View Full Version : Hair loss?

06-12-2015, 12:51 PM
Like I need anything else to stress about (lol) but I'm noticing my hair falling out a lot these days. More at the ends then at the top but it's definitely thinner... and my hair is my thing :( It's naturally 80s, hehe

I also went blonder than normal for the summer 2 weeks ago but my hair naturally stands up to the many things I do to it... so I don't want to be quick to jump on the anxiety train. I also read something like my hair wouldn't fall out _this_ quickly if it were anxiety but... thoughts (if everything else is healthy)?

06-12-2015, 01:02 PM
Edit: cos she's a girl!!

06-12-2015, 01:14 PM
heh... I'm 32. Was born with a full head of hair and it's been big ever since :)

06-12-2015, 03:13 PM
Hi manduwok,

Just curious, has your diet changed recently? Sometimes when we aren't eating a balanced diet our hair becomes unhappy. Just a thought.

It may just be as simple as Jesse said, men + over thirty occasionally = thinning hair. Please don't sweat about it, your hair certainly doesn't define who you are.


06-12-2015, 03:31 PM
Hi manduwok,

Just curious, has your diet changed recently? Sometimes when we aren't eating a balanced diet our hair becomes unhappy. Just a thought.

It may just be as simple as Jesse said, men + over thirty occasionally = thinning hair. Please don't sweat about it, your hair certainly doesn't define who you are.


I'm a female :) diet hasn't changed much, maybe a little more salt than normal but I drink a LOT of water.

06-12-2015, 03:34 PM
Hey there! I have naturally thick + curly hair, and I shed ALL THE TIME. I really feel like I should be bald.. but the thickness of my hair never actually changes It's pretty crazy.

Is this something you JUST noticed but maybe has been going on, and you are suddenly nervous about? Or are you certain it's thinning your hair?

06-12-2015, 03:35 PM
I'm a female :) diet hasn't changed much, maybe a little more salt than normal but I drink a LOT of water.

Yeah, you probably shouldn't be thinning. Sorry, thought you were a guy. Not sure why. :)

Have you had a blood test lately? Did it specifically test for vitamin B12 levels? Stress can deplete these levels and being low can cause problems with the hair.

06-12-2015, 03:39 PM
My apologies too for the gender gaff. Thanks Jesse, last time I follow your lead, lol.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much, what we as women do to our hair can upset the balance. Hair growth and shedding is cyclical in nature, maybe you are just noticing it more than before.

06-12-2015, 03:56 PM
My apologies too for the gender gaff. Thanks Jesse, last time I follow your lead, lol.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much, what we as women do to our hair can upset the balance. Hair growth and shedding is cyclical in nature, maybe you are just noticing it more than before.

Thanks everyone!! I'm having my GP test basically everything next week. I have thyroid disease too but those levels are stable and have never affected my hair.

I eat a pretty clean diet and take BCAAs fortified with B vitamins and doubt there's a deficiency there...but you never know. :) I've thinned out randomly like this before but I've been so stressed with panic for the past week that I wondered if the thinning was a result of it. I have the random aches and water retention too....didn't have that before 3 straight days of multiple panic attacks.

It's been about 36 hours since my last bona fide attack though :)