View Full Version : Anxiety in the morning

06-17-2015, 02:58 PM
Hey! At the moment, my anxiety seems to be at it's worst when I first wake up in the morning and it's lasts until the afternoon...fast heart beat, dizziness and very anxious. Does anyone else experience the same? :(

06-17-2015, 04:04 PM
I'm sure many of us experience or have experienced this.

Learn how to breathe from your diaphragm and you should be able to calm yourself a lot earlier than the afternoon.

06-17-2015, 07:01 PM
I have , on what you had dreamed ?
howover its a clear avidence to your suffering .
which medication do you take (if you take) ?

06-17-2015, 09:10 PM
Yeah my anxiety has always been worst in the morning. Not so much now I stopped drinking but I don't exactly wake up happy.

06-18-2015, 02:24 AM
I have , on what you had dreamed ?
howover its a clear avidence to your suffering .
which medication do you take (if you take) ?

I'm on 30mg of mirtazapine. It's great it really helps me sleep but that's about it.

06-18-2015, 09:28 PM
I usually have more anxiety in the morning as well. Just putting in my two cents.

06-18-2015, 09:50 PM
I'm on 30mg of mirtazapine. It's great it really helps me sleep but that's about it.

Besides the medication did you try treatment by coversations?
Meanwhile try to find some games (what makes you calmer) who help to reduce the pressure :)

06-19-2015, 03:13 PM
All of these I've had, and it was actually a sign that things were only going to get worse. First was the headaches, then the acid reflux, then the dizzy and worse headaches, then panic attacks and heart racing feelings. I was too afraid to even leave my room. Here is what I will say, and I've said it to others before. I'm a firm believer in that if there is something wrong with us physically or mentally, while there is a chance it's a real mental ilness, there is also a good chance it is from a vitamin/mineral deficiency. I was extremely low on vitamin D. I didn't know that this was the problem, and even when coming to the doctor with depressive feelings and murmurs in my chest, she didn't think it was due to vitamin D, she just said I should work on getting it up with a multivitamin. I did that, nothing wasn happening, things only ended up getting worse and worse to the point where I had to go to another doctor to get zoloft and xanax. It didn't make any sense to me at all. But I eventually came across people who had their anxiety and panic attacks, and phyiscal ailments cured with vitamin D. And that's when I knew this would be my ticket out of this hell hole. The previous doctor had recommended that I just take a general multivitamin. Unfortunately I learned that that dosage is usually not enough to cure deficiency. I started taking 10,000 Iu vitamin +300 mg magnesium for 3 months, and after a month I was already feeling the difference. I HIGHLY recommend you ask a doctor to do a vitamin D test. I have a good feeling yours is pretty low, and it's crazy that doctors nowadays don't consider the importance of vitamins and minerals and would rather just push pills on you that they get paid from big pharma to. Get that checked immediately and if it's determined to be low, I recommend exactly doing what I said everyday for 3 months. b12 deficiency is also something to make sure they check for as well.

06-19-2015, 03:18 PM
Vitamin D and magnesium help me immensely.

I would caution that high doses are not necessarily good for you. Consultation with a naturopathic doctor would be a great first step.

06-19-2015, 03:34 PM
Vitamin D and magnesium help me immensely.

I would caution that high doses are not necessarily good for you. Consultation with a naturopathic doctor would be a great first step.

Once again with the "caution" from people. There are no studies that indictate that doses below at or below 10,000 iu vitamin D daily are going to hurt you. You know you can get 10,000 IU tablets at many stores right?? Directions??? Once a day. (also include vitamin K2 I forgot to add.) I'm really sick of seeing all this CAUTION CAUTION with vitamins and mienrals but very little caution about the doctors literally throwing these pills at people, that they don't even know the full effects of. I'm serious, they don't understand them really themselves. I stopped my zoloft...you know what I got? Brain zaps...not fun. I go a few days without taking vitamin D. Know what happens? Nothing -__- We are in a sorry sorry state if we are fooled into believing we should be more cautious about vitamins and minerals, nature's life enhancers, than of patented drugs that pharmaceuticals doctors get paid to push on us. The fact that I share my story over and over again, and very few are outraged about how we, including doctors, are being deceived and manipulated by big pharama is letting them continue to get away with it. I see stories about how people have been on their meds for years and are still suffering. If these meds are supposed to work, why are these people still suffering? It might provide them temporary relief, but your body needs vitamin D, it doesn't know what is or need xanax in most situations.

