View Full Version : Headcrush ....

06-16-2015, 01:09 PM
Soooo .... it seems I'm going through another bout of panic/anxiety - even though I know it'll finally drift away towards the end of the week, its no help right now.
I've found that after an entire day of battling with the panic I end up with what i call a 'headcrush'. It just feels like my head is being compressed by something real tight.
Maybe on a spiritual level I'm sucking all the energy in towards myself ... i don't know.
I've found that the panic attacks & general anxiety become almost like a habit - or habitual thought, and it almost takes a few days to 'unlearn' the thinking pattern and return to normal again. And you know its getting bad when it starts to filter into your dreams right.
Anyway, enough unloading, it'll all be good in a day or so.

Bridget Goddard
06-16-2015, 07:11 PM
I guess one of the difficult things about anxiety is knowing that your thought process is irrational but feeling terrible just the same. Ultimately we all hope to find something that will break the cycle. I know I sure as hell can't wait until I feel like I have a seriously effective solution. In the mean time we just have to keep going. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

06-16-2015, 07:59 PM
Hey there,

I noticed you say "battling with the panic". I do know exactly what you mean by that but are you in a situation (ie. you can take some time to yourself) where you can just give in to it? Or do you have to keep it together all the time?

Panic/anxiety is nothing more than chemicals and a hyped up nervous system. It feels like you're dying/going crazy but you aren't.

Gypsy x