View Full Version : Physical symptoms manifesting from chronic anxiety and stress?

06-09-2015, 09:52 PM
Lemmie know I'm not alone here. Mine are:

-Bouts of vertigo lasting for days, if not weeks.
-Heart palpitations (skipping of beats, accompanied by feeling like I have to catch my breath at times).
-TMJ issues from constantly clenching my jaw.
-Abdominal muscle cramping from unconsciously tightening up muscles.
-Constantly unconsciously tensing up lower abdominal muscles (left side for some weird reason). As a result, left ball sits unnaturally high and looks odd and out of place until I realize what the hell I'm doing and I relax, at which point it returns to it's normal position. Thought I'd had a hernia when I first discovered this. Was "relieved" to discover it was just another physical manifestation of my crazy brain.
-Back and neck pain due to, once again, unconsciously tensing of muscles.
-Heartburn / acid reflux.

That's all I can think of at the moment. Thus far, I've always had a clean bill of health any time I've had any of this shit checked out. It's ALWAYS been attributed to anxiety. I'm rarely ever actually sick (fever, etc), and I honestly can't remember the last time I puked or had a bout of the runs. Having said that, I feel like shit basically all the time (physically), and the worst part is that I know I'm causing these symptoms with my own mind, but have such a hard time stopping it. Just wondering if anyone else has the same problems.

06-09-2015, 10:32 PM
I have had all of these I have the dizzyness and brain fog ad well. Few months back I figured I had something wrong couldn't eat stomach pain and acid reflux and it was all because of anxiety. The things I have started doing is eating better no fast food or caffeine. My problem is once one thing feels better I worry about another.

06-10-2015, 09:39 AM
http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?1200-Anxiety-Symptoms-The-List This!!!

06-10-2015, 10:42 PM
I have had all of these I have the dizzyness and brain fog ad well. Few months back I figured I had something wrong couldn't eat stomach pain and acid reflux and it was all because of anxiety. The things I have started doing is eating better no fast food or caffeine. My problem is once one thing feels better I worry about another.

Caffeine is a tough one. I usually slam two cups every morning. I like to get the ol' morning constitutional out of the way, if ya know what I mean. Nothing's worse than having to cheat on my own comfortable porcelain throne (complete with integral bidet) with a filthy, common public excuse for a commode later in the day that's surely laden with enough DNA to grow a small European country on a microscope slide, if that were even scientifically possible in the first place. No, the problem with morning coffee is that I feel like shit for about 3 hours after drinking it, but I just can't seem to let it go due to the other benefit it provides me. Guess I'll just have to endure.

06-11-2015, 12:59 PM
Just wanted to throw in my two cents. I actually just talked to my doctor about the TMJ thing today. I've had TMJ for quite some time and also grind my teeth. My doctor told me its anxiety related (like you heard from yours). I've talked to both my dentist and gp about it now and they've just told me to get a mouth guard. Good to know I'm not the only one struggling with this.
I also frequently have neck pain and pain in my upper back.

06-14-2015, 12:48 PM
Just wanted to throw in my two cents. I actually just talked to my doctor about the TMJ thing today. I've had TMJ for quite some time and also grind my teeth. My doctor told me its anxiety related (like you heard from yours). I've talked to both my dentist and gp about it now and they've just told me to get a mouth guard. Good to know I'm not the only one struggling with this.
I also frequently have neck pain and pain in my upper back.

I used to use one of those. Now my jaw just cracks and pops like a joint. It's on the left side. Every few years or so I have a flare up that requires a dose of muscle relaxers and some prescription Alieve for a day or so.