I'm going to have to go and find these damn peer reviewed studies that I know are there I just haven't pulled out yet to help make my case, and I'm also going to have to find credible sources to explain what I'm talking about with big pharma, because frankly butting heads with people who haven't even tried what I recommend and think natural cures are hippie dippie, voodoo garbage (it's been known for centuries that vitamin D is essential for body function) is getting tiresome.

06-19-2015, 03:48 PM
Once again with the "caution" from people. There are no studies that indictate that doses below at or below 10,000 iu vitamin D daily are going to hurt you. You know you can get 10,000 IU tablets at many stores right?? Directions??? Once a day. (also include vitamin K2 I forgot to add.) I'm really sick of seeing all this CAUTION CAUTION with vitamins and mienrals but very little caution about the doctors literally throwing these pills at people, that they don't even know the full effects of. I'm serious, they don't understand them really themselves. I stopped my zoloft...you know what I got? Brain zaps...not fun. I go a few days without taking vitamin D. Know what happens? Nothing -__- We are in a sorry sorry state if we are fooled into believing we should be more cautious about vitamins and minerals, nature's life enhancers, than of patented drugs that pharmaceuticals doctors get paid to push on us. The fact that I share my story over and over again, and very few are outraged about how we, including doctors, are being deceived and manipulated by big pharama is letting them continue to get away with it. I see stories about how people have been on their meds for years and are still suffering. If these meds are supposed to work, why are these people still suffering? It might provide them temporary relief, but your body needs vitamin D, it doesn't know what is or need xanax in most situations.

Any time you want to get off your soap box is fine with me.

This is just a question of being responsible to people here in the forum who are desperate for help. What helped you may not necessarily help someone else. They may have other medical conditions to which a vitamin and mineral cocktail could be harmful. Hence the need for caution.

06-19-2015, 03:55 PM
Any time you want to get off your soap box is fine with me.

This is just a question of being responsible to people here in the forum who are desperate for help. What helped you may not necessarily help someone else. They may have other medical conditions to which a vitamin and mineral cocktail could be harmful. Hence the need for caution.

I won't get off my "soap box" because unlike many here I have found something that WORKS. I'm not going to remain quiet about it, and I'm pretty passionate about what I have found.

What helped you may not necessarily help someone else

I never said it would. But I know there is a damn good chance and hell I'd even bet people money on it. I have friends literally coming to me and asking for help with their depression and fatigue, and I tell them the same thing. In fact, let me go check with my friend who I told to take the vitamin D and magnesium, see how he is doing. Medical conditions and vitamin D being harmful you say? In some rare instances, maybe, but even then your body needs vitamin D. I'm not really sure what you are trying to get at. 10,000 Iu a day is plenty safe and you shouldn't worry unless your levels are high. The only thing I know is that some people have trouble absorbing it pill form, and therefore they should take a shot or liquid form.

Ya'll are making it all the more tempting to be shooting up the credibility. Will take hours, but I will get on it. I can't stand to see someone go through what I did and yet people make them second guess themselves when I show something they should try.

06-19-2015, 04:48 PM
First of all "Confusedpanic" I could be your grandma I am that old, and I speak 5 languages so before you attack me think please. You wrong VD does not cure anxiety nothing does. No VD3 or magnesium, magnesium will help a bit with your tense muscles and it is about it. Many people can not even take magnesium due being on other meds, can not be taken with Gabapentin:)
I would strongly advice you not to visit Mc Donalds and stop drinking Coca Cola, start eating healthy food, use probiotics and a lot of veggies and fruit.
We all should take VD3 due our avoiding the sun, it is not safe anymore. Up to 8 IU is safe (vd) but not more. Supplements are absorbed by body in around 40% the rest is just out of body in form of poop ;))
We are not giving medical advice to people here, we can only share our stories. We must use common sense when we deal with any supplements, not to do harm to the body. Your body knows very well what you need. It would be nice to listen it, and some meditation would help too. The last one is completely safe and does not cost any money and it works, it does for me for maybe last 20 years.
I will edit and correct the post when I get home :)

06-19-2015, 04:58 PM
Vitamin D3... amazing vitamin. I remember going about 3 years without sunlight when I worked nights, swore I was low in it, wasn't really. The body is amazingly hard to predict. I actually tried to self treat. I thought, I must be so low, let's just neck these supplements. I took around 40,000 iu some days. Sadly I died in the winter of 2011... No, seriously, nothing happened. A few days after deciding to do that my doctor told me he wanted to send me for some bloods, just to check a throat infection. I asked him to check my D3 too. The numbers I had in my mind were just so off. But it was great to know. I knew exactly how to get into optimal range (which is higher than the 50 ng by the way).

