View Full Version : Heart related panic attacks

06-17-2015, 07:19 AM
AH, a day in the life, er...well a week in the life of heart anxiety. That's my specialty!

That was a good read. Interesting to basically see a week of my life years ago

You handled things well and got assurance, then reassurance about your heart being healthy and it is anxiety causing symptoms that mimic heart problems. You learned quickly. Unfortunately there are many who continue to doubt what many doctors have assured them of and continue to believe they must have missed something

So well done! You have realized early on how to dismiss the thoughts that fester and can lead to panic

Just a few words of advice -

You have beat down heart anxiety and that is awesome. But anxiety doesn't play by the rules. When you overcome one type of anxiety, it tries to infiltrate your mind again but this time, something completely different. Be aware that your anxiety make try and creep in somewhere else in your mind and recognize it so you can dismiss it away like you are doing now with the heart anxiety

It is still important to understand why you are becoming anxious. Meaning the deeper reason. Not because your heart or something similar acted a bit strange

The way to slay all of the things that tend to scare you is to treat the anxiety, not treat the symptoms of what anxiety is causing

I am looking forward to seeing your progression

06-17-2015, 07:04 PM
Thank you for your reply NixonRulz, it really does help to know someone else went through your feelings/experiences.

I must say that until this panic attack I really underestimated how much power our nerves have over us, I am still recovering from the sheer exhaustion I've accumulated over the fist 2-3 days; lack of sleep, lack of food, lack of everything really hit me hard.

I will take your advice in seeking out the root of the problem, I guess it may be time for some self-analysis :)

PS: I'll update my first post if I find anything useful.