View Full Version : Returning to work after stress leave

06-19-2015, 01:51 PM
I am returning to work after 6 weeks leave , only the medical dept knows the reason for my absence, managers only know that I have been off for a medical illness. I do not know what to tell my co-workers due to the stigma attached to it. Does anybody have any advise.

06-19-2015, 02:00 PM
The truth. As clearly and concisely as you discern it. Then, decide, with courage to live your life the same way.


"I do not know what to tell my co-workers due to the stigma (I myself) attach to it"

Do not feel shame. When you speak, or think, or do, let it be your truth, not swayed by fear of criticism.

When you advocate in this way with moral grace, you find the strength was inside you, all along. Equipped to handle any issue thrown your way, you build confidence, esteem and integrity.

06-19-2015, 02:12 PM
Bryan, when I was off for 5 weeks, I just told co-workers that I had an adverse reaction to some tablets I'd had to start taking. Try that one.
There's no need to offer out information about yourself to all concerned - only give out the details to those you trust.
Thats my opinion anyway :-)

06-19-2015, 02:15 PM
I did the same last year.

It's no ones business but your own, but realize there is no stigma or shame for taking time off to heal yourself.

Stress or heart attack, either way they are serious medical conditions. As long as you feel good now is all that matters.

Good luck!

06-19-2015, 02:29 PM
No one needs advice in order to tell the truth

Try that one.

...only give out the details to those you trust.

This (false) belief (masking as truth) comes from trust issues and (fear based) personal value judgments. Which is part of the authors (of the quote) anxiety. Do not 'try any one' other than the truth. Life is not about flinging shit until it sticks.

If you do not trust, then become trustworthy yourself.
If you find the need to 'save face' then practice acceptance of others
If you fear criticism, then do not condemn, but build up and speak highly of your peers
If you are ashamed, then hold your head high and shame no one else.
If you feel weak and insecure, then be a rock for another to lean on.
If you feel nervous and stressed, then become a calming influence for someone else.
If you feel less than, unworthy, then teach someone the characteristics of self worth

If you want advice, begin to give it. Teaching yourself that all you covet in another, has been inside you all along. You just had to believe.

06-19-2015, 02:47 PM
Health is a private matter. It's a bit like money. It's not something people are required to talk openly about unless they choose to. If you feel healthy, just say you've been under a lot of stress lately and needed a little time off to rest. If you're apprehensive about going back, just say you had to take some time off due to health problems. If asked what health problems, just reply, nothing major. I'm feeling OK now.

You're allowed to be vague if you want to be. If you make it clear it's not something you want to talk about, people will get the hint. Give yourself permission to have boundaries.

06-19-2015, 02:51 PM
Health is a private matter. It's a bit like money. It's not something people are required to talk openly about unless they choose to. If you feel healthy, just say you've been under a lot of stress lately and needed a little time off to rest. If you're apprehensive about going back, just say you had to take some time due to health problems. If asked what health problems, just reply, nothing major. I'm feeling OK now.

You're allowed to be vague if you want to be. If make it clear it's not something you want to talk about, people will get the hint.

I agree, well said.

06-19-2015, 03:16 PM
I agree, well said.

Thank you. :)

06-19-2015, 04:43 PM
I've been in this situation before, and I agree with what most people said- you don't have to tell them unless you want to.

Jesse is right, they will get the hint :)