To anyone reading this, sure, vitamin D supps can be helpful, but know your levels first. Know where you need to get to, if you need to get anywhere at all. Seriously, confusedpanic makes a great point about the usefulness of D. THIRTY PERCENT of Americans are deficient. You know what deficiency symptoms are... yeah... hi anxiety.

If anybody is thinking about D supps, go get your doctor to take a quick blood sample. Not cos you'll die if you take a vitamin pill, but because being in optimal range is so so so so important. Like me, you'll probably mess up if you try to guess.

06-19-2015, 05:28 PM
Thank you Jesse, well said.

06-19-2015, 05:59 PM
What the heck I corrected and edited the post and I screwed it:(( it disappeared on me............I have no energy to correct it:(
Yes Jesse makes a good point. Know your levels then take something.
Panic confused has a lot of good points and I agree with some. Doctors mostly give you a prescription not even considering the side effects of medication. Thank to Mr. Ponder I had not fill up the prescription on Seroquel. It is not good for people like me. After reading a lot of horror stories I had not buy it. Now how will I explain to the doc. They tend to get upset , like we belong to them not the other way around...........

06-19-2015, 07:54 PM
First of all "Confusedpanic"
I would strongly advice you not to visit Mc Donalds and stop drinking Coca Cola, start eating healthy food, use probiotics and a lot of veggies and fruit.
We all should take VD3 due our avoiding the sun, it is not safe anymore. Up to 8 IU is safe (vd) but not more. Supplements are absorbed by body in around 40% the rest is just out of body in form of poop ;))

I have not visited mcdonalds in over 5 years, I don't drink soda and am 100% vegan. I was on probiotics for a yeast infection at one point. So none of that is really relevant. Up to 8 iu vitamin d? Are you kidding. That's absolutely nothing. It is generally suggested by health websites that adults get at least 1000iu. Serious, you can google it right now. No one here has to try what I suggest, but I strongly recommend it if nothing else is working and people want to try alternative remedies. Nowhere did I also tell people NOT to get their levels first. You seem to be skewing what I have said. I strongly disagree that vitamin D does not cure depression. It's what I was taking, high doses for 3 months, and gradually each month I felt better and better. I would not be where I am today without it. I know that.

06-19-2015, 08:03 PM
I try to eat well most of the time but I have no idea how someone stays away from McDonalds for 5 years

It is so bad it's so good

There is some girl that used to be here who's husband is some big vegan guy that does you tube videos about it

I think his name is Earl

06-19-2015, 09:26 PM
heheeeeeeeeeeeee Nixon I had been to Mc. Donalds twice in the last 23 years, the food is really stinky and bad quality:))
CP I was trying to edit the post and it was gone. I had not intention of insulting you in any way. Dr. Google is not good doctor, dr google is causing whole communities of people get sick, sicker......
Do u have any idea how much VD I had in the last 50 years? It is placebo effect. It only help when someone is very low on it. Eating right , taking good care of body and being low, it means that something is blocking the absorption of VD
Do not jump to conclusion that I do not recommend alternative remedies; I am a herbalist and I do believe in herbs power. Nixon be quiet:))
that's the most helping tool, and a lot of different herbs, visualizations, relaxation, yoga, exercise .......... I usually recommend the lemon balm, valerian root or passion flower tea. There is a lot of ways to get some relieve. Probiotic I had in mind ; natural probiotic not the highly processed yogurt and definitely not supplement. Home made Kefir contains around 55 strains of living probiotic bacteria. I got rid of candida with it. It is worth to try especially when you get repeated yeast infection.
I am trying to tell you that I do not put money in supps makers and I am not going to do. In my age I have fantastic levels of micro elements and vitamins. Healthy, food made from scratch, home baked bread, my own super organic veggies. It works , but it takes a lot of time and energy....
Everyone of us is different and different things help or make us believe that they help, which actually helps. Sound weird , does it not? My writing style is not the best :(

I am very happy it helps you, though:)

06-19-2015, 09:33 PM
Dahila - I'm coming to Canada to take you to McDonalds

Then we are going to a bar, getting hammered and driving around drunk outrunning the Mounties as they try to slow us down

They can't slow us down!

