View Full Version : Nightmare

06-18-2015, 01:36 PM
I just posted a thread in the Welcoming forums, do I do another one? Lol

Ever since last September/October, I have been on a, anxiety roller coster. I have health anxiety. And I ALWAYS think I have some form of terminal illness. . . Maybe I do? Who knows. Maybe I have something they just haven't found yet. Everytime I go to the Doctors office, they always hint at me that everything I feel is anxiety related. However, the only thing that has them scratching their heads, is the fact that I have High blood pressure. I have NO IDEA why I have High blood pressure. I'm not overweight, I'm not unhealthy, I work out a pretty good amount, I don't know why I keep having this problem!!!

Anyway, back to my anxiety,
I've experienced just about every symptom you can think of. And I always make the "smart" decision in Googling my symptoms, and Google, the jerk, always finds a way to Tell me I'm dying.(:

How wonderful is that, right?

Oh and I always self diagnose myself, Which is stupid because I'm NOT a doctor!

I've told myself I have skin cancer, then it was stomach cancer (I was almost positive I had that), then it was thyroid cancer, them kidney disease, then a brain tumor. (I still kinda feel like maybe I might have that, I don't know I just feel like I do. I get dizzy sometimes and it just has me convinced.)

Though I read something today, someone was talking about how they go through symptom shifting. And I could not believe what I reading because it was literally the same way for me!

Its like, certain symptoms go away, then others come after than, and so on. The ones I had before, I don't really have, I just get new ones. For example, I used to have a severely burning stomach followed by nausea. Then I got indigestion along with excessive gas and burping. (That was kinda gross, sorry. Lol) Then I got really bad dizzy spells, along with headaches. Now I don't feel dizzy as much, (just a little sometimes) but lately, I've been having these strong heart palpations as well as a trembling body! I have no idea why all of this is happening, but I really want it to stop.

I've had, xrays done, blood work, EKG. They found NOTHING.
They only thing they question is my high blood pressure.

I've never fainted, never vomited, never had difficulty swallowing (which major symptoms of major diseases)

I'm just so confused to be honest.

06-19-2015, 06:53 AM
All I can help you with is the BP...mine is high despite, being the picture of health according to Dr. I eat right, exercise, healthy body weight* most of the time. Dr told me to hust face facts the high PB runs in my family. I went with that for a while was on BP meds...then started having dizzy spells. BP was to low. Then I went off meds and was good for a while, then back up again. This happened a number of times. The only correlation I can find is body weight, If I fluctuate 10 pounds or more my BP goes up. Good luck.

06-19-2015, 03:11 PM
Its like, certain symptoms go away, then others come after than, and so on. The ones I had before, I don't really have, I just get new ones. For example, I used to have a severely burning stomach followed by nausea. Then I got indigestion along with excessive gas and burping. (That was kinda gross, sorry. Lol) Then I got really bad dizzy spells, along with headaches. Now I don't feel dizzy as much, (just a little sometimes) but lately, I've been having these strong heart palpations as well as a trembling body! I have no idea why all of this is happening, but I really want it to stop.

All of these I've had, and it was actually a sign that things were only going to get worse. First was the headaches, then the acid reflux, then the dizzy and worse headaches, then panic attacks and heart racing feelings. I was too afraid to even leave my room. Here is what I will say, and I've said it to others before. I'm a firm believer in that if there is something wrong with us physically or mentally, while there is a chance it's a real mental ilness, there is also a good chance it is from a vitamin/mineral deficiency. I was extremely low on vitamin D. I didn't know that this was the problem, and even when coming to the doctor with depressive feelings and murmurs in my chest, she didn't think it was due to vitamin D, she just said I should work on getting it up with a multivitamin. I did that, nothing wasn happening, things only ended up getting worse and worse to the point where I had to go to another doctor to get zoloft and xanax. It didn't make any sense to me at all. But I eventually came across people who had their anxiety and panic attacks, and phyiscal ailments cured with vitamin D. And that's when I knew this would be my ticket out of this hell hole. The previous doctor had recommended that I just take a general multivitamin. Unfortunately I learned that that dosage is usually not enough to cure deficiency. I started taking 10,000 Iu vitamin +300 mg magnesium for 3 months, and after a month I was already feeling the difference. I HIGHLY recommend you ask a doctor to do a vitamin D test. I have a good feeling yours is pretty low, and it's crazy that doctors nowadays don't consider the importance of vitamins and minerals and would rather just push pills on you that they get paid from big pharma to. Get that checked immediately and if it's determined to be low, I recommend exactly doing what I said everyday for 3 months. b12 deficiency is also something to make sure they check for as well.