View Full Version : Depersonalization

06-18-2015, 01:55 PM
I have had depersonalization since Saturday and it is killing me, I think I am going insane and I am getting seriously depressed with it. I can communicate with people and I have tried to put it out of my head but it's so hard when you are living it every conscious second of every day. I have been having panic attacks regularly in the past few months and was always worried about every little thing I would feel in my body. My most recent was last Thursday, then on Saturday I was smoking an ecig and my head went dizzy like I had too much, this happened the 2 previous days and went in a couple of hours. This time it never fully went away. I feel like I am in a brain fog and it's making me not be able to focus correctly which in turn makes me feel disconnected.

What can I do to make this stop?? Is there anything I can do to calm down? I want to break down and cry!

06-18-2015, 05:06 PM
Hey, Mike

Man, depersonalization blows. I went through it for so long before I even knew that it had a name

It is all just a part of the glorious affects of anxiety. Trying to wish, will or fight it away is why it will not stop. That has never worked for anyone.

I give this website out a bit for people that are just really getting started into beating this stupid disorder

Anxiety coach.com

That site is great and easy to navigate. It spoils all of your beliefs and thoughts about anxiety and gives you a new outlook that is the key to heading in the right direction

It is essentially based on Claire Weekes work years ago but I think she is the one that first figured anxiety out for what it is and how it affects your mind and body

See if that puts you in a good direction

This does stop. I was in a depression as well because I felt I had no hope of normalcy again

But here I am, happy as a clam hanging with you fine people

Be well

06-18-2015, 09:16 PM
Hey Mike :)
If you take any medication ,you can call to the phsyician and tell him on your feelings whether it doesn't the situation I recommend you call to the general physician(family doctor) in order to get any medication of the kind : short range it called too Benzodiazepine that's for attacks
and also to take a medication for the long range . that's take in regularly during a peroid that need .
Then after you will be calmer there is an option to start psychologist treatment by conversations , I can promise , until you will need the psychologist treatment of the conversations you will be clamer! :)

06-30-2015, 04:02 AM
To get rid of depersonalization, you have to get rid of the anxiety. There is no other way. Start seeing it as an after effect of being anxious, the anxiety is what you need to look for now. Right now the anxiety is making you focus on the sensations of depersonalization. The problem is that you probably feel that you will never get rid of it AND the added bonus that you probably thought you had always felt this way before. I guarantee it will go away when your anxiety subsides.

In the meantime, you may want to look into techniques of acceptance. Let the depersinalization in and watch it go to work on you. There are many sources all over the internet that will help you structure this approach.

06-30-2015, 07:19 AM
To get rid of depersonalization, you have to get rid of the anxiety. There is no other way. Start seeing it as an after effect of being anxious, the anxiety is what you need to look for now. Right now the anxiety is making you focus on the sensations of depersonalization. The problem is that you probably feel that you will never get rid of it AND the added bonus that you probably thought you had always felt this way before. I guarantee it will go away when your anxiety subsides.

In the meantime, you may want to look into techniques of acceptance. Let the depersinalization in and watch it go to work on you. There are many sources all over the internet that will help you structure this approach.

Described well.

It is important to note that it is a 'natural' response as the psyche begins to feel trapped or encased in overwhelming emotions. The symptoms are a result then, and not the cause. As self pulls away from the 'real world' and more self-absorbed in its issues.

06-30-2015, 08:25 AM
i went through a similar situation and didn't know at first what was going on! Last year i had a horrible panic attack and wound up in the hospital and they actually kept me overnight because my heart rate would not go down. I had every test in the book done every heart test they can possibly do for the next month everything was fine. It was my anxiety i started having attacks again and decided for the first time to go on meds. but the meds actually made me have more panic attacks so i got off them slow only took them for 2 months. Depersonalization started with me where i felt light headed and disconnected from my body. I then felt like something was seriously wrong and than went to a ton of doctors ENT, Neurologist etc, had so many tests done and all of them came back fine and everyone said that this is my anxiety. I kept saying to myself that i just want to wake up and feel normal and what can i do to go back to normal i was looking for this magic switch to just turn on and make me normal. What you want the most is on the other side of FEAR! Basically im learning that anxiety gets less and less when you ignore it even though i know its hard to ignore and it is a vicious cycle that spins out of control. I started working out in January 3 to 4 times a week and doing yoga. Which i was so afraid to do i was afraid to do anything because i felt that something is wrong because i am light headed 24 hours a day. Afraid that the doctors missed something and i have something horrible. I started going back to therapy and eating right completely different than i was. I slowly started to feel better at times and not think about the way i felt. There were some times were i didnt think about it for hours. Do i feel like my old self and not light headed no but i am feeling better and better every day. Im hoping that i can keep working hard and put this behind me and wake up not light headed and not think about this at all. I hope this helps you and lets you know that you are not alone and not crazy. Stay Strong