06-19-2015, 09:36 PM
I am on the same boat as you, I have been battling anxiety and panic attacks since I was about 14, so almost 10 years! Sometimes I think it would be best to just give up and die but I know its not the correct answer. It has been almost a month since my last panic attack and I used to have them almost every day!

There are a few exercises you can use to help control the panic and anxiety, they have helped out tremendously for me. They do not cure you by any means but it does help.

Take a look at anxiousreview . com

its a good read :) hope I was helpful and remember that you are not alone.

06-19-2015, 09:41 PM
Nixon I make the extracts with Sobieski vodka:)) the top Polish vodka, I am shooting it every night:)) With you I would go even to hell , so let's do it Nixon!!!

Medical conditions and vitamin D being harmful you say? In some rare instances, maybe, but even then your body needs vitamin D. I'm not really sure what you are trying to get at. 10,000 Iu a day is plenty safe and you shouldn't worry unless your levels are high.
I had not say the VD will kill you , but magnesium is not recommended with a lot of medication, because it lowers the absorption of it. I know I do not write in perfect English but 99% of people understand me perfectly. If I had a dollar for each panic attack I had , I would be rich:)

06-19-2015, 09:41 PM
Is Anxiousreview book free or does it cost?

06-19-2015, 09:44 PM
Nixon I make the extracts with Sobieski vodka:)) the top Polish vodka, I am shooting it every night:)) With you I would go even to hell , so let's do it Nixon!!!

You making vodka doesn't surprise me. You're quite resourceful

Once we drink too much, perhaps you can show me around your garden and we can have a bath soap battle

06-19-2015, 09:49 PM
it is a blog, by the way I cured my Reflux disease drinking home made Kefir for a few months. I cured my hubby reflux disease too :)) The blog is nicely written but you need to put some work in the graphics on it:) Good luck MoreOrless

06-19-2015, 09:51 PM
You making vodka doesn't surprise me. You're quite resourceful

Once we drink too much, perhaps you can show me around your garden and we can have a bath soap battle
absolutely we drink vodka, munch on lemon balm and take a shower with buttermilk and Rose Kaolin soap:)))

soap battle; there is enough of it that's for sure ;))

06-20-2015, 03:27 AM
Dahila also makes amazing salve for aches and pains. I was lucky enough to get a sample from her and it works and lasts forever!

Not at all surprised about the vodka, but it's gonna take a lot for me to give up my Stoli. Sorry Dahila, I do have a polish background on my mothers side but for some reason I am partial to Russian vodka.

Hear you about the magnesium, that was my latest big research. It's amazing stuff. I do agree that it isn't right for everyone, with drug interactions etc. I prefer to use it transdermally. I was amazed when we went for husbands first chemo session, the first thing he gets is fluids and magnesium.

I do feel heaps better when I use it a couple of times a day.

06-20-2015, 06:37 AM
NTGW I had used it in the past, I had tried everything I could think , I had not notice the difference but you know, everyone is different. Thank you for the compliment. You know it is easier to say what I do not make :))
Vodka is a major liquid used in my extracts. Stolicznaja is good , especially the lemon one. I have Lemon balm extract almost ready for the second part of process and next is going to be mint extract, first for insomnia and helps a lot. the second for problems with digestive system. I missed May with the pine ready to pick up and make a cough syrop , but next time. I use the salve and this is the only thing helping for my Meralgia Paresthetica, which is caused of course by pressure on my nerves beside the spine, I hate my disks and the disease. I am going through the same as you do with the pain. New mattress is miraculous though. :)

06-20-2015, 06:54 AM
I read somewhere that having a snack next your bed then eating it as soon as your wake up helps! Something to do with blood pressure blah blah blah...I tried it this morning and I found that my anxiety actually decreased a lot quicker than yesterday as day went on!! It might be a coincidence but I don't care, I'm just happy my mind isnt racing right now. Thanks for all the reply guys! :)

06-20-2015, 07:03 AM
Danni, if you plan to keep a convenience store on your bedside nightstand, choose to chomp on protein based foods.

