View Full Version : is this anxiety or something else?

06-12-2015, 07:41 PM
For almost a year, I have been experiencing weird stuff with my body. It all started back in June when my mother passed. I started to experience twitching 2 days after she died. In July, I was sleeping and I started to experience stomach pain and all of a sudden, I couldn't breathe. I was restless. I had acid reflux for 2 weeks. In August I started to experience jerking, twitching, headaches, and pen and needles sensation all through out my body and heart flutters for months. I started to have headaches and funny sensation in my top abdomen in January. I have a sore spot in my back of my head and I started to have double vision in my eyes. I had that checked and it was an agtismastism. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm going crazy.

06-12-2015, 08:24 PM
My fist suggestion would be to go and have a complete physical exam with your doctor just to make sure nothing is going on.

Secondly, have a look at, if you already have not done so, the sticky post called "anxiety symptoms-the list" . You may be surprised at what you find.

We are here to help and offer suggestions where we can. Ask away!

I wish you all the best.