View Full Version : Does anyone have hypersensitivity (skin and hair "hurts

08-24-2008, 04:29 PM
I'm just turning 44 and have suffered for the past 17 years from a peripheral hypersensitivity (my skin and hair follicles will hurt all over, so that a light breeze is uncomfortable, and clothing can feel like wearing sandpaper) that occurs when I am anxious about certain things. I have for some years thought this was a chemical sensitivity that might have a psychological component, but the older I get, the more I think that although my hypersensitivity may have started with an over-exposure to some environmental toxins, when I go through periods of pain it is almost always triggered by anxieties stemming from certain personal relationships.

In other words, I can be almost pain free much of the time, but relationship anxieties clearly trigger the pain and it can last for weeks or months.

I've read up about general anxiety disorders and none of the symptoms of GAD fit me. I never have a high heart rate, panic attacks, muscle pain, etc. It's always a peripheral neuropathy/hyperaesthesia.

I've never posted to a public forum about this kind of thing. I'm really hoping to find others who have this condition (not that I wish it on anyone) so that I can start on a path to healing.

Or can anyone suggest a book, articles, etc. that are related to this?

08-24-2008, 07:10 PM
sorry the only time i get this feeling is when i have the flu. maybe you should research what causes this in the flu and you'll find out what your body is doing.