View Full Version : Just an update

06-17-2015, 07:53 AM
My best friend got married this weekend. I am very happy for the both of them, I think my doubts I had were just fear of loosing my buddy, as the songs says little boys grow up to be men. But I know our friendship will will continue despite his marriage. I was a big part of the wedding..even had to do the music for wedding. I kept screwing up during rehearsal...I woke up several times the night before the wedding worried something would go wrong and then go straight back to sleep so no real anxiety attacks!!!. It all turned out great, and I learned something, if I ever get married I'm eloping. LOL

06-17-2015, 08:59 AM
My best friend got married this weekend. I am very happy for the both of them, I think my doubts I had were just fear of loosing my buddy, as the songs says little boys grow up to be men. But I know our friendship will will continue despite his marriage. I was a big part of the wedding..even had to do the music for wedding. I kept screwing up during rehearsal...I woke up several times the night before the wedding worried something would go wrong and then go straight back to sleep so no real anxiety attacks!!!. It all turned out great, and I learned something, if I ever get married I'm eloping. LOL

I'm glad overall you had a good experience! That right there is a sign you aren't letting the anxiety control you.

Marriage does change friendships, I know from personal experience. But when they are truly your best friend(and he sounds like he is) they will ALWAYS make time for you. I still see my bestie a couple times a week. :)