View Full Version : New here and desperate. What is wrong with me? Symptoms all over the place

06-19-2015, 12:40 PM
I never in a million years dreamed I would be where I am now. This started with shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. I have been to every Dr. out there. I have been to Cardiologist who insists there is nothing wrong besides mild tachycardia. I am on Propranolol, hormones, Singulair, Simvistatin, Omeprazole, Buspar and Levothyroxine-and I'm only 46 years old. My shortness of breath is all the time. I have had my oxygen checked and it is always normal. Most Dr's lean toward anxiety which is why I am on the Buspar. I have only been on it for a few days so I am not sure if it helps or not. I have TERRIBLE Insomnia. It is just awful! And the later at night it gets, the worse it gets. The more my heart beats fast and no sleep is in sight. The only way I can get sleep is to take Ambien-2 of them. If I do manage to fall asleep it is usually after laying their for hours and then my sleep is just full of long, vivid dreams and I am dead the next day. Until it gets night time again and then I start all over again. Another thing that bothers me is that I am not in control of my breathing. I am either breathing too much, too deeply, through my nose, through my mouth, it is just all over the place. But the craziest symptom I have, is flicking my tongue inside my mouth. My tongue feels like it is swelling or is out of place. I can never get it to relax and just sit their normally. I am constantly moving it or trying to get myself to relax and this is a constant problem. Other people noticed me flicking my tongue because they can hear it, but I never knew I was doing it. I have now gotten to the point of not enjoying anything in my life. Everything that used to bring me joy and pleasure , doesn't anymore. Any little problem just takes over my life and I have no idea how to handle it. My husband can ask me to make a sandwich and I am not sure how to start and it is overwhelming. I have NO idea how I got here. My youngest child just graduated highschool and I think maybe that could have something to do with it. Also I am trying desperately to stop smoking, which creates SO much anxiety in itself. I am so tired of feeling like I am buzzing. I have been to so many Dr's but they all say the same thing. Nothing is wrong with you. Yes....there is something wrong.

06-19-2015, 03:07 PM
YES there IS something wrong. It is crazy how doctors just say nothing is wrong and act like it's all in your head!! NO abosolutely not. I went to a therapist and they told me the same thing when I was trying to tell them it wasn't in my head, I was experiencing physical symptoms of depression.

It seems like you might be having something similar to panic attacks. Either way what you are describing is definitely not normal. I'm a firm believer in that if there is something wrong with us physically or mentally, while there is a chance it's a real mental ilness, there is also a good chance it is from a vitamin/mineral deficiency. I was extremely low on vitamin D. I didn't know that this was the problem, and even when coming to the doctor with depressive feelings and murmurs in my chest, she didn't think it was due to vitamin D, she just said I should work on getting it up with a multivitamin. I did that, nothing wasn happening, things only ended up getting worse and worse to the point where I had to go to another doctor to get zoloft and xanax. It didn't make any sense to me at all. But I eventually came across people who had their anxiety and panic attacks, and phyiscal ailments cured with vitamin D. And that's when I knew this would be my ticket out of this hell hole. The previous doctor had recommended that I just take a general multivitamin. Unfortunately I learned that that dosage is usually not enough to cure deficiency. I started taking 10,000 Iu vitamin +300 mg magnesium for 3 months, and after a month I was already feeling the difference. I HIGHLY recommend you ask a doctor to do a vitamin D test. I have a good feeling yours is pretty low, and it's crazy that doctors nowadays don't consider the importance of vitamins and minerals and would rather just push pills on you that they get paid from big pharma to. Get that checked immediately and if it's determined to be low, I recommend exactly doing what I said everyday for 3 months. b12 deficiency is also something to make sure they check for as well.

06-19-2015, 05:01 PM
I agree a lot with what ConfusedPanic said! Vitamin D can be a big deal.

Doctors can be awesome or absolutely ridiculous. When they can't explain something they just say it's in your head. I had stomach issues a couple years ago.. I was sick for about 6 months, doctors kept giving me Percocet for the pain without trying to fix the issue after some diagnostic tests had failed to yield results, and they refused to try more things because I was too young and healthy for it to be anything other than what "they thought." They once tried to put me on anti-psychotics thinking it was all in my head(those messed me UP), and also thought I was a Percocet junkie even though I hated taking them... Finally, a new doctor, tested my gallbladder. Low and behold that was the issue. Had surgery and I have been great ever since.

