View Full Version : Should I see a psychiatrist???

06-11-2015, 12:28 PM
I had an appointment this morning with my gp for a med check. Only a slight adjustment to my meds was made, thankfully it was one of meds that I take on an "as needed" basis instead of one of the main ones. Anyway he brought up the fact that last time he talked to me about maybe going to a psychiatrist which strangely I don't remember from the last appointment. The last time I saw him a few months ago I was basically an emotional wreck, fairly hopeless and my anxiety was running wild. The last week has been much more normal mood wise but the anxiety is still kicking my ass.

He wasn't really thrilled to hear that prior to my recent stabilization in mood that I'd been in a fairly solid depression for about a month. I know this is going to sound pretty nonchalant but I've experienced worse and for longer periods of time than a month. When you live with these kinds of conditions your perspective is a little different.

Sorry my though train derailed, back on track now. I've been on the same ad (Cymbalta) since September and I've been told my the gp that he can't increase the dosage which is why in December he added an anxiolytic (Buspar). Then in April I was placed on Vistaril (as needed). I'm kind of at a loss of what to do at this point.

I already see a psychologist every other week for therapy which I plan to continue to do until its determined that its no longer necessary. I've been taking advantage of the warmer weather and going outside which is helping my mood (yay for Vitamin D). I try my best to go on walks, do yoga etc to stay active and for stress relief. There's other coping skills I've been using breathing exercises is just one example. Even with all that I'm doing I'm still experiencing some pretty intense anxiety and while I'm good with mood right now I know that its only a matter of time before the depression comes back.

So after all my rambling I guess my question is should I think about going to a psychiatrist? I'm to the point where I feel any gp that could treat me isn't going to have enough knowledge of my conditions and prescriptions to give me appropriate care.

06-11-2015, 02:57 PM
I'm gonna say yes, go see a psychiatrist. They know medicine like what you are taking better than anyone else (or, they should). Just do some google searching for one that has good reviews... and maybe test one or two out to make sure it's a fit. That's my plan for sure.

FWIW, my GP "stuck" me on Cymbalta after my mom passed away due to suicide 7.5 years ago... and it was a terrible drug for me. I wound up weaning off of it all by myself. There may be some meds out there that will work better for you and a good psychiatrist will be able to help with that.

06-11-2015, 06:59 PM
I agree with seeing a psychiatrist. That's their job, prescribe you the right meds. My gp put me on one med & then I went to see a psychiatrist & she immediately switched me. & what she switched me to, saved me. She made a great call!

06-11-2015, 07:55 PM
Yeah just be wary. I've been put on some heavy duty stuff over the years (anti-psychotics, anti-epileptics etc). Mind you GPs have put me on this stuff as well. Just run everything by us!


06-11-2015, 08:31 PM
Yeah just be wary. I've been put on some heavy duty stuff over the years (anti-psychotics, anti-epileptics etc). Mind you GPs have put me on this stuff as well. Just run everything by us!


Gypsy-I will definitely run things by you guys :) I'm not the biggest fan of my gp but thankfully so far he's been really good about what he's prescribed me. He's stuck with antidepressants and anxiolytics and I specifically requested not to be put on benzos.

Manduwok-Only reason I've been on Cymbalta so long is that I had a bad experience with Lexapro last fall. I ended up calling the doctor's office in tears begging to be taken off because I couldn't handle the side effects. My doc needed something to switch me to quickly and since Cymbalta worked well in the past he decided to put me back on it. I've been really fortunate in terms of being on and off meds though. Until last fall I hadn't been on meds for several years. Other ad's I've used in the past are Paxil and Effexor.

Thanks to everyone for your responses :)

06-11-2015, 08:37 PM
I'm not the biggest fan of any GPs or medical professionals ;)