View Full Version : Deep Breaths

06-12-2015, 10:29 AM
I'm new to the community - grateful something like this exists for us, really heartwarming to know I'm not alone.

I have a question and I probably know the answer but figured I'd ask it anyway because any one with anxiety knows that if someone else has experienced something similar it lessens (and I say that lightly) the blow a LITTLE bit.

So for the last two weeks I have not been able to take a full complete breath, yawning a lot, gasping for that last bit of breath. This has happened before a couple months ago where my doctor did a cardiac workup (including a nuclear stress test!), chest xray, and pulmonary function test. Everything came back normal, I actually did better than expected on the PFT, so is it possible that my anxiety is causing this? Could I be doing this to myself? I find myself now THINKING about breathing instead of letting it happen naturally, which I know is just making it worse. Has anyone else experienced this and if so, anything that helps? I have been on meds for a while now, just recently had a med increase (after this episode started).

Really appreciate you reading this - thanks for any support.


06-12-2015, 10:32 AM
I get this from time to time. Mine comes from me tensing my back and shoulder muscles. They push against my rib cage which pushes against my lungs. It makes me feel like I will choke if I take a deep breath, and I have choked. Yes, it is likely just anxiety. Could be the same thing that happens to me if you are always tensing up when you are worried or scared.

06-12-2015, 02:45 PM
I think I speak for all anxiety sufferers when I say most of us have experienced this. theres times when I feel like I cant catch my breath at all. have you tried breathing in through your nose deep into your belly then chest and then exhaling through your mouth slowly?

06-13-2015, 04:17 PM
I agree with you, bde, that it is good that a forum like this exists for people like us.

06-13-2015, 04:19 PM
I agree with you, bde, that it is good that a forum like this exists for people like us.

I would like to live in Maine. I think that would reduce my anxiety....