Anyways.... Finding a new doctor is also a good start. Someone who will listen to you.

Another thing besides just adding supplements, how is your diet? You can get a lot of good vitamins and things you may be lacking in by making sure you are getting your daily intake of protein/fruit/veggies/etc.

Another big deficiency is magnesium, also something doctors never talk about. That's something to look into as well.

good luck!

06-19-2015, 08:06 PM
I agree a lot with what ConfusedPanic said! Vitamin D can be a big deal.

Doctors can be awesome or absolutely ridiculous. When they can't explain something they just say it's in your head. I had stomach issues a couple years ago.. I was sick for about 6 months, doctors kept giving me Percocet for the pain without trying to fix the issue after some diagnostic tests had failed to yield results, and they refused to try more things because I was too young and healthy for it to be anything other than what "they thought." They once tried to put me on anti-psychotics thinking it was all in my head(those messed me UP), and also thought I was a Percocet junkie even though I hated taking them... Finally, a new doctor, tested my gallbladder. Low and behold that was the issue. Had surgery and I have been great ever since.

good luck!

Geez I'm so sorry about that. I suffered from what they think was an ulcer in my stomach, we still don't know to this day for sure, but I simply could not eat. My mind wouldn't allow me and I had no desire for food. It was really weird. I got put on helpful strong antacids and medicine, and that really helped. I can't imagine doctors not understanding and wanting to say, it's all in your head! She's not eating because she has a mental disorder. Ugh I still do not forgive my therapist for trying to push the subconscious agenda onto me with my depression. I can't blame her though, it's what she was trained to do, but lord was that pointless.

06-19-2015, 09:38 PM
I have been dealing with panic attacks since I was in the 8th grade, I have developed anxiety and social anxiety as well within the last 3 years. Some days are worse that others and some days are better. However I have found a way to cope and control my anxiety and panic attacks at least to a certain extent. And although I am not 100 percet cured It has helped me out tremendously and I am starting to get ahold of myself.

I hope this helps somebody out there out because it is something I have wished I could change for nearly 10 years.

Take a look at anxiousreview . com

It is an excellent read and was very helpful to me :)

06-22-2015, 09:13 AM
Thanks for the replies, I just can't wrap my head around this being anxiety. I guess because I feel so many physical symptoms and I always thought anxiety was just "being afraid" I never knew it was short of breath, tingling face, etc.... And also another thing, all of this anxiety seems to come later after a nervous episode is over. Example: The other night I got really upset because some people showed up to a family dinner that I don't get along with (my husbands ex) and I was really nervous while they were there but my anxiety didn't get really bad until the next day. It is so strange. I am just so sick of this...SO tired of it, I just want to feel normal again.

06-22-2015, 09:28 AM
Thanks for the replies, I just can't wrap my head around this being anxiety. I guess because I feel so many physical symptoms and I always thought anxiety was just "being afraid" I never knew it was short of breath, tingling face, etc.... And also another thing, all of this anxiety seems to come later after a nervous episode is over. Example: The other night I got really upset because some people showed up to a family dinner that I don't get along with (my husbands ex) and I was really nervous while they were there but my anxiety didn't get really bad until the next day. It is so strange. I am just so sick of this...SO tired of it, I just want to feel normal again.

For me it was panic attacks/depression from physical symptoms. People didn't understand when I said it wasn't in my head and that what I was experiencing was physical, leaving me in a panicked state. It may not actually be anxiety for you. It might be exactly what I was experiencing, which was physical symptoms. I told you what I did to feel better. 10,000 IU vitamin D +300 mg magnesium and also Vitamin K2 for 3 months. No more physical shaking, scary feelings, rapid heartbeat. It won't hurt you. If you are tired of feeling like this, it is then up to you to take my advice or look more into what I'm saying yourself and decide for yourself what to do. You came here looking for help, so I gave it to you.