View Full Version : Questioning reality

06-14-2015, 12:08 PM
Hello guys,

a month ago I’ve tried to smoke some pot for the first time, which had no effect on me (I really just tried, and I wasn’t feeling different at all).

The day after I kind of start having regrets and feeling paranoid about it. I start questioning reality for no reason, and now I can’t stop. I don’t think I’m experiencing depersonalisation/derealisation, because everything around me feels real, I recognise myself in the mirror and so on (sometimes I feel like being in a bubble, but only when I start to be very anxious about this thing, so I guess it's just anxiety). But for some reason I have this intrusive thought that something has changed.

I know I’m being paranoid and that everything is fine, but I’ve started to getting anxious about this thing, and now I can’t stop thinking about it.

Can someone of you guys give me an advice on how overcome this?

Thank you!

06-14-2015, 04:34 PM
Hey, David

Seems quite a few people get introduced to anxiety after smoking weed.

I can't tell you why you have the association of questioning reality and smoking pot. It seems that people that are heading towards anxiety find their own trigger at some point and apparently you have found yours.

You are obsessing but I am not convinced smoking weed a day or two ago chemically changed anything in you to lead you to where your thoughts are

06-14-2015, 09:27 PM
Hi David :)

Yeah I'm with Nixon. If the weed had've chemically altered anything you would definitely have known about it at the time you smoked it. You need to smoke more than a joint or two to have some kind of weird episode. I don't doubt you're feeling weird and anxious, but it's the anxiety causing the weirdness not the weed.

Gypsy x

06-16-2015, 05:35 AM
Thanks, guys. Your answers helped a lot.

I have to say that, in this last couple of days, I've started to feel a little bit better everyday.

I'm sure that I could've question reality in the same way I'm doing now even before all this happened, with the only difference that now I've found an excuse to do so.

Do you guys think I should just relax and let this intrusive thought go away on its own?

06-16-2015, 05:47 AM
If you stop treating those thoughts as reality or a possible reality, you won't have to do anything. They will just stop