View Full Version : It woke me up this time

06-17-2015, 04:33 AM
Hello all, it's been quite a while since I've posted here. I've been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks for 10 years now. I've been on meds for most of that time. My anxieties center around heart related symptoms. I had some cardiac tests done back when my anxiety first started and everything was clear, but my saga continues. Just about a half hour ago, I woke up in a panic attack. What a horrible feeling! I'm posting because it's very early here and no one is awake to talk to. I'm so tired of living with anxiety. I want to live my life! I have 2 beautiful daughters so I'm trying to get my health I order, so I can be around for a long time to see them grow old. I had recently scheduled another appointment with a cardiologist in 2 days. I'm hoping if I can get the all clear and good from him that it will let me move past my fears. Since developing anxiety, I have gained a lot of weight. I feel like the major contributing factor to this is because anytime I start to exercise, I feel like I'm having a heart attack, so I don't do it anymore out of fear.

Thanks for listening and I hope everyone is doing well.

06-17-2015, 07:29 AM
Wow - two heart anxieties already this morning

That is 2 too many

I just posted this to someone else and it may be helpful.


The question always remains, how many times will you go through the same symptoms, react the same way, go to the doctor and get a clean bill of health before you will finally believe what they are saying?

For everyone the number of times is different. Believe this time

Don't waste time away from your little ones fighting something that you can't even see

Today become a victor instead of a victim

Its already in you, just let it come out

06-17-2015, 11:15 AM
Hi zksmom - Just saw your post and wanted to send you a cyberhug. Hope you were able to get some sleep. I'm glad you're seeking good medical care and pray that you will find peace and wholeness in body, mind, and spirit.

With care,

Grammie to 2 precious girls

06-17-2015, 08:43 PM
Thanks for the support and advice! I was able to calm down rather quickly after I posted this morning. I took a Xanax and slathered myself with Stress Away (it's an essential oil from Young Living that I never go anywhere without. Works great!) Anyway, I'm feeling positive about being able to move forward after I get some tests run from the cardiologist. I feel like if he tells me that my heart is fine, I'll be able to get through this.

I know my anxieties are truly about the fear of dying. I just don't want to leave this world anytime soon. The thought of that itself causes me anxiety. Like I said, I want to be around for a very long time with my girls.

Thanks again for listening. I hope everyone is well!

06-17-2015, 09:07 PM
I think the fear of death, or mulling about on the subject of one's own mortality can quickly turn from healthy introspection to all out fear. It's been my experience that the more I felt responsible for, the worse I feared my own demise.
Waking up to anxiety sucks. I have been fortunate enough to have only experienced this once, but I still pretty regularly jolt a bit as I am falling asleep. My guard is down and that "what if I don't wake up" thought surfaces. I have learned to cut this train of thought off at the pass, instead redirecting my thoughts to something immediately pressing yet positive like a new project.

06-19-2015, 03:19 PM
I've been woken up from panic attacks. I know it's not fun. Let me ask you. You have been on meds for 10 years, meds that are supposed to help you with anxiety, and they haven't fixed the problem have they? That's because they likely won't. They can treat symptoms but they won't fix the underlying problem.

First for me was the headaches, then the acid reflux, then the dizzy and worse headaches, then panic attacks and heart racing feelings. I was too afraid to even leave my room. Here is what I will say, and I've said it to others before. I'm a firm believer in that if there is something wrong with us physically or mentally, while there is a chance it's a real mental ilness, there is also a good chance it is from a vitamin/mineral deficiency. I was extremely low on vitamin D. I didn't know that this was the problem, and even when coming to the doctor with depressive feelings and murmurs in my chest, she didn't think it was due to vitamin D, she just said I should work on getting it up with a multivitamin. I did that, nothing was happening, things only ended up getting worse and worse to the point where I had to go to another doctor to get zoloft and xanax. While that was a temporary solution, it wasn't curing my problem. It didn't make any sense to me at all. But I eventually came across people who had their anxiety and panic attacks, and phyiscal ailments cured with vitamin D. And that's when I knew this would be my ticket out of this hell hole. The previous doctor had recommended that I just take a general multivitamin. Unfortunately I learned that that dosage is usually not enough to cure deficiency. I started taking 10,000 Iu vitamin +300 mg magnesium for 3 months, and after a month I was already feeling the difference. I HIGHLY recommend you ask a doctor to do a vitamin D test. I have a good feeling yours is pretty low, and it's crazy that doctors nowadays don't consider the importance of vitamins and minerals and would rather just push pills on you that they get paid from big pharma to. Get that checked immediately and if it's determined to be low, I recommend exactly doing what I said everyday for 3 months. b12 deficiency is also something to make sure they check for as well. At three months of self treatment, I no longer felt depressed or had panic attacks. Once in a blue moon I might have a slight recurrence but nothing like I did at my darkest time.

06-27-2015, 05:45 PM
Hi everyone. So I saw a cardiologist and he said my ekg was normal and my heart sounded good. I told him about my anxiety and also that I wanted to start working out and getting my life together. He scheduled me for a stress test that I had on Friday. The nurse and nurse practitioner that were administering the test said nothing jumped out at them as abnormal, except my heart rate being high. They said it could just be from being deconditioned. I have to wait up to a week for the results from the dr now. My heart rate is always high. When I went for my first appt, it was 120. I'm overweight and out of shape, so I'm hoping that can be fixed.

I am going to look into getting my vitamin levels checked out. I do believe a lot of things in life can be reversed with vitamins, minerals and essential oils. Thank you for the advice!

06-30-2015, 07:56 PM
Thats pretty rough I hope everything works out. I would hate for those to get worse.