View Full Version : Looking for people who lost weight coming off SSRI's

06-10-2015, 07:03 PM
Hi All,

Has anyone lost weight coming off or reducing their SSRI? I think I need to reduce, cant stand the weight gain.

I do know I need to talk to my doctor and eat healthy.... I just want to hear stories of peoples experience with SSRI changes. : )

Wishing everyone well!

06-10-2015, 07:37 PM
I didn't gain weight on SSRI's.

Eating right, getting sleep and exercise is usually what will do the trick

06-10-2015, 07:45 PM
Hi JustaGal,

Here is what I experienced when I came off Effexor. Absolutely nothing!! The weight didn't come off at all.

That's not to say I haven't lost a ton of weight ( 45 lbs) after I stopped the SNRI. How did I do it?
Basically it was simple, no grains what so ever (pasta, bread, cookies,cakes), very very limited rice, fruits, vegetables, lots of protein, the fattier the better, butter ( yes, the real stuff).

And this is the really important thing.....if it comes in a box, or was made in a factory I don't eat it.

Oh yes, sugar ( the white stuff)...gone! That includes sodas and especially diet soda.

I haven't physically felt this good since my early 20's and I m 50 now.

So just stopping an AD isn't necessarily going to cause you to drop any weight, what you put in your mouth counts!

Good luck!

06-10-2015, 07:51 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot my absolute favourite...... BACON!

Bacon wrapped asparagus
Bacon wrapped chicken tenders
Bacon and eggs
Bacon in salads

Everything is better with bacon! ( in my humble opinion)

06-10-2015, 08:08 PM
I lost 50 pounds! was on paxil for ten years and gained 100 ( Not kidding ) I used to bench press 200+ pounds and weighed 150 now i weigh 200+ and can"t bench 150 It took two years for me to lose that 50 but i did, NOW i quit smoking and its creeping back on. Can't win for losing. 64 days cig free :)

06-10-2015, 08:25 PM
I lost 50 pounds! was on paxil for ten years and gained 100 ( Not kidding ) I used to bench press 200+ pounds and weighed 150 now i weigh 200+ and can"t bench 150 It took two years for me to lose that 50 but i did, NOW i quit smoking and its creeping back on. Can't win for losing. 64 days cig free :)

Amazing John! Congrats on the 64 days.

06-10-2015, 08:28 PM
i still crave them like i quit yesterday Pam. I hope it starts getting easier. Thanks though

06-10-2015, 08:34 PM
I quit years and years ago and I still wanna smoke


But you earned a signature on my profile!

06-10-2015, 08:37 PM
It's an honor

06-10-2015, 09:32 PM
I lost 50 pounds! was on paxil for ten years and gained 100 ( Not kidding ) I used to bench press 200+ pounds and weighed 150 now i weigh 200+ and can"t bench 150 It took two years for me to lose that 50 but i did, NOW i quit smoking and its creeping back on. Can't win for losing. 64 days cig free :)
Even if you gains some the pounds will go off in no more than a year. Congratulation JOhn!!!!

To make you guys feel better, whatever I gained and had never let it go. :((

06-10-2015, 09:38 PM
Thanks for every ones reply! John, that is awesome about being cig free!