it back. It doesn't help I rearrange them constantly.

If I am sitting still like in a waiting room or in a line I claw at my scalp and pick at my hair.

If I cook on the stove, in the oven, or with the fryer I have to turn them on and off 3 times before using and once I am done.

I have a daily chores list I must complete before I do anything in my day, this also includes during emergencies. For example, one day I woke up with chest pain. I still mopped my floors and emptied my dishwasher before going to the hospital.

Almost all of these, with exception of the counting thing, occur only when I am feeling especially spazzy.

06-21-2015, 07:14 PM
LOL@putting the pillow on the fridge!

06-23-2015, 01:02 AM
My anxious habits are pretty boring. Here are a few of them:
-checking locks
-double checking the computer is off by touching the computer mouse a certain amount of times (basically until it feels "right")
-if my anxiety is bothering me I pick at my lip or my nails
-sometimes I have to touch doorknobs or handles a certain amount of times

I've asked pretty much all of my docs/therapists if I have ocd or not and they attribute all of these habits to anxiety.

06-23-2015, 07:11 AM
Giving sh*** to my partner:rolleyes:

06-23-2015, 10:38 AM
I wonder how closely tied anxious habits are to OCD? Mine are fairly tame in comparison to some listed here!

-Hair plucking. I become convinced that my facial hairs are all ingrowing and pull them out. I end up with little bare patches of skin.
-Drinking... I count down the hours and minutes until 5pm and then I can open a beer.
-Strange obsessions with random stuff that I'll spend hours researching online