View Full Version : Panic attacks... possibly panic disorder

06-10-2015, 07:48 AM
I'm going to my GP next week for a referral and am new to these forums... but not new to anxiety. I've been getting panic attacks while driving for over a month now and it's getting so bad that I'm fearing the attacks themselves (and definitely fear driving). I know I'm not alone but every day is a constant struggle.

My mom had anxiety/depression issues and ultimately wound up taking her own life 7 years ago... but that's another thread. I had panic attacks as a child as I was very sick stomach-wise and would become afraid of the stomach pain... and have been through thyroid disease (Hashimoto's.... stable on meds), a traumatic back injury, a liver scare due to medicine issues, traumatic eye injury, and hypotension all in the past 3 years as an adult. I'm 32 and female :(

This will get better, right? I'm not going crazy? Part of me wonders if this is my brain trying to find something to worry about because it's simply used to worrying about myself (legitimately) for 3 years straight. Things are finally better and I don't know if my brain knows what to do! Not to mention I'm petrified of being sick like my mother was.

06-10-2015, 09:43 AM
welcome to the forum; please read our stickies

06-10-2015, 09:54 AM
Welcome manduwok,

There are many strategies for dealing with panic, assuming you are in good health, panic attacks will not hurt you, although it feels awful at the time.

Dahila is right, have a look at the stickies and read other people's posts and replies, you might just find something that makes sense to you.


06-11-2015, 01:05 PM
Welcome to the forum Manduwok. You aren't going crazy, sounds like anxiety to me. Like the others said take a look around and peruse the forum. Best of luck to you with your appointment. I hope you find some relief for your anxiety soon.

06-11-2015, 02:33 PM
Thanks, everyone! I may pop in and out as I don't want to 'enable' myself too much this early on... I'm already playing around with brain distraction techniques and am searching for the balance of being aware of my anxiety yet not fixating on it.

Just gotta get through ruling non-anxiety things next week.... though I've been through so much already I can't imagine there being anything else :) My biggest goal is to try to get through this without medicine... though I would make an exception for ativan temporarily as that got me through a lot when my mom first passed away.

Thanks again :)