Carb based food spikes your sugar levels a bit too much for the morning

06-20-2015, 07:14 AM
Dahila - I'm coming to Canada to take you to McDonalds

Then we are going to a bar, getting hammered and driving around drunk outrunning the Mounties as they try to slow us down

They can't slow us down!

I gotta get in on this road trip

06-20-2015, 10:00 AM
I gotta get in on this road trip

Well, we found the van, Jesse has it! Road trip to Canada for the boys!!! Not sure how many Mounties we'll find but might just run into a polar bear or two!!

06-20-2015, 11:01 AM
Yeah I'll try that, thank you!

06-20-2015, 03:27 PM
My dear friends we just had seen the property we would like to buy, 3.8 acre and beautiful old house:))) lot of space and no One will bother us, the nearest neighbor 200 meters , It is like a dream:))

06-20-2015, 03:30 PM
Hey D, you thinking about moving? 3.8 acre's is a lot of planting and gardening. Sounds like something you would love.

06-20-2015, 03:30 PM
I read somewhere that having a snack next your bed then eating it as soon as your wake up helps! Something to do with blood pressure blah blah blah...I tried it this morning and I found that my anxiety actually decreased a lot quicker than yesterday as day went on!! It might be a coincidence but I don't care, I'm just happy my mind isnt racing right now. Thanks for all the reply guys! :)
Danni welcome to the forum, and yes eating something and getting up slowly helps you with the dizziness and low blood sugar:))

06-20-2015, 03:31 PM
Hey D, you thinking about moving? 3.8 acre's is a lot of planting and gardening. Sounds like something you would love.

yes and a lot of old trees even the 15 years old or so Oak, I love oaks, We will see how it works:))

06-20-2015, 03:39 PM
Sounds great , keep me informed. Sounds like something you would really like

06-20-2015, 09:37 PM
Sounds great , keep me informed. Sounds like something you would really like
I will but I put wrong number it is 1.8 acre. I would need a dog , 8 km to my work, We will see what happens next

06-21-2015, 03:16 AM
I will but I put wrong number it is 1.8 acre. I would need a dog , 8 km to my work, We will see what happens next

Sounds great Dahila! Keep us posted. I hope it works out for you.

06-21-2015, 04:38 PM
Maybe we had jumped the horse, too early.............will keep you guys posted

06-22-2015, 08:05 AM
Vitamin D and magnesium help me immensely.

I would caution that high doses are not necessarily good for you. Consultation with a naturopathic doctor would be a great first step.

What dosage do you recommend for both? How much did you take to feel better?

06-22-2015, 08:55 AM
What dosage do you recommend for both? How much did you take to feel better?


I'm going to gracefully bow out of this one, rather than ignite yet another bonfire of differing opinions.

I started slow with both supplements, but I definitely found the magnesium more helpful to me. You could look up transdermal magnesium or " natural calm" ( which is a water soluble form of magnesium). I use both forms of it.

Don't go by what I say or anyone else says in terms of amounts, do some research and decide for yourself. Either way both supplements are really helpful.

Best of luck!

06-22-2015, 09:08 AM
Do you have anxiety because you lack certain nutrients?


Do you lack certain nutrients because you have anxiety?


Is the deficiency reflected in your blood tests?


Do the blood tests cause the deficiency?

Left alone the body chemistry goes up and down. Without the need to look specifically (for some measurable sign of) ill-health.

You must accept the belief that the body follows a chromosome imprinted blueprint for optimum human health. Up or down it will always return to that state unless it sustains severe damage. But it is also dealing with the mental barrage of unclear (faulty beliefs) communication from the psyche.

The body which follows this strict instruction set of optimum health is therefor incapable of thinking itself into dire disease or chronic imbalanced chemical systems.

The cells have 'brains' and a consciousness that function according to 'inner knowing'. But since your cells are temporarily part of your bodies, they trust your ability to 'think aright' and there for react to false messages.

Another words the cells trust your judgment of 3D reality. Recreating more (physically speaking) of your dominant thoughts. A 'sick' body is a reflection of 'sick' thoughts and meant to be therapeutic in that the psyche can find it's way back to health through examination of the undesirable conditions.


If none of this works for you (any reader), there's always:

"Shit happens"